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Adolescents (10-19 yr) Last updated: October 2017.

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1 Adolescents (10-19 yr) Last updated: October 2017

2 HIV prevalence and epidemiology

3 HIV and AIDS among adolescents in Asia and the Pacific, 1990-2016
Regional overview of trends in HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents (10-19 yr), HIV and AIDS among adolescents in Asia and the Pacific, 2016 “zoom-in” New HIV infections 33,000 194,000 adolescents living with HIV Girls living with HIV 90,000 194,000 33,000 3,900 90,000 AIDS-related deaths 3,900 Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

4 Estimate based on current trend: 29,000 Falls short of target by:
ENDING AIDS BY 2030: Fast-Track and reduce new infections among adolescents by 2020 New HIV infections among adolescents (10-19 yr) in Asia and the Pacific 2010 2016 33,000 new HIV infections 2020 Estimate based on current trend: 29,000 new HIV infections 40,000 new HIV infections 18% decline between 2010 and 2016 Falls short of target by: 19,000 Fast-Track target 2020* *The 2020 target is equivalent to a 75% reduction since 2010. Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

5 Adolescents (10-19 yr) living with HIV
Top countries with highest HIV burden, new infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents in Asia and the Pacific, 2016 India Indonesia Myanmar Thailand Philippines Pakistan Papua New Guinea Other countries 33,000 new HIV infections 194,000 adolescents living with HIV 3,900 AIDS-related deaths Adolescents (10-19 yr) living with HIV New HIV infections Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

6 Trends in HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents by age group, Asia and the Pacific, 2016 Adolescents living with HIV New HIV infections among adolescents AIDS-related deaths among adolescents Adolescents years Adolescents years Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

7 Trends in HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents by gender, Asia and the Pacific, 2016 Adolescents living with HIV New HIV infections among adolescents AIDS-related deaths among adolescents Girls years Boys years Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

8 Mixed picture of HIV epidemics among adolescents in Asia and the Pacific countries: success and challenges New infections and AIDS-related deaths among adolescents in Asia and the Pacific countries ( ) 16 000 20 000 3 100 2 500 India 6 300 8 600 230 160 Indonesia 2 300 3 200 160 210 Myanmar 1 000 800 <50 Pakistan 220 200 <100 <50 Papua New Guinea 2 400 1 000 <50 Philippines <1 000 2 000 <100 250 Thailand New infections trend AIDS-related deaths trend Source: Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 HIV Estimates

9 National response

10 Laws and regulations that allow adolescents (10-19 years) to seek services without parental/spousal consent, countries where data is available, Yes No No information Source: Prepared by based on information from countries that responded to the Global Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health Policy Indicator Surveys ( , , , 2016) undertaken by Department of Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health; World Health Organization (accessed Feb 10, 2017)

11 HIV testing coverage among key populations by age group, 2013-2016
Being young + key populations = less access to HIV services HIV testing coverage among key populations by age group, Female sex workers (10 countries) Men who have sex with men (13 countries) People who inject drugs (9 countries) 0% 90% Prepared by based on Global AIDS Monitoring 2017; Integrated Bio-Behavioural Surveys; and Behavioural Surveillance Surveys

12 HIV testing and treatment cascade among adolescents (10-19 years), select countries, 2016
Estimated adolescents living with HIV Adolescents know their status On ART Tested for viral load Suppressed viral load Thailand >95% 70% 87% n/a n/a Estimated adolescents living with HIV Adolescents know their status On ART Tested for viral load Suppressed viral load Indonesia 9% Estimated adolescents living with HIV Adolescents know their status On ART Tested for viral load Suppressed viral load Philippines 84% 3% 11% n/a Prepared by based on UNAIDS 2017 estimates and Global AIDS Monitoring 2017

13 slides compiled by
THANK YOU slides compiled by Data shown in this slide set are comprehensive to the extent they are available from country reports. Please inform us if you know of sources where more recent data can be used. Please acknowledge if slides are lifted directly from this site

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