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“Promising Shuffle-Exchange

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1 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange
Humane Water: International Conference 2017 on Water & Energy, …, Health & Education, and Science & Technology “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” October 28, 2017 March 31, 2017

2 Wichita State University (WSU)
Humane Water: International Conference 2017 on Water & Energy, …, Health & Education, and Science & Technology Farshad Mashhadi, Abu Asaduzzaman, and Chidella, K. K. "Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems." Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech), Ninth Annual IEEE. IEEE, 2017. Presenter: Farshad Mashhadi, PhD Student Member of CAPPLab and IEEE Student Branch at Wichita State Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) Wichita State University (WSU) October 28, 2017

3 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Outline Introduction to Multi-stage Interconnection Networks Provide the interconnection between processors, memory modules Suffers from blocking problems and transmission delay Negative impacts on network performance, throughput and reliability Background and Motivation Previous researches mostly tried to improve the performance of the network by changing the network architecture Proposed Resource Scheduling Approach Using an optimized TDMA frame, And Monte Carlo random sampling method to generate time slot lengths Experimental Results, Conclusions Q/A, Discussion

4 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Authors Farshad Mashhadi, PhD Student EECS Department, Wichita State University, USA Abu Asaduzzaman, Associate Professor Kishore K. Chidella, PhD Student In this work, the first/corresponding author (Dr. Asaduzzaman, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering) and his MS student (Ms. Mazumder, the second author) have introduced a secure protocol in a NFC architecture and a certificate in the NDEF message to improve the security of NFC devices and transactions. They consulted and worked with Dr. Salinas (the third author, an Assistant Professor and expert in Privacy and Security of Cyberphysical Systems) and Dr. Mridha (the fourth author, an Assistant Professor and Computer Scientist) to understand and address/process various networking attacks. This article is an outcome of a collaborative work of researchers from multiple disciplines and institutions.

5 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction High performance computing systems are the key contributor to solve many problems that need high computational power [1]. Using multiple processors working in parallel, we can improve the speed and computational power [2]. The communication needs between processors, memory modules, and other devices of a parallel computer is provided by Interconnection Networks [1]. Fig 1. Generic multiprocessor system with distributed memory

6 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction (+) In near future thousands of cores will be working on a single chip, and hence more advance Interconnection networks are needed [3]. Many topologies proposed to satisfy these needs, one of them is Multistage Interconnection Network (MINs) [4]. MINs are built from one or multiple stages of crossbar switches and numerous inter-state links. Any communications are carried out through these switching elements [5]. Fig 2. Shared bus topology Fig 3. Crossbar topology Fig 4. MIN topology

7 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction (+) Blocking problem: When only one switching element in a path becomes faulty, or the path is being used for another data transmission [3]: The reliability of the network is degraded. a b c Fig 5. Shuffle-Exchange network (SEN)

8 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction (+) Three approaches to improve the reliability of the MINs [8,9]: Increasing the number of switching stages Increases network reliability by providing more distinct paths between source- destinations (to some extent) Increases cost and network complexity Using a connection of multiple network in parallel Increases network reliability (to some extent) Increases cost and failure rate due to complexity Replicating the network Increases network reliability by providing more paths Increases the path lengths, and communication delays

9 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction (+) Improved SEN network (SEN+): Fig 6. Shuffle-Exchange network with additional stages (SEN+)

10 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Introduction (+) Improved SEN+ network (SEN+2): Fig 7. Shuffle-Exchange network with additional stages (SEN+2)

11 Problem Description Contributions
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Problem Description All of the approaches are changing the network architecture to improve the network performance, which have the aforementioned drawbacks. Using resource scheduling methods in these networks received less attention Contributions Using an optimized TDMA protocol for resource scheduling in a well- known type of MIN, Shuffle-exchange Networks (SENs) Improving the reliability and throughput of the networks

12 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Outline Introduction to Multi-stage Interconnection Networks Provide the interconnection between processors, memory modules Suffers from blocking problems and transmission delay Negative impacts on network performance, throughput and reliability Background and Motivation Previous researches mostly tried to improve the performance of the network by changing the network architecture Proposed Resource Scheduling Approach Using an optimized TDMA frame, And Monte Carlo random sampling method to generate time slot lengths Experimental Results, Conclusions Q/A, Discussion

