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Membasuh Khuf.

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1 Membasuh Khuf

2 Mughirah bin Syu’bah ra ia berkata: Aku bersama Rasulullah Saw dalam sebuah perjalanan, maka aku hendak melepaskan khufnya (dari kakinya), kemudian beliau bersabda, “Biarkan saja. Aku memasukkan kakiku ke dalamnya dalam keadaaan suci.” Kemudian beliau mengusap bagian atas khufnya. Mughirah ibn Shu'bah ra said: I was with the Prophet Saw on a journey, so I would put off his khuf (from his feet), then he said, "Let it be. I put my foot into it in purify. "Then he rubbed the top of his khuf.

3 Boleh mengusap khuf tanpa melepaskannya ketika wudhu
It is allowed to rub or wipe khuf without putting it off when doing ablution Syaratnya: sudah berwudhu atau suci sebelum memakai khuf Requirement: already did ablution before using khuf Mengusap bagian atas khuf cukup satu kali Rubbing the upper part of khuf once is enough Dianjurkan untuk berkhidmat kepada guru atau ulama It is recommended to be gracious to teachers or ulama

4 Syarat Sah Mengusap Khuf Requirements for Wiping Khuf
Khuf-nya kuat untuk dipakai dalam perjalanan. Tidak masalah apakah dari kulit, katun, wol, atau apa saja. The khuf is strong enough to be used for a long trip. No matter if it is created from leather, cotton, wool, or everything. Khuf menutupi kaki bagian atas serta kedua mata kaki The khuf covers upper part of foot and ankle. Syafi’i dan Hanbaly  tidak boleh kurang sedikit pun – not less than required. Hanafy  boleh kurang, asal tidak lebih dari tiga jari – allowed less than required, but (the shortcoming) should not exceed three fingers.

5 Khuf-nya suci The khuf should be pure, not contaminated by najis Hanafy dan Hanbaly  boleh bernajis jika najisnya ada di bagian yang diusap. Namun tidak sah dipakai untuk shalat jika najisnya belum dihilangkan. Hanafy and Hanbaly  allowed for khud contaminated by najis, if the najis lies on upper part of foot (that is wiped). But, the khuf is not valid to be used for shalat if the najis is not removed.

6 Memakai khuf dalam keadaan suci
Using the khuf in the state of purify. Di atas permukaan yang diusap, tidak ada yang menghalangi sampainya air, misalnya pasta, lilin dsb On the surface of wiped part of foot, it should not be anything that blocks water, e.g., pasta, wax, etc. Khuf diperoleh dari cara yang mubah, bukan haram, seperti mencuri. The khuf is obtained from the way that is mubah, not haram (e.g., stealing)

7 Bagian yang diusap Wiped part
Ikhtilaf ulama – Different opinion among scholars Maliky dan Hanbaly : Wajib mengusap seluruh permukaan bagian atas. Menganjurkan mengusap sampai bagian bawah yang menyentuh tanah, dan wajib mengulanginya jika sengaja meninggalkannya dan jeda waktunya tidak lama. Menurut hadits yang disampaikan Mughirah, “Nabi Saw mengusap bagian atas dan bawah khuf-nya.” Maliky and Hanbaly : Obligated to wipe all upper part of foot. Recommended to wipe the lower part of foot that step on the ground, and obliged to repeat it (wiping khuf) if leave the lower part of foot deliberately and the time lag is still narrow. Based on hadits from Mughirah, “The Prophet Saw wiped the upper and lower part of foot of the khuf.”

8 Hanafy : wajib mengusap seluruh bagian khuf yang bersentuhan langsung dengan kaki, minimal seukuran tiga jari tangan (panjang dan lebarnya). Hanafy : obliged to wipe all part of the khuf that has direct contact with foot, in minimum of size of three fingers (in length and width). Syafi’i : Cukup mengusap sebagian sisi atas khuf, cukup dengan meletakkannya tanpa menggerak-gerakkannya. Selebihnya, sunnah. Syafi’i : wiping part of upper part of the khuf is enough, and it is also enaough to just lay hands (with water) without moving the hand. If you want to extend, that is sunnah.

9 Hudzaifah bin Yaman berkata: Aku bersama Nabi Saw dalam sebuah perjalanan. Beliau buang air kecil, lalu berwudhu dan mengusap dua khufnya. Hudzaifah bin Yaman said: I was with The Prophet Saw on a journey. He urinated, then did ablution and wipe on his two khuf.

10 Boleh memakai khuf dan mengusap khuf saat wudhu ketika dalam perjalanan
It is allowed to use khuf and wipe it when doing ablution during a trip. Dalam perjalanan, boleh melakukannya tiga hari tiga malam. Jika menetap, boleh melakukannya sehari semalam. Tanpa melepas khuf. In a trip, it is allowed to do so for three days and three nights. If we stay (do not have a trip), it is allowed only for a day and a night. Without putting it off. Jika mendapat hadats besar, tetap harus mandi dan khufnya dilepas. If we have major hadats, we have to do major shower and put off the khuf.

11 Syafii dan Hanbaly: syarat perjalanannya adalah perjalanan yang diperbolehkan meng-qashar shalat dan bukan perjalanan untuk maksiat Syafi’i and Hanbaly : the trip that is allowed to wipe khuf should be the trip that is also allowed for shortening shalat (qashar), and the trip is not for immoral (ma’siat) purpose Maliky : tidak ada penentuan waktu penggunaan khuf, kecuali jika seseorang mendapat junub. Maliky : there is no rule for period of wiping khuf, except someone has major hadats (then he should put off the khuf)

12 Masa mengusap khuf Period of wiping khuf
Masa mengusap khuf dihitung sejak seseorang berhadats. Misalnya, ia mengusap khuf untuk shalat zuhur dan sampai isya belum batal. Baru selesai isya, dia batal. Maka hitungan boleh mengusap khuf dimulai sejak selesai isya tersebut sampai isya hari berikutnya (jika dia bermukim). Period of wiping khuf is started from someone has hadats. For example, he wiped the khuf for zuhur prayer and his wudhu had been not broken until isya. After isya prayer, his wudhu was broken, then the priod of wiping the khud was started. He can wipe the khuf until next isya prayer (for 24 hours, if he stay)

13 Yang Membatalkan Mengusap Khuf That Break of Wiping Khuf
Semua yang mewajibkan mandi besar, seperti junub, haidh, nifas. Everything that require doing major shower, e.g., junub, menstruation, and childbirth Lepasnya khuf dari kaki The khuf is put-off from the foot Maliky : Batal jika lepas dari seluruh kaki – Broken if the khuf is put-off from all part of foot. Hanafy : Batal jika sebagian besar telapak kakinya keluar dari khuf – Broken if the khuf is put-off from most part of foot Syafi’I dan Hanbaly : Batal jika sebagian telapak kakinya keluar – Broken is the khuf is put-off from part of foot.

14 Yang Membatalkan Mengusap Khuf That Break of Wiping Khuf
Sobekan pada khuf, meskipun kecil The khuf is ripped, athough small. Maliky : tidak batal jika kurang dari sepertiga kaki – Not broken if the rip is less than one-thord of the foot Hanafy : tidak batal jika tidak lebih dari seukuran tiga jari anak kecil – Not broken if the rip is less than the size of three fingers Syafi’i dan Hanbaly : batal meskipun kecil – Broken althopugh the rip is little. Lewat masa mengusap khuf Passing the period of wiping khuf

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