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Chapter 7 Skeletal System

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1 Chapter 7 Skeletal System
Relevant Pages (10th Ed.) 199 to 246

2 270 Bones At Birth 206 Bones As Adult
Skeleton Divisions: Axial and Appendicular Axial Skeleton – 80 Bones, 3 Regions Skull Vertebrae Ribs

3 270 Bones At Birth 206 Bones As Adult
Skeleton Divisions: Axial and Appendicular Appendicular Skeleton – 126 Bones, 4 Regions Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle Upper Limb Lower Limb

4 Skeletal System Is Lightweight
20% Of Our Body Weight Supportive But Light

5 The Skull (Axial Division)
Skeleton: The Skull (Axial Division)

6 Cranial Bones Surround Brain
Skull – Two Divisions: Cranial Bones (8 Bones) Facial Bones (14 Bones) Facial Bones Support Eyes, Jaw

7 One Skull Bone Capable of Movement
Temporal External Auditory Meatus Mandible The Mandible Forms Hinge Joint With Temporal

8 Cranial Bones United by Sutures
Sutures Unite Bones with Collagen Four Specific Sutures in Lab: The Coronal Suture The Sagittal Suture The Squamous Suture The Lambdoid Suture

9 Skull Cavities Cranial Cavity – Formed by Cranial Bones Cranial
Fully Encloses Brain Major Body Cavity? Cranial

10 Eye Socket (Orbits) Formed By 7 Bones:
Skull Cavities Sphenoid Frontal Eye Socket (Orbits) Formed By 7 Bones: Three Cranial Bones Four Facial Bones Ethmoid Lacrimal Palatine Zygomatic Maxilla

11 The L-Shaped Palatine Bone
Anterior Maxilla Hard Palate Palatine Vertical Piece Horizontal Piece Inferior View of Skull

12 In Humans, Hard Palate Separates Oral & Nasal Cavities
Nasal Cavity Non-Mammalian Vertebrates Nasal & Oral Cavities Connected Nasal Passages Open Into Mouth (White Arrows)

13 In Humans, Hard Palate Separates Oral & Nasal Cavities
Mammalian Vertebrates - Hard Palate Forms Barrier Between Oral & Nasal Cavities Function?

14 Cleft Palate Improper Fusion – Maxilla or Palatines
Oral & Nasal Cavities Not Separated Problems with Nursing / Feeding Frequency ~ 1 in 700 Births in US

15 Nasal Cavity Ethmoid Maxilla Palatine Ethmoid Maxilla Palatine
Nasal Cartilage Ethmoid Maxilla Palatine Midsagittal View Anterior View

16 Vomer Forms Inferior Aspect
Nasal Septum Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Vomer Forms Inferior Aspect

17 Nasal Sinuses Function? Named For Bones They Occupy: Ethmoid Sinuses
Maxillary Sinuses Frontal Sinuses Sphenoidal Sinuses

18 Major Openings In Skull
Foramen Magnum Occipital Bone Spinal Cord Meets Brain Brain Spinal Cord Foramen Magnum

19 Major Openings In Skull
External Auditory Meatus Sound Enters Skull Contains Tympanic Membrane & Middle Ear Ossicles Ossicles Not Considered Skull Bones External Auditory Meatus

20 Major Openings In Skull External Auditory Meatus
Sound Enters Skull Contains Tympanic Membrane & Middle Ear Ossicles Ossicles Not Considered Skull Bones

21 Major Openings In Skull Entry / Exit of Blood Vessels
Carotid Canal Entry / Exit of Blood Vessels Carotid Canal - Carotid Arteries Jugular Foramen - Jugular Veins Jugular Foramen

22 The Fetal Skull Bones Still Developing Intramembranous Ossification
Anterior Fontanel Bones Still Developing Intramembranous Ossification Soft Spots in Skull = The Fontanels Posterior Fontanel Sphenoid Fontanel Superior View Mastoid Fontanel Lateral View

