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Close Reading and Instructional Rounds

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1 Close Reading and Instructional Rounds
Implementing Common core strategies at Media, visual, and Performing arts Carlo Robledo Close Reading and Instructional Rounds

2 School Data Demographics Financial support Ethnicity Numbers
Percentage African American 34 9 Hispanic or Latino 304 80.4 White 16 23.4 Multiracial 15 5.4 Total 378 District Policies/school financial support (Expenditures per pupil): Total expenditures per pupil: $7,377 Expenditures per Pupil (Supplemental): $2,715 Expenditures per pupil (Basic): $4,662

3 School Data Free/Reduced Lunch Attendance
All of our students qualify for free and reduced lunch at San Diego High School Complex Year MVPA Average Daily Attendance 90.72% 92.15% 91.93%

4 School Data Special Education Population English Language Learners
Year Total English Learners/% of population Spanish Speakers Non-Spanish Speakers 164/34.9% 33.8% 1.1% 150/32.6% 30.7% 2% 149/33.4% 32.3% 118/31.2% 30.1% Year # of Students in Special Ed % of Population 45 10.22 69 15.47 67 17.72

5 API/AYP Year Academic Performance Index (API) Adequate Yearly Progress
2011 624 Yes 2012 619 NO; AYP not met in math and ELA 2013 637 NO; AYP not met in Math EL AP! MVPA Base 619 624 MVPA Growth 637 District 798 808 810

6 10th grade English Scores

7 Teachers MVPA has a total of 23 Certified staff members
17 Classroom teachers 4 Special Education Specialists Teachers are fully credentialed Average years of service: 16 years Average years teaching at MVPA: 6 years

8 Essential Questions How can we support our students’ learning and increase their depth of knowledge? How do we support teachers in the common practice of Close Reading? How do we increase attendance rates?

9 The Leadership team INSTRUCTIONAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Role Counselor
Interventions Principal District focus/ PD planner ELL Coordinator PD Coordinator/data collector Electives Department Chair PR director Scheduling Math Department Revolution coordinator English Department Union AR, Common Core curriculum developer History/ Social Science Common Core curriculum developer Science Department Present Special Education Coordinate the Special Ed Needs

10 Theory of Practice If we have students interact with complex text and complex questions they will improve their depth of knowledge and be more engaged in lessons. This is based on the three main requirements of a theory of action. It must be a statement of what I do and what is a good result in the class. It must be able to be analyzed based on evidence. It must be open ended and never fully developed. (City et al., 2010)

11 Close Reading We were introduced to the process
Student centered learning It’s purpose is to have students work closely with text. Annotate Reread Ask questions and look for answers from the text. Increase the Depth of Knowledge for students “Accountability begins in the tasks that students are asked to do”(City, et al., 2010, p. 38) “Increases in student learning occur only as a consequence of improvements in the level of content, teacher’ knowledge and skill, and student engagement.(City, et al., 2010, p. 24)

12 INSTRUCTIONAL ROUNDS We were also asked to participate in instructional rounds within our complex We use the model described in Instructional Rounds in Education Identify a problem of practice Observe the practice Debrief the observation Look to the next level of work (City, et al., 2010)

13 Strengths Implementation of Close Reading Instructional Rounds
Students interacting with text and finding evidence from text Work on questioning to increase the DOK Instructional Rounds Teachers given a specific problem to work on Teachers/Principals observing practices with a focused eye to a specific problem Teachers and Principals debriefing the practices we see and student engagement Creating a network of educators Visiting a model school Visit from area superintendents and principals “Keep the purpose in mind. Setting up the network and, indeed, conducting rounds are not ends in themselves, but means to helping districts and schools make large-scale improvements in the instructional core to best serve the learning of all students. ”(City, et al., 2010, p. 80)

14 Areas of need Expanding lessons beyond Close Reading
Spend time improving assessments Improve our instructional round format to allow teachers to watch more practices often. Make partnerships with other schools to observe practices in the district. Improve ELL strategies to help scaffold Better debriefing protocol. “It is not just what you do, but how you do it that matters.” (City, et al., 2010, p. 81)

15 Action Plan Increase student engagement
Improve on Close reading and multimedia instruction to engage students. Cultivate trust within the staff at MVPA Continue to observe and help develop good practices among staff member and members of a growing network. Build a collaborative learning culture Look to increase participation of parents within the school. Look to diversify the network of people that influence student learning. “The rounds network models the “safe space” necessary for personal and organizational learning and helps leaders understand what’s necessary to achieve it. “(City, et al., 2010, p. 174)

16 Reference City,E., Elmore,R., Fiarman,S., & Teitel, L.(2010). Instructional Rounds in Education: A network approach to improving teaching and learning. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press. Frey,N.,& Fisher,D. (2013). Rigorous Reading: Five access points for comprehending complex texts. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.

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