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Endangered Species.

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Presentation on theme: "Endangered Species."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endangered Species

2 Endangered Species any plant or animal whose chance of survival and reproduction are in immediate jeopardy those species facing extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range

3 Endangered Species 1951 species listed
578 animals in the U.S. 796 plants in the U.S. Many others proposed for listing

4 Threatened Species likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future

5 5 Main Factors Why Species Become Endangered
1) Natural Causes - extinction recognized as natural biological process - overspecialization - competition - sudden climate change - catastrophic events i.e. earthquakes, volcanic eruptions

6 5 Main Factors Why Species Become Endangered
2) Hunting - unwise and unregulated hunting (Poaching) ex. Passenger pigeons - non-target species - hunting - trapping - poisoning - exceptional trophy species or species of commercial value ex. Spotted cats, rhinos

7 5 Main Factors Why Species Become Endangered
3) Introduced Predators - native species not adapted to cope with such a new and often devastating component of their environment ex. Mongooses in Hawaii

8 5 Main Factors Why Species Become Endangered
4) Non-Predatory Exotics - out compete native species for resources - population explosions due to no natural predators ex. Zebra mussels - introduce new diseases

9 5 Main Factors Why Species Become Endangered
5) Habitat Modification - habitat destruction and disturbance are the ultimate destroyers of wildlife - humans prime cause since 1600 - drainage alteration - agricultural - deforestation

10 Characteristics of Species Likely to Become Endangered
narrow habitat requirements or restricted distribution ex. Kirtland’s Warbler

11 Characteristics of Species Likely to Become Endangered
economic importance, especially those crossing national boundaries or living in international territories ex. Atlantic salmon

12 Characteristics of Species Likely to Become Endangered
species of large size, especially predators, or those intolerant of humans ex. Grizzly bears

13 Characteristics of Species Likely to Become Endangered
species that have limited number of offspring per breeding, have long gestation/incubation periods or require extensive parental care ex. Mountain gorilla

14 Characteristics of Species Likely to Become Endangered
species with highly specialized physical, behavioral, or physiological adaptations or high genetic vulnerability ex. Red wolf, Giant Panda

15 Protection Of Species 1966 Endangered Species Act
determine wildlife facing extinction in the United States sponsored research on those species authorized acquisition of land formalized the National Wildlife Refuge to protect endangered species

16 Protection Of Species 1973 Endangered Species Act (ESA)
extended coverage to plants recognized endangered species as valuable components of the ecosystem recognized separate populations and subspecies prohibits the killing, harming, or in any way “taking” endangered or threatened species


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