23 Hyoid Bone Axial Skeleton Does Not Directly Attach to Any Bone
Found on Larynx Function?

24 Vertebral Column - Axial Skeleton
26 Bones - 5 Regions: Cervical Thoracic Lumbar Sacrum Coccyx

25 Vertebral Column Functions - Support Skull
Skull Sits Here Cervical Vertebra 1 Connects To Occipital Bone Allows Skull To Rock Anterior and Posteriorly

26 Vertebral Column Functions - Shock Absorber
4 Alternating C-Shaped Curvatures (Viewed Laterally) Allow Column To Behave like Spring Intervertebral Discs Absorb Compressive Forces of Weight

27 Vertebral Column Functions - Shock Absorber
In Adult Skeleton: Cervical & Lumbar Curvatures – Point Posteriorly (Concave) Thoracic & Sacral Curvatures – Point Anteriorly (Convex) ANTERIOR

28 Infant Vertebral Column
Single C-Shape Alternating Curves Develop Later Cervical & Lumbar Curvatures Switch Direction Later Thoracic & Sacral Curvatures Never Change Direction

29 Vertebral Column Functions - Protect Spinal Cord
Vertebral Foramen In the Column, Foramen Form Continuous Cavity Vertebral Foramen Superior View

30 Abnormal Curvatures of Vertebral Column
Abnormal Lateral Curvature (Posteriorly) = Scoliosis Typically in Thoracic Region Posterior View

31 Abnormal Curvatures of Vertebral Column
Exaggerated Thoracic Curvature (Posterior Direction) = Kyphosis Common Cause - Osteoporosis Osteoporosis = Decrease in Spongy Bone

32 Abnormal Curvatures of Vertebral Column
Lordosis Abnormal Lumbar Curvature (Anterior Direction) Cause? Added Weight to Abdomen

33 Features of Vertebrae Vertebral Body (Anterior)
Posterior Vertebral Arch Vertebral Body (Anterior) Vertebral Arch (Posterior) Vertebral Foramen Body Anterior Vertebral Foramen SUPERIOR VIEW

34 Processes on the Vertebral Arch
Spinous Process Processes on the Vertebral Arch Spinous Process (Posterior) Transverse Processes (Lateral) Posterior Transverse Process Anterior SUPERIOR VIEW

35 Articular Processes Attach to Other Vertebrae
Superior Articular Processes LATERAL VIEW Articular Processes Attach to Other Vertebrae Superior – Vertebra Above Inferior – Vertebra Below Inferior Articular Processes

36 How Do Vertebrae Stack? Anterior Posterior 1 2 SAP IAP Intervertebral Disc Anteriorly – Vertebral Bodies & Intervertebral Discs Posteriorly – Superior & Inferior Articular Processes

37 Intervertebral Foramina
Lateral Gaps Between Vertebrae = Intervertebral Foramina Function? LATERAL VIEW

38 Unique Vertebral Structures
Spinous Process Posterior Cervical Vertebrae Transverse Foramina – Contain Carotid Arteries Spinous Process Forked (Bifid) Anterior Transverse Foramina SUPERIOR VIEW

39 First Two Cervical Vertebrae
Cervical Vertebra #1 called Atlas Cervical Vertebra #2 called Axis Anterior Posterior

40 Cervical Vertebra 1 Articulates With Occipital Bone No Vertebral Body
No Spinous Process

41 Cervical Vertebra 2 – Axis
Dens Projects from Body Dens articulates with Atlas

42 Unique Vertebral Structures
Transverse CF Superior CF Thoracic Vertebrae Support The Ribs – Costal Facets Three Costal Facets on Each Side Inferior CF Posterior Anterior LATERAL VIEW

43 Rib Spans Two Thoracic Vertebrae
1 2 Rib Spans Two Thoracic Vertebrae Head of Rib Attaches To: Inferior Costal Facet (Vertebra 1) Superior Costal Facet (Vertebra 2) Tubercle of Rib Attaches To: Transverse Costal Facet (Vertebra 2)

