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Wallis Goelen Vandebrock

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1 Wallis Goelen Vandebrock
Toolkit on the use of EU Funds for the integration of people with a migrant background Wallis Goelen Vandebrock Head of Unit, Inclusive Growth, Urban and Territorial Development, Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy 24 January 2018

2 Background DG HOME-coordinated paper on synergies between AMIF and other EU funding instruments in relation to reception and integration of asylum seekers and other migrants (2015) June (2016) Action Plan for the Integration of third country nationals  action "Promote the use of EU funds for reception, education, housing, health and social infrastructures for third country nationals" Omnibus proposal – new investment priority and corresponding indicators Challenges: Limited absorption of EU funds in this field Synergies between the EU funds

3 Objective To assist national and regional funding authorities in implementing integration policies targeting people with a migrant background through the use EU funds in the programming period

4 Terminology Use of term “people with a migrant background” to cover a broad spectrum of people: third country nationals applicants for and beneficiaries of international protection stateless persons and persons with undetermined nationality EU citizens with a migratory background


6 Synergies between EU Funds
1. Strategic policy framework 2. Coordination between the funds on different levels 3. Reinforcing synergies (programming; call for proposals; projects)

7 Implementing integration policies through EU Funds
Measures designed by the funding authorities should take into account the following: Anti-discrimination Responding to the needs of the individuals Empowerment Integrated Approach Long-term perspective Contingency Measures 5 scenarios: Employment, education, housing, reception, basic mainstream services

8 Employment - Ensuring the conditions for long-term labour market integration

9 Education - Ensuring access to inclusive and non-segregated education

10 Housing - Ensuring access to adequate and non-segregated housing

11 Reception - Ensuring integration from day one

12 Basic mainstream services - Ensuring access to basic mainstream services to particularly vulnerable groups

13 Thank you

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