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SYSTEM FLOW CHART DECISION TABLE DFD ER OOAD UML DIAGRAM system flow charts are very similar to data flow charts. Data flow charts do not include decisions, they just show the path that data takes, where it is held, processed, and then output.
SYSTEM ANALYSIS - An in-depth study of end-user information needs that produces functional requirements that are used as a basis for the design of an information system. It involves The information needs of a company and end users. The activities, resources, and products of one or more of the present information systems being used. The information system capabilities required to meet information needs of users, and those of other business stakeholders that may use the system.
STEPS: ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS: First step in system analysis Analyzing the organization, its management structure, its people, its business activities and the current information systems ANALYSIS OF THE PRESENT SYSTEM Analyzing how the present system uses hardware, software, network and people resources to convert data to information. LOGICAL ANALYSIS Primary activity of analysis phase is the construction of a logical model of the current system Logical model – Blueprint
Determines the specific business information needs. (Type of information each business activity requires, its format, volume, frequency, response time..) Determines the information processing capabilities required for each system activity (input, processing, output, storage..) Main goal is to identify what should be done and not how to do it
SYSTEM DESIGN - Stage in which the logical model of the current system is modified until it represents the blueprint for the new system. - This stage focuses on HOW Consists of three activities
Design is a translation of requirements into ways of meeting them.
Physical system = logical model + objectives Focus: How will the system Work Deliverable: Functional/Design Specs
Also known as control flow diagram FLOW CHART COMPONENTS
SYSTEM FLOW CHART System flowcharts are a way of displaying how data flows in a system and how decisions are made to control events. Also known as control flow diagram FLOW CHART COMPONENTS Flowchart is the schematic representation of a process Start/End
DECISION TABLE Decision tables are a precise yet compact way to model complicated logic In a decision table, business logic is well divided into conditions, actions (decisions) and rules for representing the various components that form the business logic. Decision tables can be used in all situations where the outcome depends on the combinations of different choices, and that is usually very often. In many systems there are tons of business rules where decision tables add a lot of value. Decision table is a way to decision making that involves considering a variety of conditions and their interrelationships, particular for complex interrelationships. People use decision table to represent and discover business logic, which ultimately lead to better business.
STEPS TO MODEL DECISION TABLE Step 1: Analyze the requirement and create the first column Step 2: Add Columns Step 3: Reduce the table Step 4: Determine actions CONDITION ALTERNATIVES CONDITIONS ACTIONS ACTION ENTRIES
Data flow diagram shows the flow of data between the different entities and datastores in a system while a flow chart shows the steps involved to carried out a task. In a sense, data flow diagram provides a very high level view of the system, while a flow chart is a lower level view (basically showing the algorithm).
A data flow diagram looks at how data flows through a system.
It focuses on things like where the data will come from and go to as well as where it will be stored, but does not contain information about the processing timing (e.g. whether the processes happen in sequence or in parallel). Data flow diagram symbols consist of four symbols which are processes, data flows, data stores and external entities. Context diagram – level 0 – level 1-level n DFD during analysis phase. DFD used to produce the process model. In the analysis phase, requirements of a system are identified and refined into a process model . show the way of data moves among the processes.
Unique name in data flow diagrams:
A unique name (verb phase), a number and a description for a process A unique name that is a noun and a description for a data flow A unique name that is a noun and a description for data store A unique name that is a noun and a description for external entity
RULES OF DATA FLOW •Data can flow from -external entity to process -process to external entity -process to store and back -process to process • Data cannot flow from -external entity to external entity -external entity to store -store to external entity -store to store
Use meaningful names for data flows, processes and data stores. Use top down development starting from context diagram and successively leveling DFD Only previously stored data can be read A process can only transfer input to output. It cannot create new data Data stores cannot create new data
ERD ENTITY An entity-relationship diagram (ERD) is a data modeling technique that graphically illustrates an information system's entities and the relationships between those entities. An ERD is a conceptual and representational model of data used to represent the entity framework infrastructure. Entity-a thing (animate or inanimate) of independent physical or conceptual existence and distinguishable. In the University database context, an individual student, faculty member, a class room, a course are entities. Entity Set or Entity Type-Collection of entities all having the same properties. Student entity set –collection of all student entities. Course entity set –collection of all course entities. During the systems analysis phase, an entity-relationship diagram gives the analyst a clear, high-level view of the data. Used in conjunction with data flow diagrams, an entity-relationship model gives the analyst an alternative logical view of the system
ATTRIBUTES Each entity is described by a set of attributes/properties. student entity StudName–name of the student. RollNumber–the roll number of the student. All entities in an Entity set/type have the same set of attributes. KEY ATTRIBUTE- HAS UNIQUE VALUE
Types of Attributes Simple Attributes having atomic or indivisible values. Example: Dept–a string PhoneNumber–an eight digit number •Composite Attributes having several components in the value. example: Qualification with components(DegreeName, Year, UniversityName) •Derived Attributes Attribute value is dependent on some other attribute. example:Agedepends on DateOfBirth. So age is a derived attribute.
