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Dave Ebert Oregon High School

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1 Dave Ebert Oregon High School
Effective Instructional Strategies in Math for Middle/High School Students Dave Ebert Oregon High School

2 Common Core Standards Two parts: Standards for Mathematical Practice
Grade Level Standards

3 Standards for Mathematical Practice
Make sense of problems Reason abstractly and quantitatively Construct viable arguments Model with mathematics Use appropriate tools strategically Attend to precision Look for and make use of structure Look for regularity in repeated reasoning


5 NCTM Process Standards
Problem Solving Reasoning and Proof Communication Connections Representations

6 Grade Level Standards 347 standards for students in grades 6-12
“The Standard Algorithm” Standards are benchmarks, not the curriculum Good teaching and learning can incorporate the Common Core, but teaching to the Common Core is not necessarily good teaching.

7 Jonathan Kozol “What did you do in school today? Were you taught to believe? Or were you taught to think?”

8 Steve Rasmussen “Boredom is more damaging to math programs than minor discontinuities in standards, sequence, program, or pedagogy” Make your math classes engaging and interesting!

9 What do we want for our students?
Problem Solving Reasoning Communication Connections Representations

10 Backward Design Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe
Focus on end goals first, and instructional activities last Set the vision, decide how students will show evidence of learning, design instructional activities to help kids learn

11 The Vision Problem Solving Reasoning Communication Connections

12 How can we guide our students to show evidence of learning?
Let students wrestle with challenges Focus on understanding Have students explain Encourage student intuition Let students build the problem Be less helpful Make it engaging and interesting

13 Design instructional strategies with these in mind

14 Linear relationships - Algebra
Battleship Design graphing The wave Cars & ramps Barbie bungee Statistics

15 Geometry Geometric terms Heights of objects Art – symmetry Flipbooks

16 Advanced math Statistics and data analysis Radar gun Hot dog cooker
Finance Exponential decay – M&M’s Trigonometric data

17 Don’t focus on the knowing of truths, focus on understanding.

18 My advice Move away from the textbook Move away from content coverage
Focus on reasoning, understanding, sense making Aim for a student-centered classroom Be less helpful

19 “If my students’ papers all look the same, then I know that I am denying them access to mathematics.” -Olga Torres

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