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WP6 - aims, objectives Don Kirkup

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1 WP6 - aims, objectives Don Kirkup
to evaluate possible business models to support sustainable Open Science taking into account the needs of the Pro-iBiosphere community and best practices from other domains. Morning Session Introduction of the Advisory Board members and their contribution in pro-­-iBiosphere Discuss the project activities with the AB Obtain feedback

2 WP6 - ongoing activities
Morning Session Introduction of the Advisory Board members and their contribution in pro-­-iBiosphere Discuss the project activities with the AB Obtain feedback

3 WP6 - ongoing activities
Morning Session Introduction of the Advisory Board members and their contribution in pro-­-iBiosphere Discuss the project activities with the AB Obtain feedback

4 WP6 - aims, objectives Objectives
Ascertain the costs of supplying services (6.1 Naturalis) Ascertain the benefits of these services to users and providers (6.2 RBGK) Project vision and Identifying business models in use within and without our community (6.3 SIGMA) Evaluate model feasibility and recommend possible model models to follow (6.4 RBGK) Contributions to project, feedback, possible synergies, etc.

5 Agenda – pro-iBiosphere consortium meeting Fri 15th Feb
Afternoon Session Provide an overview of the project status (deliverables, milestones) Follow-­-up of the project objectives Progress of WP2-­-6 (task activities (workshops, training, pilots, etc.),budget& person month consumption) Discuss the results of the pro-­-iBiosphere meeting nr.2 (i.e.three workshops) Discuss the status of the remaining pro-­-iBiosphere meetings(i.e.logistics, preliminary agenda, objectives,expected results,list of attendees,etc.) Take actions for the next 3 months of the project

6 Task 2.2 information requirements
? ? ? ? ? ? workshops, agenda, participants, logistics, training, pilots, etc. Questionnaire - Best practice - Floristic and Faunistic information standards Are original observation records archived (by author/editor/other)? Are voucher specimens cross referenced (eg. seen for flora/fauna of ...)? Policy for citation of specimens? What standards employed for: Taxonomic system? Taxonomic names? Author abbreviations? Bibliography? How is the geographical area defined (inc. standard if any)? How does the area relate to standard TDWG geographical units? Are there geographical subdivisions defined (inc. Standard if any)? How to these relate to standard TDWG geographical units? Are the boundaries mapped (paper/digital raster/digital vector)? Gazetteer of collecting localities? Chorological classification? Vegetation classification? Ecological classification (inc. Biomes)? Geological classification? Life-form classification? Glossary of other morphological descriptive terms for authors? To what extent are terms standardised (author/editor) Do you employ mark-up in the editorial process (eg stylesheets)? Do you employ spreadsheets or databases in the editorial process (eg stylesheets)? ? ?

7 Progress of task 2.2 activities
Information standards questionnaire (best practice) Draft agenda meeting 3 (May 2013 Berlin) Provider & user questionnaire Draft participant list 1:1 follow-up, meetings (up to Aug 2013) workshops, agenda, participants, logistics, training, pilots, etc. Questionnaire - Best practice - Floristic and Faunistic information standards Are original observation records archived (by author/editor/other)? Are voucher specimens cross referenced (eg. seen for flora/fauna of ...)? Policy for citation of specimens? What standards employed for: Taxonomic system? Taxonomic names? Author abbreviations? Bibliography? How is the geographical area defined (inc. standard if any)? How does the area relate to standard TDWG geographical units? Are there geographical subdivisions defined (inc. Standard if any)? How to these relate to standard TDWG geographical units? Are the boundaries mapped (paper/digital raster/digital vector)? Gazetteer of collecting localities? Chorological classification? Vegetation classification? Ecological classification (inc. Biomes)? Geological classification? Life-form classification? Glossary of other morphological descriptive terms for authors? To what extent are terms standardised (author/editor) Do you employ mark-up in the editorial process (eg stylesheets)? Do you employ spreadsheets or databases in the editorial process (eg stylesheets)?

8 Review of WP6 (50 minutes) 6.1 Measuring and constraining costs
reports on cost delivery, efficiency and cost reduction through effective practices (m 15 & 21) 6.2 Identifying and measuring the benefits of delivering services 6.3 Evaluating business models currently in use by partners (questionnaires) 6.4 Towards Sustainability for Services General progress, budget and person month consumption. Presentation of revised methodology and first results.

9 vp1 - What are the business drivers for our institutes?

10 vp2 - What value do we deliver to the customer?

11 vp3 - Which one of our customer’s problems are we helping to solve?

12 vp4 - What bundles of products and services are we offering to each customer segment?

13 vp5 - Which customer needs are we satisfying?

14 cs1- For whom are we creating value?

15 cs2 - Who are our most important customers?

16 rs1 - For what value are our customers really willing to pay?

17 rs2- For what do they currently pay?

18 rs3 - How are they currently paying?

19 co1 - What are the most important costs inherent in our business model?

20 co2 - Which key resources are most expensive?

21 co3 - Which key activities are most expensive?

22 kp5 - What are the motivations for having partnerships

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