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Unum and PlanSource: A powerful partnership

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1 Unum and PlanSource: A powerful partnership
August | 2015 Thanks for joining us today. My name is [Name], and I’m here to introduce you to the partnership between PlanSource and Unum. Now, in combination with Unum benefits, you get the advantage of two market leaders – for a powerful, seamless approach to employee benefits. MK-3399 (8-15)

2 A collaboration of two industry leaders
A leader in benefit administration technology 8,000+ employers on the PlanSource platform1 3.5 million consumers rely on the PlanSource platform2 $4+ billion facilitated in billing3 99.8% customer retention4 Providing better benefits at work for more than 165 years Serves 32% of the Fortune 500®5 Serves about 84,000 employers and more than 17 million people6 #3 in voluntary benefits7 Exclusively cited – for the sixth straight year – for the following strengths:8 Service excellence Extensive use of technology Product breadth 95% or more customers are likely to recommend Unum9 PlanSource and Unum are each leaders in their respective areas of expertise. [Go over some of the slide points] Now, let’s talk about what this combined leadership can do for you. 1,2,3,4 PlanSource internal data, 2015 (#4 based on revenue). 5 Fortune, “Fortune ” (2014); Unum customer database, Unum internal data, Eastbridge, “U.S. Worksite/Voluntary Sales Report: Carrier Results for 2014” (2015), based on inforce premium. 8 Eastbridge, “2014 Voluntary/Worksite Marketing Industry Snapshot and Competitor Profiles” (2014). Does not imply endorsement by Eastbridge of Unum’s products or services. 9 Nielsen, “2013 Unum Employer Loyalty Study” (2014). Includes Classic Group and Classic Voluntary customers.

3 What does this partnership bring to you?
A leading-edge solution that manages costs and meets employees’ financial protection needs specifically for employers with PlanSource’s Benefits Administration Services: Real-time convenience Access to benefits information that’s integrated and employee-centric Enrollment technology Seamless connection between Unum and PlanSource for a long-term benefit solution Employee benefits Complements existing offering and helps provide a financial safety net for sickness or injury A more competitive benefits package Smart way to add financial protection at little or no impact to your bottom line This team approach serves two purposes. First, your business benefits from fully integrated service. This streamlined administration is made possible through PlanSource and Unum. It enables plan changes made on the PlanSource platform to be delivered to Unum instantly – so there’s no duplicated effort. Second, employees get access to Unum benefits that can help them and their families manage the financial impact of medical care, such as co-pays, deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs. Together, Unum and PlanSource have significant experience working together to benefit employers We have established a collaborative customer on boarding process to help increase efficiencies during implementations Unum and PlanSource corporate teams have regular meetings to continuously improve our mutual customer’s experience Future enhancements are always on the horizon…let’s see what's coming in 4Q15.

4 Integration offers proven advantages
Employers Employees are more confident about their benefit selections, understand their value, keep coverage for the long term Awareness of the need for financial protection increases when employees enroll online and learn how benefits work together Online, integrated applications make for easier enrollment Perceived value of their benefits increases when employees see all of their choices at once Employees Benefits are presented in an organized and comprehensive manner A single implementation and administration process replaces multiple enrollment and billing vendors Integrated enrollment helps make benefits education more effective – when all benefits are promoted together Workplace satisfaction and employee productivity can increase The advantages of this partnership extend well beyond the initial offering and enrollment. While that IS a plus, it’s far from the only benefit. After all, you can potentially eliminate the time and effort that comes from working with multiple vendors. And a successful enrollment also includes effective benefits education. Unum provides the tools employees need to make more informed purchasing decisions. When they learn the true value of their coverage, they’re more likely to be satisfied and engaged with your workplace. Integrating the services of PlanSource and Unum have a few more key advantages: [go over additional slide points] Now, let’s look at the technology that makes this all possible.

