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SwafS-05-2018-2019: Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing organisations Institutional changes (ICs) are needed to increase.

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Presentation on theme: "SwafS-05-2018-2019: Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing organisations Institutional changes (ICs) are needed to increase."— Presentation transcript:

1 SwafS : Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing organisations Institutional changes (ICs) are needed to increase interactions between stakeholders – to make R&I more porous to society. Implement ICs in at least 1 but preferably all 5 dimensions (PE, SE, GE, ETH, OA/OD) as part of an integrated approach. Consortia should be composed of truly engaged 'beginner' and 'experienced' organisations – and comprise all parts of quadruple helix. "It is encouraged that consortia ensure truly engaged roles for all organisation types". Expected impacts: Greater involvement of all stakeholders in R&I and "more sustainable engagement with citizens and society as a whole". Impactful and sustainable institutional changes. Evaluate impacts. SDGs & MoRRI indicators. Clearly in SO1 The 5 fields are 5 dimensions Experienced – e.g. through SWAFS or some other experience of IC… justify. Evaluate impacts – e.g. social, democratic, economic and scientific GOV2 = existence of formal governance structures for RRI within research funding and performing organisations" GOV3 = Share of research funding and performing organisations promoting RRI.

2 SwafS : Grounding RRI practices in research and innovation funding and performing organisations CSA, proposals in the order of EUR 1.5m (4.5m total 2018) Read the Work Programme Introduction! (*applicable to all topics!*) Additional dissemination obligations: consortia must make active efforts to freely share, in a timely manner and as appropriate, the research strategies, methodologies, and raw and analysed data deriving from their activities (including any evaluation activities), with the other projects funded by SWAFS subject to these same obligations. Support for Third Parties ("cascading grants"): beneficiaries may provide support to third parties as described in part K of the General Annexes. ~3 projects Projects across 5 SWAFS topics will end up having this reciprocal obligation . Want to see higher level of communication and dissemination amongst these projects than would normally be expected. Demonstrate how this obligation is taken into account – it will be evaluated. Show some initiative and effort. This will be arranged/co-ordinated between projects organically.

3 SwafS-14-2018-2019: Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation
Territory: may be defined by any particular area characterised by geography, or shared cultural, environmental or economic ties. Bring R&I actors together, integrate RRI into regional development policies, develop new transparent working methods and governance relations: 1) map current ecosystem, 2) reflect on how to make more inclusive, 3) place in larger frameworks, 4) develop concrete actions (e.g. ICs and governance changes). Focus activities in more than one territory. Local and regional authorities should be active partners. Avoid duplicating Smart Specialisation Platforms and consider previous projects' findings/good practices (e.g. Online-S3, SEiSMIC) Impacts: Sustainable ICs, evaluate impacts, contribute to one or more MoRRI/SDG indicators. I.e. in more than one place – so it could be coastal medium-sized towns, rural mountainous areas, cities with a high proportion of high-tech startups, etc.

4 SwafS-14-2018-2019: Supporting the development of territorial Responsible Research and Innovation
CSA, proposals in the order of EUR 2m (6m total 2018) Support for Third Parties ("cascading grants"): beneficiaries may provide support to third parties as described in part K of the General Annexes.

5 SwafS-15-2018-2019: Exploring and supporting citizen science
Citizen science "covers a range of different levels of participation: from raising public knowledge about science, encouraging citizens to participate in the scientific process by observing, gathering and processing data, right up to setting scientific agenda and co-designing and implementing science-related policies". All scientific disciplines and the humanities. CSA (1 project in 2018): Provide support to citizen science. Focus activities primarily in Europe rather than in other parts of the world. Facilitate exchange of experiences, raise awareness, co-ordinate between initiatives… Impact - strengthened networks, tools, guidelines, awareness, training… RIA (multiple projects in 2018): Hands-on citizen science. Impact - New knowledge/innovations, evaluation data on benefits… Different scope and impact for CSA and RIA

6 SwafS-15-2018-2019: Exploring and supporting citizen science
1 CSA/multiple RIAs, proposals in the order of EUR 2m (6m total 2018) Support for Third Parties ("cascading grants"): beneficiaries may provide support to third parties as described in part K of the General Annexes. Additional dissemination obligations: consortia must make active efforts to freely share, in a timely manner and as appropriate, the research strategies, methodologies, and raw and analysed data deriving from their activities (including any evaluation activities), with the other projects funded by SWAFS subject to these same obligations. ~3 projects Projects across 5 SWAFS topics will end up having this reciprocal obligation . Want to see higher level of communication and dissemination amongst these projects than would normally be expected. Demonstrate how this obligation is taken into account – it will be evaluated. Show some initiative and effort. This will be arranged/co-ordinated between projects organically.

