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Bellwork: Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork: Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork: Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition
Tuesday, August 22, 2017 Bellwork: Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition Monday Meeting 8/21 in Comp Notebook - page What was the best thing that happened over the weekend? What was the worst thing that happened over the weekend? If you could redo this weekend, what would you do differently? Did you make positive or negative decisions over the weekend? What were the consequences of those decisions? 1

2 Tuesday - Sentence Structure Wednesday - Sentence Structure
Agenda Tuesday - Sentence Structure Wednesday - Sentence Structure Thursday - Relay Race to review Sentence Structure (outside) Friday - Sentence Structure quiz and Free Write Friday

3 Success Criteria I can identify and create simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences in order to write with variety. 3

4 Sentence Structure Simple Compound Complex Compound-Complex 4

5 Write in your notes what is in highlighted in red

6 Basic Elements of Every Sentence

7 Basic Elements SUBJECT PREDICATE Mary plays tennis. 7

8 Simple Sentence

9 Simple Sentence A simple sentence has one subject and one predicate.

10 Simple Sentence Example: We went to San Juan yesterday.
Observe how a simple sentence is constructed: Example: We went to San Juan yesterday.

11 Simple Sentence We went to San Juan . Pronoun Verb Simple subject
Prepositional phrase We went to San Juan . Simple subject Complete predicate

one subject one predicate

13 Simple Sentence Tom and Mary play tennis. Compound Subject & 13

14 Simple Sentence play tennis and swim. Tom and Mary
Compound Subject Compound Predicate & &

15 SIMPLE SENTENCE with compound subject
Tom and Mary play tennis.

16 SIMPLE SENTENCE with compound subject and compound predicate
Tom and Mary play tennis and swim. 16

17 Compound Sentence

18 Compound Sentence A compound sentence has two sentences joined together (independent clauses) and are connected by conjunctions (FANBOYS), conjunctive adverbs, or a semicolon.

19 Compound Sentence We went to San Juan, and
most of us danced all night.

20 Compound Sentence We went to San Juan,
Subject Verb Prepositional phrase We went to San Juan, Predicate Coordinating Conjunction and most of us danced all night . Subject Modifying phrase Verb

21 Compound Sentence Use of Coordinating Conjunctions

22 Compound Sentence Tom swims, and Mary plays tennis. 22


Tom swims, and Mary plays tennis. Clause Clause 2 Independent Independent 24

Tom swims, and Mary plays tennis. Comma before “and” in compound sentences!


Example: Bob is handsome; moreover, he is rich. Clause Clause 2 Independent Independent 27

28 Bob is handsome; moreover, he is rich.
Note: Semicolon before conjunctive adverb and comma after conjunctive adverb! 28

29 Bob is handsome; moreover, he is rich.
Bob is handsome; he is, moreover, rich. Bob is handsome; he is rich, moreover. 29

Tom has benefited from his exercise program; he is slim and energetic. 30

31 Complex Sentence

32 Complex Sentence A complex sentence has at least two parts: one that can stand alone and another one that cannot The part that cannot stand alone is linked to the rest of the sentence by a subordinating conjunction

33 Complex Sentence Since my friend and I wanted to have fun,
we went to San Juan yesterday. Comma Rule 5

34 Complex Sentence Since we wanted to have fun,
Subordinating Conjunction Part that cannot stand alone Subject Predicate we went to San Juan yesterday.

35 Complex Sentence SUBJECT PREDICATE even though SUBJECT PREDICATE 35

36 Complex Sentence Bob is popular even though he is ugly. 36

37 If you see these words, it typically means the sentence is complex.
The most common subordinating conjunctions are "after," "although," "as," "because," "before," "how," "if," "once," "since," "than," "that," though," "till," "until," "when," "where," "whether,” and while." 37

38 Bob is popular even though he is ugly.

39 Complex Sentence

40 Compound-Complex Sentence

41 Compound-Complex Sentence
A Compound-Complex sentence has more than one part that can stand alone, and at least one that cannot. Conjunctions link the different parts of this sentence.

42 Compound-Complex Sentence
Since we wanted to have fun, my boyfriend and I went to San Juan yesterday, and we danced all night.