44 Fetal Skeleton = Sacrum is 5 Bones
Later, Sacrum Fuses into Single Wedge-Shape Function of Sacrum? Pelvis – Anterior View

45 Thoracic Cage Consists Of? 12 Pairs Ribs Anterior Cage – Sternum
SUPERIOR Thoracic Cage Consists Of? 12 Pairs Ribs Anterior Cage – Sternum Posterior Cage – Thoracic Vertebrae INFERIOR

46 The Sternum One Bone, Three Regions Manubrium Sternal Angle Body
SUPERIOR One Bone, Three Regions 1 2 Manubrium 3 4 Sternal Angle 5 6 Body 7 8 9 Xiphoid Process INFERIOR

47 The Ribs Pairs 1-7 = True Ribs
Connect Directly to Sternum with Hyaline Cartilage The Ribs

48 The Ribs Pairs 8 - 12 = False Ribs Connect Indirectly to Sternum
Or Do Not Connect (Floating) The Ribs

49 270 Bones At Birth 206 Bones As Adult
Skeleton Divisions: Axial and Appendicular Appendicular Skeleton – 126 Bones, 4 Regions Pectoral Girdle Pelvic Girdle Upper Limb Lower Limb

50 The Pectoral Girdle Function? Four Bones: 2 Clavicles 2 Scapulae

51 POSTERIOR VIEW Scapula – Does Not Directly Connect to Axial Skel. Gives Shoulder Great Mobility Clavicle Acts as Brace

52 The Scapula Two Bones Articulate Humerus - Glenoid Fossa
Acromion Process ANTERIOR VIEW Glenoid Fossa Two Bones Articulate Humerus - Glenoid Fossa Clavicle - Acromion Process

53 The Clavicle Acromion of Scapula Acromial End of Clavicle
Articulates with Two Bones: Scapula – at Acromion Sternum – at Manubrium Sternal End of Clavicle

54 The Clavicle Most Commonly Fractured Bone In Body Occur During Falls
Arms Used to Break Fall: Scapula Pushed Back By Force on Arm Scapula Pulls on Clavicle Fractured Clavicle

55 Articulates with Three Bones:
PROXIMAL END The Humerus Articulates with Three Bones: Proximal End: Head of Humerus Articulates with? Distal End: Trochlea & Capitulum ANTERIOR VIEW DISTAL END

56 The Bones of the Antebrachium:
Radius and Ulna The Bones of the Antebrachium: Radius – Lateral Ulna – Medial

57 Trochlea of Humerus Capitulum of Humerus Radius Ulna
ANTERIOR VIEW Right Elbow Joint

58 Olecranon Process – The Elbow
Ulna Radius POSTERIOR VIEW Right Elbow Joint

59 Bones of the Hand Wrist - 8 Bones Palm - 5 Bones Digits - 14 Bones
ANTERIOR VIEW (Right Hand) Bones of the Hand Wrist - 8 Bones Palm - 5 Bones Digits - 14 Bones

60 The Carpals Trapezium Two Rows – Four Bones Each Row Are Short Bones
ANTERIOR VIEW (Right Hand) The Carpals Two Rows – Four Bones Each Row Are Short Bones Each Has Unique Name Only Know Trapezium Saddle Joint – Metacarpal I Distal Row Proximal Row Trapezium

61 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Transverse Carpal Ligament Passes Over Carpals Carpal Tunnel – Space Between Ligament & Wrist Bones Inflammation of Tendons In Carpal Tunnel – Pushes on Median Nerve Fix = Wrist Brace or Surgery

62 The Metacarpals Bones Within Palm 5 Per Hand Do Not Have Special Names
Numbering Begins with Thumb Metacarpal IV II III V I ANTERIOR VIEW (Right Hand)

