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VSBA Workshop for School Board Clerks November 16, 2017 Elizabeth Ewing VSBA Director, Legal and Policy Services 434-295-8722

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Presentation on theme: "VSBA Workshop for School Board Clerks November 16, 2017 Elizabeth Ewing VSBA Director, Legal and Policy Services 434-295-8722"— Presentation transcript:

1 VSBA Workshop for School Board Clerks November 16, Elizabeth Ewing VSBA Director, Legal and Policy Services

2 Save the Date Policy Workshop. May 23, 2018. Holiday Inn Emmett Street
Save the Date Policy Workshop May 23, Holiday Inn Emmett Street Charlottesville Clerks Conference May 2 or 3 at VSBA Office

3 At your fingertips. No employee of the SB may serve on the SB. Va
At your fingertips No employee of the SB may serve on the SB. Va. Code § ; VSBA Policy BBBA Post election FAQ (SROs are Ees of law enforcement, not the SB, but talk to local counsel)

4 New laws HB 2140/SB1523. Va. Code § 22. 1-23
New laws HB 2140/SB1523 Va. Code § DOE to develop pilot program for 5 divisions to administer the model exit questionnaire for teachers. DOE to collect and report on the results. Last year, state superintendent was instructed to develop a model exit questionnaire. DOE finalizing which divisions will be in the pilot program—should be announced by end of November (spoke with Patty Pitts on October 31)

5 New Laws HB 2141 Va. Code § BOE’s annual report to include identification and recommendations regarding retaining, or not, various reports by local school boards.

6 New Laws HB 2432 Va. Code § BOE Regulations re denial, revocation, etc., of teacher licenses Statute includes a great deal of detail about what is going to be required to be in these regulations; haven’t started the regulatory process yet; part of DOE’s emphasis on involving local divisions in license revocation

7 New Laws HB 2143 Va. Code § Name of division’s FOIA Officer must be submitted to the FOIA Council. Link to online form: As of November 8, only 16 school divisions were listed on the Council’s website. Homework—please remind your FOIA Officers that they need to tell the FOIA Council who they are. Use the online reporting option. Alan Gernhardt will appreciate it. VML and VACO are way ahead, bc their associations reminded them. This is your reminder. Interaction between clerk and FOIA Officer How is this working in your division? What’s the division of labor? (records requests v meeting notices)) Comments: work in progress has streamlined the work

8 New laws SB 1359 Va. Code § Requires SBs to develop and implement plans to test and, if necessary, remediate water in school buildings.

9 Sometimes thing move Formerly Va. Code § 2.2-3705.8
Now Va. Code § Contracts of all SB employees who earn more than $10,000 are public records. FOIA reorganized, several things moved. I know you need to have this at your fingertips. Includes superintendents.

10 Sometimes things change
If a SB member leaves his or her position before the end of the term, is the SB required to fill the vacancy on an interim basis until a special election can be held? A. No. SBs are permitted, but not required, to fill a vacancy. This law was changed in Old law s aid “SB SHALL” fill the vacancy. Current one says “SB MAY” fill it.

11 Sometimes things change
How many copies of the SB Policy Manual must be maintained? Former rule: one in each public library in division; changed in 2007. Current rule: a copy of all policies and regulations must be posted on the division’s website and available to employees and the public. :7.D

12 Sometimes things change
When do notices of SB’s decision not to renew a probationary teacher have to be given to the teacher? Previously April 15th; now June 15th. Changed in 2012

13 FAQs When does a newly enacted law go into effect?
A. July 1, usually. Sometimes the General Assembly will decide that special circumstances require an individual law to go into effect as soon as it is passed. If the new law goes into effect before July 1, that fact is clearly stated in the bill. LIS system puts the notation “Approved” on bills when they have been approved by the Governor. That doesn’t mean they are in effect. If it goes into effect immediately, it will say that. Talk about bills vs statutes or acts.

14 FAQs May the SB elect its chair and vice chair by written ballot at the organizational meeting? A. No. SBs cannot vote by written ballot on any issue. Va. Code

15 FAQs May a SB member who is participating in a board meeting electronically from a remote location vote? A. Yes.

16 FAQs Can a SB have a Discipline Committee composed of fewer than 3 SB members? A. No. If a SB opts to delegate the responsibility for expulsion hearings to a committee of the board, the law requires that the committee must be comprised of at least three SB members. Va. Code § Law changes, these are things you may have learned that have changed; or, that your coworkers have learned, that have changed

17 FAQs Q. What Planning District includes our division?
Virginia Association of Planning District Commissions For Policy BBFA, GCCB VSBA does 2 options; you don’t have an option as to which one you choose, it’s determined by which Planning District your division is in; check the header of each policy to see which PD is covered by which policy Link to map and list

18 FAQs Can the board have a special meeting tomorrow?
A. Yes. VSBA Policy BDB Special School Board Meetings. Rule for notice of special meetings is that notice must be “reasonable under the circumstances”

19 Are draft minutes open to the public? A. Yes. Va. Code § 2.2-3707.H
FAQs Are draft minutes open to the public? A. Yes. Va. Code § H ; VSBA Policy BDDG

20 Contact info FOIA Council: Ethics Council: Very helpful state agencies; Alan Gernhardt from the FOIA Council will be here later today (Maria has retired)

21 Reminder Please!!! Check the entries in the VSBA database for your division.
Wrong vice-chair No SB address (but it was available on the division’s website) 2 clerks

22 Questions? Thanks for coming!

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