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Human Anatomy and Physiology

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1 Human Anatomy and Physiology
BLOOD Human Anatomy and Physiology

2 BLOOD Blood cells start out as unspecialized cells called stem cells.
Produced in the red marrow of long bones As you body needs more blood cells, the cells differentiate into the following types: Red blood cells White blood cells Plateletes There are four main parts to human blood:

3 1). PLASMA - is the yellowish liquid that blood cells are suspended in
- is approximately 90% water - contains dissolved salts, proteins, wastes

4 2). RED BLOOD CELLS (RBC) - also called erythrocytes
- carry oxygen to cells of body - each RBC contains HEMOGLOBIN (protein) Contains iron which can carry oxygen - hemoglobin binds or releases O2 depending on the O2 concentration in the environment - RBCs are disk shaped, lack a nucleus and form in bone marrow, after 3-4 months, RBCs are broken down in the spleen

5 3). WHITE BLOOD CELLS (WBC) - also called leukocytes
- help the body fight diseases - have nuclei and other organelles, can move around to body tissues through blood vessels - can engulf and digest (called phagocytes) harmful cells, like bacteria

6 4). PLATELETS - help form blood clots
- platelets are formed from pieces of cytoplasm that break off of large cells in the bone marrow, a cell membrane forms, but no nuclei develop. - after an injury, platelets move the damaged blood vessels and “clogs” the cuts, preventing excessive blood loss; these clogs are caused by chemicals called “clotting factors”

7 RBC White Blood cell Fibrin Platelet

8 BLOOD TYPES - all blood is composed of the same components, plasma, RBCs, WBCs, and platelets. Yet everyone's blood is different because of the presence or absence of molecules called ANTIGENS. You can have one type of four different blood types: A, B, AB, O. For example, people with type A blood only have the A antigen and type AB has both the A and B antigens.

9 WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT??? Unless a person needs a blood transfusion, if you receive the wrong blood type during a transfusion the lymphocytes (WBCs) will produce antibodies that will bind with antigens on the transfused blood. This causes clumping, and it can kill the person (recipient). Type: Receive: Donate to: A A, O A, AB B B,O B, AB O O A, B, AB,O AB, AB, A, B, O AB


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