7 SwafS-18-2018: Taking stock of the application of the precautionary principle in R&I
In 2000 the EC adopted a Communication on the Precautionary Principle after several crises. Since then, some stakeholders have put forward an Innovation Principle. Debate and controversy up to today… Take stock of implementation of PP since Analyse effects of PP and propose scenarios for future of PP and IP. Examine controversies and initiatives in Europe and globally, including the interests and concerns of stakeholders. Develop tools and approaches – in full co-creation approach with different actors. Impacts: Evaluate impacts (e.g. of co-creation activities or of expected outcomes of PP/IP on economy, society, democracy, science). Contribute to MoRRI indicators, identified and appropriate SDGs. A means to ensure a higher level of environmental protection through preventative decision-taking in the case of risk - covering consumer policy and animal and plant health, amongst others.

8 SwafS-18-2018: Taking stock of the application of the precautionary principle in R&I
RIA, proposals in the order of EUR 2m (total 6 million 2018)

9 SwafS-20-2018-2019: Building the SwafS knowledge base
"Understanding the evolution of science and society will help proactive and anticipatory policy making. This includes examining how societal actors, including young people, behave, understand, react to and interact with science and scientific developments…" [This] topic is completely bottom-up. Research and innovation actions are invited, using the above specific challenge to help stimulate ideas about where research is most needed". Impacts: Build effective co-operation between science and society, foster the recruitment of new talent for science, pair scientific excellence with social awareness and responsibility. Contribute to one or more MoRRI/SDGs.

10 SwafS-20-2018-2019: Building the SwafS knowledge base
RIA, proposals in the order of EUR 1m (total 6m 2018) Two-stage proposal: simplified budget and 10-page Part B technical annex covering excellence and impact. ~6 projects 2 stage – to encourage everyone with an idea that fits broadly within the scope to submit.

11 SwafS : Advancing the Monitoring of the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation Need to demonstrate the evolution & benefits of RRI to further RRI. MoRRI has provided a first picture of this. Based on the outcomes of MoRRI implement an improved monitoring system for RRI. Improvements that should be foreseen: consideration of scientific benefits of RRI, and collection of data on indicators of benefits. Other improvements could be expected, e.g. data reliability, efficiency of data collection, comprehensibility. Improvements should be introduced incrementally. Publish results of data collections at regular intervals. Therefore: review the existing system, desk-based reviews, empirical studies to fill knowledge gaps. Establish links to SWAFS projects to analyse evaluation data on benefits. Develop clear intervention logic and a RRI dashboard/online tool for users.

12 SwafS : Advancing the Monitoring of the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation RIA, proposals in order of EUR 3m (3m total) International co-operation encouraged Additional dissemination obligations: consortia must make active efforts to freely share, in a timely manner and as appropriate, the research strategies, methodologies, and raw and analysed data deriving from their activities (including any evaluation activities), with the other projects funded by SWAFS subject to these same obligations. ~3 projects Projects across 5 SWAFS topics will end up having this reciprocal obligation . Want to see higher level of communication and dissemination amongst these projects than would normally be expected. Demonstrate how this obligation is taken into account – it will be evaluated. Show some initiative and effort. This will be arranged/co-ordinated between projects organically.

13 SwafS-19-2018-2019: Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
Science communication (SciC) - a discipline, an activity carried out by R&I actors, a career path followed by journalists. Challenges - dwindling resources for science journalism, rapid diffusion of open access, massive & instantaneous reach of social media. Aims - understand better how scientific results are communicated/perceived, identify good practices, develop policy guidelines. Examine teaching in scientific disciplines and as a dedicated discipline + (dis)incentive structures for R&I stakeholders. Open approach - "Applicants are welcome to propose other innovative ideas in relation to the above specific challenge". Impacts: Increase quality/quantity of SciC; improve effectiveness of interactions between scientists, media and the public.

14 SwafS-19-2018-2019: Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication
RIA, proposals in the order of EUR 1.2m (total 3.5m 2018) Read the Work Programme Introduction! Additional dissemination obligations: consortia must make active efforts to freely share, in a timely manner and as appropriate, the research strategies, methodologies, and raw and analysed data deriving from their activities (including any evaluation activities), with the other projects funded by SWAFS subject to these same obligations. ~2-3 projects Lots of projects across 5 SWAFS topics will end up having this obligation. Want to see higher level of communication and dissemination amongst these projects than would normally be expected. Demonstrate how this obligation is taken into account – it will be evaluated. Show some initiative and effort. This will be arranged/co-ordinated between projects organically.

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