63 The Phalanges III IV II V I 14 Bones Do Not Have Special Names
How Phalanges are Named: Proximal, Middle, or Distal Numbered Thumb (Pollex) ANTERIOR VIEW (Right Hand)

64 Example Naming Phalanx - Singular III IV II V I Distal Phalanx II
Middle Phalanx II Proximal Phalanx II I Distal Phalanx I Proximal Phalanx I Phalanx - Singular ANTERIOR VIEW (Right Hand)

65 Pelvic Girdle and Lower Limb
Pelvic Girdle Function? Lower Limb Function?

66 Pelvic (Coxal) Bones Develop as Three Bones – Fuse into Single Bone

67 Pelvis = Basin-Like Structure Formed By:
The Pelvis Pelvis = Basin-Like Structure Formed By: Pelvic Bones Sacrum Coccyx

68 True & False Pelvis False Pelvis Cradles Abdominal Organs
Transmits Body Weight to Lower Limbs True Pelvis = Opening in Base of Pelvis Important In Childbirth

69 Pelvic Bone Landmarks Ilium RIGHT LATERAL VIEW Acetabulum
Greater Sciatic Notch Ischial Tuberosity Function? Sciatic Notches and Obturator Foramen – Blood Vessel, Nerve Passage Acetabulum – Femur Attachment Pubis Lesser Sciatic Notch Obturator Foramen Ischial Tuberosity

70 Anatomical Differences - Male and Female Pelvis

71 Females Males False Pelvis / Ilium – Flared Out Laterally
False Pelvis / Ilium – More Upright

72 Females Males True Pelvis – Large, Oval Shaped Sacrum Tilted Back
True Pelvis – Anatomical Heart-Shape Sacrum Tilted Forward

73 Females Males Pubic Arch – Wide U-Shape, Greater Than 90 Degrees
Wider Pelvis Pubic Arch – Narrow V-Shape, 50 to 60 Degrees Overall Narrower Pelvis

74 Articulates With 3 Bones:
Proximal End Femur Longest, Strongest Bone Articulates With 3 Bones: Proximal End: Head Of Femur – Acetabulum Distal End: Condyles – Tibia Patellar Surface – Patella Patellar Surface Distal End ANTERIOR VIEW

75 Fovea Capitis – Entry for Ligament, Artery

76 Gluteal Muscle Pull Causes Development of Trochanters

77 Quadriceps Muscle Tendon
Patella Sesamoid Short Bone Protects Knee Joint and Tendon That Cross Knee Patella

78 Tibia Medial Bone of Leg Receives Body Weight From Femur
Second Strongest Bone Proximal End: Medial and Lateral Condyles Articulate with Femur Distal End: Articulates with Talus (Tarsal Bone) ANTERIOR VIEW

79 Fibula Lateral Bone of Leg Carries No Body Weight
Anchors Muscles Controlling Ankle & Foot

Bones of the Feet Hallux Tarsals Metatarsals Phalanges I II III IV V Ankle: Tarsals - 7 Per Foot Plantar: Metatarsals - 5 Per Foot Digits: Phalanges - 5 Digits, 14 Bones RIGHT FOOT, SUPERIOR VIEW

81 Right Foot, Lateral View
Calcaneus Talus Tarsals Right Foot, Lateral View Calcaneus – Heel Bone Talus – Articulates with Tibia & Fibula

Metatarsals No Specific Names – Only Numbered Numbering Begins with Metatarsal Near Hallux II IV I III V RIGHT FOOT, SUPERIOR VIEW

Phalanges Same Naming as Hand Multiple Bones Per Toe – Proximal, Middle, or Distal Bones Numbered – Starting with Hallux as Phalanx I II IV I III V RIGHT FOOT, SUPERIOR VIEW

Example Naming Distal Phalanx II Distal Phalanx I I II III IV V Middle Phalanx II Proximal Phalanx I Proximal Phalanx II RIGHT FOOT, SUPERIOR VIEW

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