13 Proposed Resource Scheduling Algorithm
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Proposed Resource Scheduling Algorithm We propose a resource scheduling and slot allocation approach using the optimized TDMA protocol, to improve the throughput and reliability of the network The proposed approach is applied to SEN+ and SEN+2 of size 16×16

14 Proposed Resource Scheduling Algorithm
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Proposed Resource Scheduling Algorithm Proposed TDMA frame consists of: The information slot which contains the transmission information Assignment slot which is used for sending time slot allocation table Time slot length generated from Monte Carlo method, indicates the transmit time length for the source node Source nodes send their packets in the given time slot Fig 8. Optimized TDMA protocol

15 Simulation Tool: Assumptions:
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Simulation Tool: Network Simulator 2 (NS2) Assumptions: Two type of SENs of size 16×16, with identical switching elements of size 2× 2 is used Nodes in these networks are not completely reliable (except source and destination nodes) Node failures are random and independent All of the switching elements have the same reliability Traffic demand between 1 to 1024 kbps is randomly generated at every simulation cycle

16 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Experimental Results Figure shows the Throughput of the networks for simulation cycles. After using the proposed approach, channels will be allocated fairly between sources. Fig 11. Network throughput with respect to number of simulation cycles

17 Experimental Results (+)
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Experimental Results (+) Terminal reliability is the probability of existing at least one available path between every source/destination pair at every simulation cycle. Fig 10. Terminal reliability analysis with respect to single switches different reliability

18 Experimental Results (+)
“Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” Experimental Results (+) Synchronization Problem of TDMA Protocol: Synchronization problem of TDMA protocol in a long-run simulation, degrades the network performance, but not significantly. Fig 12. Effects of synchronization problem on network throughput

19 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
Conclusions In this work, a new slot allocation approach using the optimized TDMA frame structure and using Monte Carlo random sampling method is proposed. Network Simulator 2 simulation results show that the network throughput and terminal reliability of all the SENs with the optimized TDMA increase compared to the regular SENs. The proposed approach does not change the network architecture. Hence, can be considered as cost effective while there is no increase in network complexity as well.

20 “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems”
References [1] D. G. Miltos, D. H. Frank, and K. Miro, Parallel System Interconnections and Communications, Florida, USA: CRC Press, 2000. [2] F. Bistouni, and M. Jahanshahi, “Pars network: A multistage interconnection network with fault-tolerance capability,” J. Parappel Distrib. Comput., vol. 75, pp , 2014. [3] F. Bistouni, and M. Jahanshahi, “Analyzing the reliability of shuffle-exchange networks using reliability block diagrams,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 132, pp , 2014. [4] J. T. Blake, and K. S. Trivedi, “Reliability analysis of interconnection networks using hierarchical decomposition,” Reliab IEEE Tran, vol. 38, pp. 111–120, 1989. [5] I. Gunawan, ”Fundamental of Reliability Engineering: Application in Multistage Interconnection Networks,” pp , New Jersey, USA: John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2014. [6] J. Duato, S. Yalamanchili, and L. NI, ”Interconnection Networks: An Engineering Approach,” pp , San Francisco, USA: Morgan Kaufmann, 2003. [7] P. Newman, Fast packet switching for integrated services, University of Cambridge, UK, 1989. [8] I. Gunawan, “Reliability analysis of shuffle-exchange network systems,” Reliability Engineering and System Safety, vol. 93, pp , 2008. [9] F. Bistouni, and M. Jahanshahi, “Improved extra group network: a new fault-tolerant multistage interconnection network,” Journal of Supercomputing, vol. 69, pp , 2014.

21 Humane Water: International Conference 2017 on Water & Energy, …, Health & Education, and Science & Technology “Promising Shuffle-Exchange Networks for Multicore/Many-core Computer Systems” QUESTIONS? Contact: Farshad Mashhadi Phone: Thank You!

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