5 Cutting-edge technology solution
Real time connection between PlanSource and Unum Embeds Unum financial protection benefits within PlanSource’s platform Site promotes seamless election of Unum benefits along with complementing other employer benefits (health, dental, vision, etc.) Education provided on all benefits, including voluntary, to facilitate an informed decision Employee information is easily managed throughout the year A better long-term experience for employees and plan administrators at no additional cost Reduced burden on the broker Re-enrollment opportunity Real-time data exchange Unum’s technology is an innovative solution to the typical struggles of coordinating an enrollment. It integrates Unum voluntary benefits directly into PlanSource’s platform, for a unified look and feel – and a better user experience. It’s all done online, so there’s no navigating away to a third-party enrollment website. Employees can learn about and enroll in all their coverages at once – from core benefits like medical and dental, to Unum benefits like disability, life, accident and critical illness insurance. And it’s a streamlined process for plan administrators, who have the ability to constantly update information in real time. They don’t have to wait for annual enrollment events or other milestones. Significant experience working together to benefit employers A collaborative customer on boarding process has been established to help increase efficiencies during implementations Unum and PlanSource corporate teams have regular meetings to continuously improve our mutual customer’s experience Future enhancements are always on the horizon

6 Benefits options Highlights
Funding options include employee and employer-paid Guaranteed-issue coverage is available Many benefits are portable* Most plans are HSA compatible Financial protection benefits that complement employer-sponsored plans Popular financial protection benefits for employees: Short Term Disability Insurance – Group & Voluntary Long Term Disability Insurance – Group & Voluntary Individual Short Term Disability Insurance Term Life Insurance and AD&D – Group & Voluntary Whole Life Insurance Group Critical Illness Insurance Group Accident Insurance Let’s take a look at the benefits available through this partnership. *Availability for portability varies by product. Contact your Unum representative for complete details.

7 A broad array of complementary benefits
The THREE fundamentals of financial protection Financial security Protects income Group and Voluntary Long Term Disability Replaces a percentage of salary when employees can’t work Group and Voluntary Short Term Disability #1 Estate Provides for final expenses and income replacement Group and Voluntary Term Life and AD&D Affordable option for coverage during the working years to provide income replacement Whole Life Provides permanent post- retirement protection to help with final expenses and savings #2 Well-being (health) Helps cover co-pays, deductibles and co-insurance Group Accident Covers common unexpected injuries and treatments Group Critical Illness Helps pay for illnesses and events that carry a heavy financial burden #3 So, what makes Unum’s benefits such an important part of this solution? As you know, we’re entering a new era of employee benefits. Employers everywhere are looking for benefits delivery systems that fit within the framework of health care reform. It’s a balancing act between giving employees the protection they want– and controlling costs. The rise in consumer-driven, high-deductible health plans shifts costs to employees, but one serious health event could critically damage their finances. Unum offers benefits that can help when the out-of-pocket medical costs start to add up or when an employee has to unexpectedly be out of the office due to sickness or injury. What’s more, Unum benefits come with effective benefits education. Our research has shown that employees who understand their benefits are more likely to be satisfied with their financial protection, and with their workplace.

8 Education drives employees’ benefit satisfaction
Voluntary benefits require an employee purchase decision Employees need effective benefit education to understand how financial protection benefits complement existing coverage PlanSource and Unum’s partnership offers innovative, unique solutions to this challenge 81% of workers who gave high ratings to their employee benefits education also said their organization was an excellent or very good place to work1 81% of large companies think it’s important for employees to fully understand their benefits options, but they estimate that just 58% actually have that level of understanding.2 Employee education is an important part of this PlanSource and Unum integrated solution. When employees rate their benefits education highly, they’re also more likely to rate their employer as a good or excellent place to work. So not only do they get additional, valuable financial protection – they have increased job satisfaction, motivation and workplace engagement. And research shows that companies with highly engaged employees report higher levels of operating income. It’s no surprise that the voluntary benefits strategy is growing in popularity. Let’s take a look at the benefits available through this partnership. Harris Interactive, Unum 2012 Employee Education and Enrollment Survey (2013). 1 Harris Interactive, “Unum 2012 Employee Education and Enrollment Survey” (2013). 2 ADP, “Healthcare Programs: Employee Benefits Selection Can Be Made Easier Through Technology” (2012).

