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LCG Operations Workshop, e-IRG Workshop

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1 ( LCG Operations Workshop, e-IRG Workshop
Support in EGEE (SA1 View) Torsten Antoni GGUS, FZK with input from LCG Operations Workshop, e-IRG Workshop

2 Why is there need for support?
New support groups Network layer Resource centers CIC / GOC / etc. more to come New Support challenges: Jobs are spread over several locations New types of Job and Data access Often more than one group is involved Virtual Organizations

3 What kind of support? Need to have a common platform for:
Collect service requests Exchange service requests Document solutions Need to document: Quality feedback To the VO’s Middleware development To the Grid Operations FAQ’s Build a Knowledge Base for Grid related problems and solutions

4 Support Teams in EGEE Deployment Support (DS) Middleware Problems
Operations Centers (CIC / GOC / ROC) Operations Problems Resource Centers (RC) Hardware Problems Global Grid User Support (GGUS) Single Point of Contact Coordination of User Support Experiment Specific User Support (ESUS) VO spec. (Software) Problems Other User Communities(VOs) e.g. Biomed, Astroparticle Physics in EGEE LHC Experiments (Alice Atlas CMS LHCb) non-LHC Experiments (BaBar, CDF, Compass, D0)

5 Ops support CIC-on-duty
Responsibility rotates through CIC’s – one week at a time Manage daily operations – oversee and ensure Problems from all sources are tracked (entered into PTS) Problems are followed up CIC-on-duty hands over responsibility for problems Hand-over in weekly operations meeting Daily ops: Checklist Various problem sources: monitors, maps, direct problem reports Need to develop tools to trigger alarms etc

6 Ops support Cannot avoid local PTS But must have central aggregator
Where CIC-on-duty manages problems, new problems entered Use GGUS Needs interfaces – automatic ticket updates in linked systems (both directions) Needed to build knowledge db etc.

7 Tools needed for Ops support
GGUS + interfaces to Savannah + local PTS (start with Savannah as central aggregator) Monitoring console Monitors (mostly have now) Frameworks – to allow stats and triggers of alarms, notifications, etc. Fabric management “cook-book” Remote fabric monitors

8 VO support means… Experts with knowledge of VO specific
software environment, VO applications and Grid middleware available functionalities Personal contacts and participation to meetings Help on how to best use the middleware for specific use cases Communication with developers for implementation of specific features Tools, APIs, specific distributions of single middleware components

9 VO support means… VO support requires a more continuous effort
A test bed to play with, strictly controlled, with prompt support reaction Specific Tutorials (addressed to a specific VO) Monitor VO specific services, signal problems Site monitoring, interact with local site support VO support requires a more continuous effort similar to what LCG/EIS is doing for LHC Experiments

10 Responsibilities of the Central User Support Coordination Team (CUSC) I
Members: GGUS, VOs, ROCs, CICs, NA2-4, Deployment Negotiate on tools and interfaces with ROCs; Coordinate DB connection Negotiate on docs and tools to produce Coordinate special User Support conditions (transition between LCG and gLite) Establish relationship and procedures with other Grids support groups.

11 Responsibilities of the Central User Support Coordination Team (CUSC) II
Make sure all areas of support are convered among RUSCs Establish procedures to spread expertise in collaboration with NA2, NA3 and NA4 Coordinate VO support at user and operation level with NA4 Establish the mechanism and collect feedback from Users, Developers, ROCs, etc.

12 Responsibilities of the User Support Coordination Team at the ROCs (RUSC)
Identify local experts and communicate to Central US Coordination Team (CUSC) Coordinate creation of local communities of experts Report on specific issues with local VO/Operations support Provide documentation, tools, how-to guides, examples Agree on common interfaces, tools, information presentation whenever needed.

13 Support in EGEE User community ROC-1 CIC DS ROC-2 GGUS VO-1 VO-2 VO-n
WebInterface Web service interface GGUS VO-1 VO-2 VO-n

14 GGUS as Integration Platform
GGUS provides Web Services for: Creating service requests Modifying service requests Routing service requests from connected support groups to GGUS or other teams GGUS provides interface examples in several programming languages Demo of the GGUS Help Desk and the ROC Italy – GGUS interface at tomorrows ROC managers meeting

15 GGUS Outlook GGUS is building interfaces to all support
groups and their helpdesk systems (including Savannah) Redesign of the support staff web interface based on the input from the various support groups and the needs from operational support (omit Java, become W3C conform) Integration of VOs into the support process, defining processes needed for this

16 Summary We see all activities in support converging on:
“Regional Support with Central Coordination” Strong overlap between Ops, VO, User Support Building the interfaces is in progress Defining the processes involved is most pressing Identifying & localizing problems is least developed, even in the software itself (User) Support Task Force to be widened to include VO , Operations, Middleware and Application Representatives Strong overlap with NA2, NA3 and NA4 activities


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