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Campus Shared Areas Management Company

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1 Campus Shared Areas Management Company
Strule Campus Shared Areas Management Company 7 June 2017

2 The MoA states: “Upon completion of construction it is anticipated that the Department will lease to the relevant school authority its school’s building/site. Thereafter, the entire SSEC site will be leased by the Department to a company.....with that lease being subject to the leases of each school authority”

3 Advantages of a Charitable Company
When considering the best structure by which to manage the shared areas, a charitable company limited by guarantee was chosen because: a company is a corporate identity and can enter into commercial contracts (including employment contracts) and own/hold property and land; it has limited liability for debts or lawsuits which means company members are only liable for a limited amount of money (usually £1) except in instances of losses due to fraud or intentional wrongdoing; a company is a democratic structure where members have ultimate control over the management of the company charities can avail of some tax (and other) exemptions (e.g. Rates)

4 Charitable Company A Charitable Company is to be established to manage the shared educational provision and shared facilities on the SSEC. The Company membership will be a 50/50 split between the EA and trustees representing the voluntary schools Company will comprise of 12 directors: six representatives from the Education Authority; 2 representatives from the Institute of the Blessed Virgin Mary (commonly known as the Sisters of Loreto); 2 representatives from the Edmund Rice Schools Trust (NI) Limited; 2 representatives from St Canice’s Educational Trust

5 Operating Committee Company will establish an Operating Committee
Comprise of 2 representatives from each of the Schools 1 representative from the BoG along with the principal (or their nominee) The Operating Committee will advise and make recommendations to the Company on any matters relating to the general operation of the Shared Areas

6 Director roles and responsibilities
Directors’ roles and responsibilities will be set out in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the charitable company Ultimately, Directors must act collectively to govern the charitable company and take decisions Day to day operational decisions can be delegated to the Operating Committee and/or Company staff Remuneration- Charitable company Directorships are not paid posts but Directors will be re-imbursed for any reasonable expenses incurred when acting on behalf of the Company

7 Board of Directors- skill set
Various tools available to assist a Charity/Company in ensuring it has an appropriate mix of skills across its Board of Directors Most use a matrix approach to provide a high-level overview of the competencies across the Board, covering areas such as: Knowledge Skills Governance competencies Behavioural competencies

8 Board skill set Knowledge Skills Governance Personal Behaviours
of the education sector, Company goals, public policy direction, relevant Government legislation Skills accounting, law, marketing, IT, HR management, strategy development, business management, grant applications, leadership, etc Governance Risk management, compliance focus, financial literacy, etc Personal Behaviours Collaborative, willingness to challenge, sound judgement, integrity, etc

9 Next Steps Identification of Company Directors
The MoA (para 7.2) states ‘ The original members (EA and the 3 Trustee bodies) shall, following consultation with the Boards of Governors of each of the Participating Schools, appoint a board of 12 directors comprising 6 representatives from the EA and 2 representatives each from the Sisters of Loreto, the Edmund Rice Schools Trust (NI) Limited and St Canice’s Educational Trust’ It’s intended that the Schools’ Boards of Governors will assist the Managing Authorities in their decision-making on the necessary skill set for the Board of Directors, which in turn will lead to the development of Person Specifications for the Director posts

10 Next Steps Development of Company Business Plan
It is intended that those interested in becoming Directors would take part in a workshop with consultants from Business Consultancy Service (Department of Finance) to develop the draft Vision, Aims/Objectives and outline Business Plan for the Company (mid September 2017) It is hoped to hold a further workshop with consultants who specialise in service design and delivery for community-based organisations, to consider possible community uses for the shared areas of the campus linked to the Company Vision, Aims and Objectives (mid September 2017) Potentially viable community uses will be considered when finalising the Business Plan Agreement of Company Business Plan The original members of the Company will appoint the 12 Directors. These Directors will then agree the detailed Business Plan for Year 1 and a high level plan for Years 2-5

11 Draft Timeline The indicative timelines for the formation of the Company and Operating Committee are: Personnel specification for Directors of Company agreed Early/mid Sept 2017 Interested candidates for Director roles identified Early Sept 2017 Directors of Company agreed End Sept 2017 Purpose and Vision of Company agreed Dec 2017 Operating Committee members agreed Dec 2017 Operating Committee agrees timeline for completion of campus policies/strategies Jan 2018

12 Any Questions ?

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