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Period 1 Prehistory – 600 BCE Review

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1 Period 1 Prehistory – 600 BCE Review

2 Paleolithic vs. Neolithic
The Paleolithic Era (Old Stone Age) lasted 6+ million years ago to c years ago. The Neolithic Era (New Stone Age) began c. 10,000 BCE and ended between 4500 and 2000 BCE in various parts of the world. In the Paleolithic, there were more than one human species. Paleolithic humans lived a nomadic lifestyle in small groups. They used stone tools and their survival depended heavily on their environment and climate. Neolithic humans discovered agriculture and animal husbandry, which allowed them to settle down in one area. This led to a surplus of food, as well as the creation of civilization (with complex culture, government, religion, specialized jobs, a social hierarchy, and infrastructure built with organized labor). The downside is that proximity to domesticated animals and dependence on crop yields often led to increased disease and shortened life spans (until the development of more modern medicine and technologies).


4 River Valley Civilizations
Each early civilization developed its own unique ways of life, but they all shared some common characteristics • Complex irrigation systems • legal codes • money • art and written literature • More formal scientific knowledge, numbering systems, and calendars • Intensification of social inequality


6 Mesopotamia Geography Culture & Society Political Org.
Tigris & Euphrates rivers. Floods more unpredictable than Egypt. Cuneiform Extensive trade with Egypt & the Indus Epic of Gilgamesh Bronze tools, chariots Advanced astronomy; math based on 60 Pessimistic view of afterlife due to irregular floods Polytheism – gods powerful/cruel Job specialization and social hierarchy Marriage contracts; veils for women; women of upper classes less equal than lower-class counterparts City-states & warrior kings Hammurabi’s Code Competition among city-states as well as frequent invasions led to less political stability than in Egypt

7 Egypt Geography Culture Political Org. Nile river
Polytheism, with pharaoh as a god Optimistic view of life (regular, controllable flooding of the Nile River) Strong belief in the afterlife; Book of the Dead Hieroglyphics Some social mobility through the bureaucracy Women had higher status than in Mesopotamia Divine kingship – the pharaoh; highly centralized, authoritarian government Generally stable government Extensive bureaucracy;

8 Indus River Valley Geography Culture Political Org.
Writing system undecipherable Trade with Mesopotamia & China Cruder weapons than Mesopotamians Polytheism Priests have highest status based on position as intermediaries between gods and people. Differences in house sizes indicate class distinctions Statues reflect reverence for female reproductive function Centralized government to allow building of Granaries, plumbing, cities designed on grid pattern indicate centralized control

9 Yellow River Valley Geography Culture Political Org.
Geographical separation from other civilizations (Gobi Desert & Himalaya Mts.), though probably traded with the Indus Valley RIVER: Huang He (Yellow) Oracle bones used to communicate with ancestors, formed basis for writing system Bronze weapons & tools, horse-drawn chariot Job specialization Patriarchal society Centralized government; power in the hands of the emperor Government preoccupied with flood control of the rivers

10 Mesoamerica and South America
Geography Culture Political Org. Olmecs lived on coast, in mountains, and in jungle Chavin: agriculture based on maize Olmecs in Mesoamerica; Highly developed astronomy; used to predict agricultural cycles Polytheism, ritual ball games Giant carved stone heads, Jaguar symbol important Chavin in Andean region Polytheism – statues of jaguar men Square stone architecture, no mortar In all cultures, priests had highest status, most people were farmers Irrigation & drainage canals Olmecs probably not united politically Chavin probable political unification; public works operated by reciprocal labor obligations; had a capital city


12 Ancient Mediterranean
Geography Culture Political Org. Mediterranean became basis of their economy, influenced culture and government Phoenicians: Invented alphabet for their trade empire (colonies around Mediterranean), purple dye, likely first to circumnavigate Africa Minoans: Linear A (undeciphered), plumbing Mycenaeans: Linear B (earliest form of written Greek), death masks, bronze weapons All were seafaring civilizations All led by Kings with a strong navy


14 Africa Period One Geography Culture Political Org.
Nubia/Kush: Central Nile Valley, trade on the Red Sea, trade with Egypt Nubia/Kush: Cultural assimilation with Egypt; more pyramids than Egypt but smaller/thinner Writing based on an alphabet Polytheistic Nubian government was similar to Egyptian; controlled by pharaoh. Had controlled Egypt


16 Changes and Continuities Prehistory – 600 BCE
Human migrations Hunter-gatherer communities remained even in the Neolithic Neolithic revolution  civilization Humans continue to migrate due to climate change, changes in resources, competition… Reduction in women’s social status Agriculture and animal domestication continues Technological advancements

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