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Wednesday, 2 February 2018 Lesson Objective: I can embed quotes. I can finish my outline.I can write a multi-paragraph essay about The Odyssey. I can peer.

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Presentation on theme: "Wednesday, 2 February 2018 Lesson Objective: I can embed quotes. I can finish my outline.I can write a multi-paragraph essay about The Odyssey. I can peer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wednesday, 2 February 2018 Lesson Objective: I can embed quotes. I can finish my outline.I can write a multi-paragraph essay about The Odyssey. I can peer edit. Language Objective: I can use language and proper conventions to write a five paragraph essay. Bellwork: Take out a half sheet of paper. Take out something to write with. Take out your composition book. Write the answers to the bellwork questions on the half sheet of paper.

2 Bellwork Honors Write up a thesis for the following prompt. 1.) Applying Socrates’s Quote to Great Expectations “One who is injured ought not to return the injury, for on no account can it be right to do an injustice; and it is not right to return an injury or to do evil to any man, however much we have suffered from him.” —Socrates Some of the main characters in Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations seem to have followed the advice in the Socrates quote above, while others did not. Each of their decisions to injure or not led directly to consequences in their lives. In a well-developed essay, discuss how the quote from Socrates relates to the actions and later consequences in the lives of Pip, Joe, Mrs. Havisham, Mrs. Joe, Molly, and Magwitch. Use quotes and details from the book to support your discussion.

3 Bellwork The Odyssey by Homer is a very famous epic and has been shared for thousands of years. After carefully reading The Odyssey, write a multi- paragraph essay describing the characteristics of an epic and what qualities of The Odyssey specifically qualify it as an epic. Use details and examples from the text to support your analysis. What does the prompt ask you to prove? What story is being used? What three things would help you to prove what the prompt is asking? What does it mean to embed a quote?

4 Embedding Quotations Quotes are a type of concrete detail.
Use them to support your thesis/ main ideas. To embed a quote means to properly use a quote in an essay so that the words flow and do not sound choppy. Not embedded quote :( The author thinks that Jan is pretty. “Her hair was beautiful like the sun and her eyes were like an ocean”. Embedded Quote :) The author thinks that Jan is beautiful because “Her hair [is] like the sun and her eyes like an ocean”.

5 Embedded Or Nah John exhibits his true feelings for Sarah when she finds him “waiting at her door with her favorite flowers and a sorrowful expression on his face” (Doe 75). Thoreau argues that "shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous." About cats, he said, “Cats are ugly and hairy.” She sang the words loudly. She sang, “The hills are alive…” so everyone could hear.

6 Embedded Or Nah Answers…. Why???
John exhibits his true feelings for Sarah when she finds him “waiting at her door with her favorite flowers and a sorrowful expression on his face” (Doe 75). Thoreau argues that "shams and delusions are esteemed for soundest truths, while reality is fabulous." About cats, he said “Cats are ugly and hairy). She sang the words loudly. She sang “The hills are alive…” so everyone could hear.

7 Essay Writing! Woohoo!!! I am passing back your outlines and the outline rubric. Finish your the outline of the essay. Make sure you have a correct thesis and embedded quotes. Show me your outline once finished. It will be collected again at the end of class.

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