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Welcome to Jeopardy!. Welcome to Jeopardy! A Ms. Earnst Production.

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2 Welcome to Jeopardy!

3 A Ms. Earnst Production

4 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

5 Plans for Reconstruction
Take me to your leader The End of the War Plans for Reconstruction Battles Causes North or South Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

6 He was the President in charge of the Union.
$100 He was the President in charge of the Union.

7 $100 Abraham Lincoln Scores

8 This general led the South in the eastern campaign
$200 This general led the South in the eastern campaign

9 $200 Robert E. Lee Scores

10 $300 This northern general would go on to take the presidency , after he took Richmond.

11 $300 Ulysses S. Grant Scores

12 Call him Mr. President, that is if you are a confederate.
$400 Call him Mr. President, that is if you are a confederate.

13 $400 Jefferson Davis Scores

14 $500 He trained the Grand Army of the Potomac, he just didn’t want to use them.

15 $500 George McClellan Scores

16 $100 This battle marked a high point for the South in the war, they would never go on the offensive again.

17 $100 Gettysburg Scores

18 This Battle had the single most bloody day in the war.
$200 This Battle had the single most bloody day in the war.

19 $200 Antietam / Sharpsurg Scores

20 The North’s strategy consisted of these three elements.
$300 The North’s strategy consisted of these three elements.

21 Controlling the Mississippi
$300 Blockade Controlling the Mississippi Taking Richmond Scores

22 Daily Double

23 $400 Northerners named battles after these, while southerners named them after these. (two answers)

24 North – natural things South - cities
$400 North – natural things South - cities Scores

25 $500 His men cut a path 300 miles in length and sixty miles wide as they “marched to the sea”

26 $500 Sherman Scores

27 $100 This allowed Maine to enter as a free state, and Missouri to enter as a slave state – and eased tension in 1820.

28 The Missouri Compromise
$100 The Missouri Compromise Scores

29 This Supreme Court decision said that slaves were property.
$200 This Supreme Court decision said that slaves were property.

30 $200 Dred Scott Decision Scores

31 He tried to start a slave rebellion in Harper’s Ferry Virginia
$300 He tried to start a slave rebellion in Harper’s Ferry Virginia

32 $300 John Brown Scores

33 His election as president caused the South to secede
$400 His election as president caused the South to secede

34 $400 Abraham Lincoln Scores

35 $500 After insulting southerners in a speech about Bleeding Kansas, he was caned by one of the senators nephews

36 $500 Charles Sumner Scores

37 $100 New York

38 $100 North Scores

39 $200 South Carolina

40 $200 South Scores

41 $300 California

42 $300 North Scores

43 $400 Tennessee

44 $400 South Scores

45 $500 Missouri

46 $500 North Scores

47 The main battle to control reconstruction was between them
$100 The main battle to control reconstruction was between them

48 President and Congress
$100 President and Congress Scores

49 Lincoln’s plan carried this appropriate nickname
$200 Lincoln’s plan carried this appropriate nickname

50 $200 The 10% plan Scores

51 The south re-entered the union finally under their plan
$300 The south re-entered the union finally under their plan

52 The Radical Republicans
$300 The Radical Republicans Scores

53 $400 His plan was just a little bit more difficult than Lincoln’s, and seven states temporarily entered the union with it.

54 $400 Johnson Scores

55 $500 This bill tried to change Lincoln's plan from 10% taking a loyalty oath – to a majority in the state. Lincoln vetoed it.

56 $500 Wade Davis Bill Scores

57 $100 The the lives of these two groups likely changed the most during the war.

58 Women and African Americans
$100 Women and African Americans Scores

59 $200 It tried to provide food and shelter for poor whites and blacks after the war.

60 $200 Freedman’s Bureau Scores

61 $300 These laws attempted to keep African Americans from improving their life after the war.

62 $300 Black Codes Scores

63 The approximate number killed during the war.
$400 The approximate number killed during the war.

64 $400 620,000 Scores

65 $500 In addition to the question of slavery, it was the most important question answered by the war.

