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P07 - National Observatory of Athens (NOA): in-situ, EO space ground segments and modeling platforms and skills in the service of ERA-PLANET strands 1.

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Presentation on theme: "P07 - National Observatory of Athens (NOA): in-situ, EO space ground segments and modeling platforms and skills in the service of ERA-PLANET strands 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 P07 - National Observatory of Athens (NOA): in-situ, EO space ground segments and modeling platforms and skills in the service of ERA-PLANET strands 1 + 3 Presenter: Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos STRAND 1 Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos Research Director, Institute for Environmental Research and Sustainable Development (IERSD), National Observatory of Athens, GR STRAND 3 Dr. Haris Kontoes Research Director, Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS), National Observatory of Athens, GR

2 National Observatory of Athens (NOA):
EO space ground segments and services GeoHub: A Space /UAV Based Geo-Hazards Hub FloodHub: A Space Based Flood Observatory

3 National Observatory of Athens (NOA):
in-situ facilities Urban Supersite PM10 PM2.5 Biomass Burning Traffic Piraeus Port – Athens city

4 National Observatory of Athens (NOA):
modeling platforms Model tools ISPEX-EU: European citizens measure air pollution with their smartphone “Aspropirgos” Industrial Zone, 20 km E from Athens’ city center On June 6, 2015, a fire was ignited at a private Sorting Center for Recyclables Garbage/Material. Coupled FLEXPART-WRF, 10,000 particles per hour, 500 m max injection height, 0.5x0.5 res, 50 vertical points 0-5 km. Near real-time aerosol forecast with COSMO-ART during the first citizen observatory campaign in Greece

5 Looking forward to exchanging more ideas
STRAND 1 Dr. Evangelos Gerasopoulos Looking forward to exchanging more ideas at the STRAND tables … thank you! STRAND 3 Dr. Haris Kontoes

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