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Worshipping at the altar of our kids

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1 Worshipping at the altar of our kids

2 Article written a few years ago
Worshipping at the altar of our kids Article written a few years ago Gift or God? Personally challenging 1. as a Pastor 2. as a Dad

3 Worshipping at the altar of our kids
Family is the building block of a just and moral society Are we making idols out of our greatest gifts?

4 Worshipping at the altar of our kids
God has to come first and foremost !!! Easier said than done, I know. But our kids come from Him, they are only lent to us. And yes, we love them dearly, but they are God's creations and not our own. It's great that you love your husband and your kids soooo much. And difficult to love God without being able to see Him. Abraham had to choose between God and his son ! And we have to choose God as well. He WILL look after our kids though, as He did with Abraham. I don't think there can be a straightforward answer to your question as to HOW, but keep focusing on HIM and HE will walk with you always

5 Third, I'm a Parent, and my relationship with my children come third."
Worshipping at the altar of our kids "I’m a Person first, and my individual relationship with God as His creation comes first. Second, I'm a Partner and my relationship with my wife comes second - I will be her partner til my death, long after children have left home. Third, I'm a Parent, and my relationship with my children come third." Those are healthy priorities. It doesn't mean that your children don't mean the world to you, but they come after your relationship with God and your husband. David Jeremiah

6 Worshipping at the altar of our kids - Questions
Do you think this is something we are in danger of seeing in western churches? If so how do we gently challenge it? Does church put too much emphasis on children and young people? How modern day discipleship chosen to neglect Matt 6 v 33

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