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Egyptian Innovations.

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Presentation on theme: "Egyptian Innovations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Egyptian Innovations

2 Egyptian Art and Innovations
Frontalism: Rule #1: Egyptians painted using the rule of frontalism. This means the head is always turned while the body is facing the front.

3 Painting of Pharaohs Frontalism Rule #2: Nothing should be in front of the face or body of the Pharaoh

4 Sculptures Sculptures were made out of wood and stone of various pharaohs. Why did Egyptians create statues of their Pharaohs?

5 Sculptures of Animals

6 Hieroglyphics The earliest form of Egyptian writing
Mainly carved in stone Most are pictures of man-made or natural objects Hieroglyphics- pictures for words/letters

7 The Rosetta Stone The stone was found in the late 1700s and is black with three languages on it, (Greek, demotic and hieroglyphs) – all stated the same information It became a key for figuring out what the hieroglyphics meant – Once translated they could learn new information about Egyptian culture, daily life, and religion The writing was a decree between priests at Memphis in 196 BC to honor the anniversary King Ptolemy V Epiphanes’ reign. The British took possession of the stone when they defeated Napoleon in 1801. It is now housed in the British Museum in London

8 Egypt Innovations Paper or Papyrus

9 Egyptian Innovations Clocks : Water Clocks and sun dials
The sundial was the earliest time keeping device which indicates the time of day, by the position of the shadow of some object exposed to the Sun’s rays. As the day progresses, the Sun moves across the sky, causing the shadow of the object to move and indicating the passage of time. The water clock measured the time passed by a small hole at the bottom which allowed the water to leak out. The markings represented how much time had passed.

10 Egyptian Innovations Considered Most Important- Why? 365-day Calendar
Consisted of 12 months with 30 days each. With an additional 5 days grouped at the end of the year. – based calendar around the stars and the flooding of the Nile ( how they started a New Year) Considered Most Important- Why?

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