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Diagramming Sentences

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1 Diagramming Sentences

2 Subjects & Verbs Start diagram with a horizontal line, called a baseline, intersected by a vertical line Retain the capitalization but leave out the punctuation Find the subject and place it to the left of the vertical line; then place the predicate to the right of the vertical line A sentence with an understood subject is diagramed with the understood subject places in parentheses.

3 Compound Subjects & Verbs
If a pair of correlative conjunctions are used, place the conjunctions to the right and left of the dotted line

4 Adjectives & Adverbs Both adjectives and adverbs are placed on slanted lines leading from the modified words An adverb that modifies another modifier is placed on a slanted line parallel to the modifier and is connected to it with a straight line

5 Direct objects & Indirect objects
A direct object appears on the baseline to the right of the verb The verb and direct object are separated by a vertical line that does not cross the baseline

6 Subject Complements & Object Complements
Subject complements (predicate nominatives and predicate adjectives) are placed on the baseline to right of the verb They are separated from the verb by a slanted line that does not cross the baseline Object complements are diagrammed the same way subject complements are, but a direct object comes between the verb and the object complement

7 Appositives & Appositive Phrases
To diagram an appositive, place the word in parentheses beside the noun or pronoun it identifies To program an appositive phrase, place the appositive phrase in parentheses and place any modifying words on slanted lines directly beneath the appositive

8 Compound Sentences Two or more simple sentences joined by a comma and a conjunction or by a semicolon Diagram each main clause of a compound sentence separately If the clauses are separated by a semicolon, use a dotted line to connect the verbs of each main clause

9 Compound Sentences If the main clauses are connected by a conjunction, place the conjunction on a solid horizontal line, and connect it to the verbs of each main clause by dotted lines

10 Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
A complex sentence has one main clause and one or more subordinate clauses Adjective Clauses Place the main clause in one diagram and the adjective clause in another diagram beneath it Use a dotted line to connect the introductory word of the clause to the modified noun or pronoun in the main clause

11 Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
Adverb Clauses Place the adverb clause in a separate diagram beneath the main clause Use a dotted line to connect the verb in the adverb clause to the modified word in the main clause Write the subordinating conjunction on the dotted line

12 Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
Noun Clauses Diagram the main clause and place the noun clause on the stilt in its appropriate position The stilt that attaches the noun clause to the sentence may be connected to any point on the noun clause’s baseline You must identify the function of the introductory word of the noun clause

13 Noun Clauses (cont) The introductory word can be the subject, an object, a predicate nominative, or an adverb in the noun clause; or it might simply connect the noun clause to the main clause If the latter is the case, place the introductory word on a line of its own above the verb in the noun clause, connecting it to the verb with a dotted line

14 Complex and Compound-Complex Sentences
A compound-complex sentence has two or more main clauses and at least one subordinate clause Diagram it as you would a a compound sentence

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