66 Supremacy of the Federal Government
$500 Supremacy of the Federal Government Scores

67 Radical Reconstruction
Potpourri The Amendments Advantages Radical Reconstruction Running mates 1000 words Round 1 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Final Jeopardy $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 Scores $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

68 This Amendment Freed the Slaves
$200 This Amendment Freed the Slaves

69 $200 The 13th Amendment Scores

70 $400 This amendment made it illegal to restrict voting based on race, or former condition of servitude.

71 $400 15th Amendment Scores

72 The 14th Amendment guaranteed this
$600 The 14th Amendment guaranteed this

73 $600 Citizenship Scores

74 In this year, the fifteenth Amendment was adopted.
$800 In this year, the fifteenth Amendment was adopted.

75 $800 1800 Scores

76 The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were known collectively as this
$1000 The 13th, 14th and 15th amendments were known collectively as this

77 The Civil War Amendments
$1000 The Civil War Amendments Scores

78 $200 A main advantage militarily of the south was they would be fighting this type of war.

79 $200 Defensive War Scores

80 Daily Double

81 This was the South’s main economic advantage
$400 This was the South’s main economic advantage

82 Foreign desire for cotton
$400 Foreign desire for cotton Scores

83 $600 Ironically, the south’s fear of this would mean that it would be harder for them to fight the war.

84 Strong Central government / over state’s rights
$600 Strong Central government / over state’s rights Scores

85 $800 Lincoln used this statement to help give the north a better idea to rally behind. Much better than “preserve the Union”

86 Emancipation Proclamation
$800 Emancipation Proclamation Scores

87 The percentage of factories located in the North.
$1000 The percentage of factories located in the North.

88 $1000 85% Scores

89 Only this southern state was not divided up into military districts.
$200 Only this southern state was not divided up into military districts.

90 $200 Tennessee Scores

91 This act gave congress control over the appointments of the president.
$400 This act gave congress control over the appointments of the president.

92 $400 Tenure of office Act Scores

93 These people were placed in charge of the south’s military districts.
$600 These people were placed in charge of the south’s military districts.

94 $600 Governor / generals Scores

95 Troops would not be removed from the south until they did this.
$800 Troops would not be removed from the south until they did this.

96 Ratified the 14th amendment
$800 Ratified the 14th amendment Scores

97 This act gave congress greater control of the army
$1000 This act gave congress greater control of the army

98 $1000 Command of the Army Act

99 $200 This system helped runaway slaves find a way north, but don’t look for tracks.

100 $200 Underground Railroad

101 $400 These were northerners who moved to the south to help out – or help themselves to a profit.

102 $400 Carpetbaggers Scores

103 Daily Double

104 $600 In order to fight the threat of southern sympathizers, Lincoln suspended this quickly after the war started.

105 $600 Habeus Corpus Scores

106 When South Carolina fired on this fort it started a war.
$800 When South Carolina fired on this fort it started a war.

107 $800 Ft. Sumter Scores

108 He was the vice president for the confederacy
$1000 He was the vice president for the confederacy

109 $1000 Alexander Stephens Scores

110 $200 He debated with Lincoln when they were running for Senate, he would later run against him for president.

111 $200 Stephen Douglass Scores

112 Who won the south’s electoral college votes in the 1860 election?
$400 Who won the south’s electoral college votes in the 1860 election?

113 $400 Breckenridge Scores

114 He was the Republican candidate in 1868
$600 He was the Republican candidate in 1868

115 $600 Grant Scores

116 VP to Lincoln when he died, he was a democrat and was impeached
$800 VP to Lincoln when he died, he was a democrat and was impeached

117 $800 Johnson Scores

118 $1000 Lincoln, Douglass, Breckenridge and this man were the four main contenders in 1860

119 $1000 Bell Scores

120 $200

121 $200 Ulysses S. Grant Scores

122 $400

123 $400 Robert E Lee Scores

124 $600

125 General William T. Sherman
$600 General William T. Sherman Scores

126 $800

127 $800 John Brown Scores

128 $1000

129 $1000 Frederick Douglass Scores

130 Final Jeopary Question
Jeopardy It’s the Law Final Jeopary Question Scores

131 Part of the compromise of 1850 it stated that citizens must assist in the recovery of runaway slaves.

132 Fugitive Slave Act Scores

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