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Revision of the Emission Reporting Guidelines

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1 Revision of the Emission Reporting Guidelines
The Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution: Revision of the Emission Reporting Guidelines Brinda Wachs Secretary, TFEIP, UNECE

2 What is the purpose of the Guidelines?
Why are they being revised? How will this help emission reporting in future? How can the revision be coordinated with EC’s NEC directive

3 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines What are the Guidelines? (1)
Guidelines for estimating and reporting emission data, Air Pollution Studies Series, (2002) Previously published as UN document (1997)

4 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
What was the purpose of the Guidelines? To faciliate emission reporting under Convention and Protocols To help Parties’ prepare emissions reports To facilitate evaluation of QC/QC

5 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
Guidelines offer voluntary guidance But legal basis was established by EB decision 2002/10 EB mandated TFEIP to revise them by 2007 at latest.

6 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines Why are they being revised? (1)
To add extensions to NFR categories agreed by Task Force To clarify reporting of national totals To address “new” sources

7 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines Why are they being revised? (2)
To simplify certain sections (e.g. minimum reporting) To clarify certain issues (e.g. reporting of PM, POPs and HMs) To correct errors in tables

8 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
How will revising the Guidelines help emission reporting in future? (1) Parties will have more clear instructions for reporting NFR categories will better reflect emission realities

9 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
How can revision be coordinated with NEC directive? (2) Harmonize timing to tackle both Facilitate reporting by Parties who report to both NEC and LRTAP

10 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
What is the timing for revision of LRTAP? June 2006, Netherlands Fall 2006, Greece Finalize by May 2007 to publish in time for EMEP_31 (Sept 2007)

11 EMEP Emission Reporting Guidelines
Conclusions!! Revision should: clarify language for explicit reporting requirements and implicit needs for modelling and policy purposes Help Parties prepare more informative reports, which will contribute to better quality inventories


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