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What do the pieces of the snake represent?

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Presentation on theme: "What do the pieces of the snake represent?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do the pieces of the snake represent?
What is the message of this cartoon? Why was this cartoon re-used during the American Revolution? Do you think this cartoon is relevant today? Why? Link Benjamin Franklin

2 Causes of the American Revolution
8th Grade Social Studies Harwood

3 French & Indian War 1754 - 1763 What? Why? Importance—
Colonists vs. French & Indians French & Indian were pushed from British territory Why? Britain wanted the land Importance— Winning wars takes money Britain taxed colonists to make up that money Link

4 Proclamation Act 1763 What Happened? Why? Importance—
Stopped any settlement west of the Appalachian mountains Why? Britain wanted to prevent any further wars over this territory Importance— Settlers were forced out of their homes Proclamation was ignored

5 Stamp Act 1765 What Happened? Why? Importance— Link
Tax paid by colonists on printed documents Why? Help cover debts created by the French and Indian War Importance— Led to first major protests against British Sons of Liberty began seizing goods coming into Boston Its repeal emboldened the rebels Link

6 Townshend Acts 1767 What Happened? Why? Importance—
Taxes paid by colonists on glass, paint, and lead Why? This money is used to cover the salary of British officials Importance— Led to increased protests Boycott on British goods, especially tea All taxes were repealed, except for the tea tax

7 Tea Act 1773 What Happened? Why? Importance— Increase of tax on tea
Colonists had no representation in Parliament to speak for them Importance— Led to the Boston Tea Party 45 tons of British tea dumped into the harbor Link

8 Intolerable Acts 1774 What Happened? Why? Importance— Link
Boston ports blockaded Quartering of British troops Officials did not have to be tried in the colonies Why? Last ditch effort to maintain control of the colonies Importance— Led to the gathering of the First Continental Congress Link Link

9 Battles of the American Revolution
8th Grade Social Studies Harwood

10 Lexington & Concord April 19, 1775
Who Won? Patriots Importance 1st battle Victory for Patriots Link

11 Bunker Hill June 17, 1775 Who Won? Importance
British Importance Moral victory for Patriots High losses for British

12 Trenton & Princeton December 26, 1776
Who Won? Patriots Importance Strategic move for Washington Soldiers from all over united Link

13 Yorktown October 19, 1781 Who Won? Importance Final battle
Patriots Importance Final battle Lord Cornwallis surrenders Link

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