•Single-valued having only one value rather than a set of values. for instance, PlaceOfBirth–single string value. •Multi-valued having a set of values rather than a single value. For instance, Courses Enrolled attribute for student Address attribute for student Previous Degree attribute for student. Attributes can be simple single-valued, simple multi-valued, composite single-valued or composite multi-valued.
Key attribute ellipsederived attribute-dashed ellip Entity Sets and Key Attributes•Key–an attribute or a collection of attributes whose value(s) uniquely identify an entity in the entity set.•For instance, •RollNumber-Key for Studententity set•EmpID-Key for Facultyentity set•HostelName, RoomNo-Key for Studententity set(assuming that each student gets to stay in a single room)
Relationships When two or more entities are associated with each other, we have an instance of a Relationship. E.g.: student Ramesh enrolls in Discrete Mathematics course Relationship enrolls has Student and Course as the participating entity sets. Degree of a relationship Degree: the number of participating entities. •Degree 2: binary •Degree 3: ternary •Degree n: n-ary Binary relationships are very common and widely used.
Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)
CONCEPT Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a popular technical approach for analyzing and designing an application, system, or business by applying object-oriented programming, as well as using visual modeling throughout the development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality.
Object – Data Structure and Behaviour
Discrete, distinguishable Objects Inherent Identity Unique handle
Classification Class describes set of Objects
Inheritance In
Identification and Organization of Application Concepts Way of thinking, not language, not implementation
OO development uses graphical notation
Conception: Analysis Tentative requirements Build model
Understand the problem( what and not how) Domain model-(modules description) Application model(user)
System architecture Characteristics to optimise Strategy to attack problems Make initial Resource allocation
Add details to both domain and application objects.
Implement the data structure and algorithm
Translate to Programming language, data base, hardware, software
OO Development: Identification and Organization of Application Concepts. Way of thinking, not language, not implementation OO Methodology
OO Development: Identification and Organization of Application Concepts. Way of thinking, not language, not implementation OO Methodology Modeling
OO Development: Identification and Organization of Application Concepts. Way of thinking, not language, not implementation OO Methodology Modeling Design a System –Class,State, Interaction
Class: Static Structure Data
Captures important concepts from the real world Basis for other models
State Model : Time and sequencing
Interaction Model Interaction of objects Collaboration of objects Exchange between objects
OO Development: Identification and Organization of Application Concepts. Way of thinking, not language, not implementation OO Methodology Modeling 4. Design a System –Class,State, Interaction
Essential Aspects Ignore Details What and not how No hurry to commit
OO Themes: Abstraction Encapsulation
OO Themes: Abstraction Encapsulation Combining Data and behavior
OO Themes: Abstraction Encapsulation Combining Data and behavior Sharing Emphasis on what an object is Synergy
Benefits of OOD
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a general-purpose, developmental, modeling language in the field of software engineering, that is intended to provide a standard way to visualize the design of a system.
Class Relationships Attributes Operations Uses: Domain concepts
Conceptual/analysis model Shows OO design
Software components
Hardware Middle ware Software
Instances and not classes
Complicated relationships in small area
Simplify complex class diagrams
Package(folder) is a collection of UML elements
Object oriented equivalent of flowchart and DFD
Business process and use case
Different states( over time)
History of an entity Changing from one state to the other
Use case- valuable to actor
Actor- plays a role Associations- between user and use case
Collaboration ( not time sequence) of Objects
Behaviour of Use case
Time Sequence in a use case scenario
Type of Sequence Diagram
Behavior for a given period of time
Variant of activity diagram
Describes interactions( hidden ones)
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