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Beginnings - 1860.

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1 Beginnings

2 The Enlightenment Use science to find truth, not religion
Value reason over faith Religious leaders hurt Use this logic to protest the King

3 The Enlightenment -Use Science to find the truth instead of relying on religious leaders -Value reason and scientific methods -Very upsetting to a lot of religious people -Colonists use this line of thought to protest England -Jefferson and Franklin



6 The Great Awakening Response to the enlightenment Traveling preachers
Jonathon Edwards and George Whitfield Two movements cause people to challenge old ways of thinking

7 The Great Awakening -In response to the Great Awakening and dwindling Puritan influence -Preachers traveled around holding revivals -Most prominent: George Whitfield and Jonathon Edwards -Enlightenment and Great Awakening effects: emphasized the individual and human reasoning, downplays the church, prompted a whole new way of thinking. -People begin inventing and are much more open to new ideas



10 Slavery Originally could do without it
Becomes a necessity in the south with the Cotton Gin (1794) p 121

11 Slavery -Slavery becomes a virtual necessity in the south with Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin in 1794 (p.121)

12 French & Indian War 1756-1763 Colonists defeat the French from Canada
Colonists very confident with themselves British want help paying for war

13 -War begins in 1755, treaty signed in 1763 (Treaty of Paris)
-Boogey man to the North is gone, colonists get cocky. -British irritate G.W.

14 “The Revolution” Boston Massacre (3/5/1770)
5 colonists killed Boston Tea Party (12/16/1773) Lexington & Concord (4/19/1775) Shots heard round the World The Revolution begins

15 -Boston massacre: March 5, 1770 5 colonists killed

16 -Boston Tea Party Dec 16, 1773

17 Samuel Adams

18 Thomas Paine -Common Sense sells hundreds of thousands of copies in 1776 -Goes to France and tries again

19 -April 19, 1775 15 minute skirmish starts the war
-Paul Revere’s ride

20 Patrick Henry -one of the largest slave holders crying for freedom
-Aristocrat from Virginia

21 -p. 54 in book written 7/2/76, adopted 7/4/76


23 The End of the War Battle of Saratoga gives hope
Battle of Yorktown ends war October 19, 1781 French finally help Treaty of Paris signed in 1783

24 -October 19, 1781 Cornwallis surrenders
-Treaty of Paris (9/83)



27 -Federalist Party founder
-Set up the U.S. treasury, and national bank -Wanted strong central government, did not trust uneducated people -Jefferson wanted strong state governments, trusted the masses -Jefferson’s vice-president, Aaron Burr kills Hamilton in a duel in 1804.

28 Major Events to 1861 Louisiana Purchase 1803 War of 1812
$15 million War of 1812 Washington D.C. is burned Missouri Compromise 1820 Seperates free from slave states

29 -Bought from Napoleon in 1803 for $15 million
-Lewis and Clark p.115

30 -1812-1814 Washington gets burned, White House in all
Washington gets burned, White House in all. Dolly ran in and saved numerous important papers. -Made heroes out of William Henry Harrison, and Andrew Jackson -U.S. fails to take over Canada

31 -Hero of the Battle for New Orleans.
-Occurs after the treaty is signed and the war is officially over. Treaty of Ghent signed 12/24/14 battle occurs 1/8/15 -U.S. claims victory with this battle


33 Calhoun Clay Webster

34 The Mexican-American War 1848
The Battle for Texas 1836 The Battle of the Alamo New territory The Mexican-American War 1848 Get CA and ½ of Mexico The CA gold Rush Compromise of 1850 CA becomes free state, Utah and New Mexico can decide




38 -Heroes out of Zachary Taylor, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S
-Heroes out of Zachary Taylor, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S.Grant, Jefferson Davis, Winfield Scott, and Franklin Pierce. -U.S. takes over ½ of Mexico’s land




42 Abolitionist Movement:
Ch 3 Section 5 Abolitionist Movement: William Lloyd Garrison: The Liberator (1828) Nat Turner’s Slave Rebellion-1831 Frederick Douglass (The North Star) Seneca Falls Convention (1848): Women’s Rights





47 John Brown’s Raid @ Harper’s Ferry 1859
“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” 1853 Abolitionist movement grows Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854 Bleeding Kansas Dred Scott Case 1857 Slaves are property John Brown’s Harper’s Ferry 1859 South fears a war is coming




51 Dred Scott Case 1857

52 John Brown’s Raid 1859


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