43 Compound-Complex Sentence
Subordinating Conjunction Since we wanted to have fun, Part that cannot stand alone my boyfriend and I went to San Juan, Subject Predicate Coordinating Conjunction and we danced all night.

44 Compound-Complex Sentence
Mike is popular because he is good looking, but he is not very happy.


46 The bell rang. Bridget ran the first part of the race, and Tara biked the second part. He stands at the bottom of the cliff while the climber moves up the rock. The skier turned and jumped.

47 The bell rang. SIMPLE Bridget ran the first part of the race, and Tara biked the second part. COMPOUND He stands at the bottom of the cliff while the climber moves up the rock. COMPOUND The skier turned and jumped. SIMPLE

48 Because Kayla has so much climbing experience , we asked her to lead our group.
You and I need piano lessons. I planned to go to the hockey game, but I couldn’t get tickets. Dorothy likes white water rafting, but she also enjoys kayaking. There are many problems to solve before this program can be used, but engineers believe that they will be able to solve them soon.

49 Because Kayla has so much climbing experience, we asked her to lead our group. COMPLEX
You and I need piano lessons. SIMPLE I planned to go to the hockey game, but I couldn’t get tickets. COMPOUND Dorothy likes white water rafting, but she also enjoys kayaking. COMPOUND There are many problems to solve before this program can be used, but engineers believe that they will be able to solve them soon. COMPOUND COMPLEX

50 3 Facts 1 for SIMPLE 1 for COMPOUND 1 for COMPLEX

51 Sentence Structure Jeopardy

52 Sentence Structure Who Wants to be a Millionaire

53 Exit Assessment - Graded - Simple, Compound, Complex, or Compound-Complex
Vampires Dairies is my favorite television show, but I also love True Blood. The student wiped the white board that was filthy with last week’s notes. The trendy fashion designer released her new line on Wednesday. Trina and Hareem went to a bar in Hollywood to celebrate their anniversary. Wicked Regina cast a spell on the entire city, so the citizens decided to rebel. While waiting for the paint to dry, Angela went to Home Depot, and Martin organized the kitchen appliances. After listening to the Kanye West CD, I have new respect for his music. After the teacher chose groups, John and Sara were selected as partners for a project, yet Sarah did most of the work.

54 Wednesday, August 23, 2017 Collect the sheet from the counter Complete Tuesday and Wednesday

55 Review from Yesterday

56 With your group, come up with four things you learned in my class yesterday.

57 Write them on one sheet of paper for the group.
Have one person from each group some to white board and write one thing

58 Success Criteria I can identify and create simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences in order to write with variety. 58

59 Sentence Structure Activity
1 sheet of paper I will give you a word You will write a simple sentence using that word You will write a compound sentence using that word You will write a complex sentence using that word You will finally write a compound-complex sentence using that word

60 I love to eat ice cream every night.
Example WORD: Ice cream I love to eat ice cream every night. Ice cream is my favorite food, but it is not healthy. Even though I eat ice cream every night, I never get sick of it. When I go out to eat, I love to order ice cream for dessert, and I always get chocolate

61 WORD: Mr. Mitchell Simple - Compound - Complex - Compound-Complex -
Your turn WORD: Mr. Mitchell Simple - Compound - Complex - Compound-Complex -

62 WORD: YouTube Simple - Compound - Complex - Compound-Complex -
Your turn WORD: YouTube Simple - Compound - Complex - Compound-Complex -

63 Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition
We are going to rewrite what we wrote Tuesday You are going to make sure you have simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex sentences You will highlight them according to the key to show you have used all four types

64 Monday Meeting on Tuesday: Eclipse Edition
Simple - 3 Compound - 5 Complex - 5 Compound-complex sentences - 1 Rewrite on a sheet of paper. You will have 5 minutes working with your group, and then you will have 10 minutes working alone.

65 Thursday, August 24, 2017 Bellwork: Complete Thursday
After the Bellwork, we will go outside for the relay Once we are out, you may not come back inside

66 Friday, August 25, 2017 Bellwork: Complete Friday

67 Simple, Compound, Complex, and Compound-Complex Quiz
Bubble in code Write first and last name on bubble sheet Do not write on the quiz When you are done, turn it in Read or set up Composition Notebook for Free Write 7 Minutes if you finish early

68 Free Write Friday 7 Minutes

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