9 We begin each implementation with the end in mind
Dedicated implementation managers collaborate with PlanSource and the employer to set the timeline and mutual expectations – from enrollment planning to the first bill. Unum provides: Expert consultation (based on experience with all case sizes) Billing cycle and remittance setup Enrollment strategy coordination Quality check-in calls after the sale Well-planned enrollment and implementation supports employee understanding of their benefit options and smooth benefit plan administration. Plan for five weeks following sold case notification before your enrollment begins Let’s look at what’s involved with implementation and enrollment through this integrated process [Go over slide] The following sample implementation timeline gives an overview of general steps and responsibilities >>

10 Learn what’s next – with this sample implementation timeline
Month 1 Month 3 Month 4 Month 5 Month 6 Month 7 Unum/Client/ PlanSource Plan design confirmed with client Unum/Client/ PlanSource Implementation call Unum Enrollment period begins PlanSource Enrollment data submitted to Unum Client Payroll deductions begin Client Premium/payment due to Unum Unum/Client/ PlanSource Unum hosts administration set-up call with client and/or PlanSource Unum Enrollment period ends Unum Unum validates enrollment data before processing Unum Coverage effective date Client Sold case documents are submitted to Unum PlanSource PlanSource call center may be available for employee benefit questions.* Unum Unum client contact center available for employee questions Unum Enrollment data processed Unum Unum codes administration system and assigns account numbers Unum Policy welcome packets mailed to employees Unum Unum sends administration setup call summary to client/ PlanSource TBD Deduction file provided to the client Unum/PlanSource Marketing materials ordered for client Unum Unum contacts the client to confirm the deduction file was received Unum/Client/ PlanSource Case setup, enrollment testing, training *Call center service must be requested and approved prior to sale. Additional fees do apply.

11 Service expertise and claims support

12 Responsive claims service during challenging times
Triaged claims intake One submission initiates a search and claim for other applicable Unum coverage Timely payment of claims Pay all valid claims in a timely manner Most voluntary benefits claims decided within four business days Wellness claims paid in one business day on average Personal, expert service Highly responsive service guaranteed Claimant privacy ensured 24/7 online claims access Claim status available at any time Unum provides fair and empathetic service when employees need it most Pay all valid claims in a timely manner Wellness benefits paid within 24 hours1 Paid $5.6 billion in benefits in 20142 1, 2 Unum U.S. internal data, Assumes complete claims information and claim approval.

13 Claims assistance is always at hand
It’s easy for your employees to reach us: By mail, phone, online or fax to begin the claim process By contact center – or online, 24/7 – to check their claim status Customer Contact Center of claimants were very satisfied with the overall claim handling of their voluntary benefits.1 93% 1 Market Decisions, “4Q2013 Voluntary Benefits Claimant Satisfaction Research” (2014).

14 Partnership in local markets
Unum’s sales and client management representatives in 35 field offices across the country: Are your local advocates Become familiar with your plans and company culture Will foster a long-term relationship, built on: Consultative discussions Solutions to address your evolving needs Re-enrollment strategies that boost employee satisfaction Quick responses to your pressing questions At Unum, we believe it’s important to develop lasting relationships. We provide a single, dedicated local contact for ongoing service. Your representative will know your business, and will quickly address all your questions. They can also help develop plans for future re-enrollments and your changing benefits needs. [Use as is relevant to the particular case size]

15 Questions? Thank you for your participation. Are there any questions?

16 Insurance products are underwritten by the subsidiaries of Unum Group. © 2015 Unum Group. All rights reserved. Unum is a registered trademark and marketing brand of Unum Group and its insuring subsidiaries. MK-3399 (8-15) FOR BROKERS AND EMPLOYERS

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