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Wan Noor Adzmin binti Mohd Sabri, PhD (University of Malaya)

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1 Wan Noor Adzmin binti Mohd Sabri, PhD (University of Malaya)

2 Introduction Action Research (AR) as one of courses offered to final year students in the teacher colleges of Institut Pendidikan Guru Malaysia. Why study AR? - expose students to plan and implement AR in school to overcome issues related to teaching and learning in the classroom

3 Action Research Introduction
Offered to final year student in IPG Malaysia Introduction Why? To solve issues related to teaching and learning in the classrooms

4 Problem Statement Scarce of research from teachers
AR is the most fundamental research to implement To increase teachers’ teaching effectiveness in the classroom.

5 To increase effectiveness
Action Research Problem Statement To increase effectiveness Scarce resources Fundamental research

6 Purpose of study To identify level of students understanding in AR
To compare the relationship between students understanding of AR and their readiness to implement it in school.

7 Action Research To identify level of students’ understanding
To compare the relationship between understanding and readiness Aim

8 Literature Review AR is used to solve short terms problems related to education, medical, security, etc (Chua, 2006) Recently, AR is also used as a course in CPD (Newton & Burgess, 2008) As mention earlier, AR can be used in solving problems related to teaching and learning in the classroom (Rosinah, 2011)

9 Action Research Solve short term problems relating to education, medical, security, and etc. (Chua, 2006) As a course in CPD (Newton & Burgess, 2008) Literature review To solve problems relating to teaching and learning in the classroom (Rosinah, 2011)

10 Methodology The research was design purporting to cross sectional quantitative basis. The findings of this study is reported descriptively using frecuency, percentage, median and standard deviation. Instruments of survey was developed by the research team based on the Course Outline and needs using the Likert scale of 5 points. Population, N = 24

11 Action Research Methodology
The research was design purporting to cross sectional quantitative basis. The findings of this study is reported descriptively using frecuency, percentage, median and standard deviation. Instruments of survey was developed by the research team based on the Course Outline and needs using the Likert scale of 5 points. Population, N = 24

12 Findings

13 Q1 Central Tendency Measurement Value Mean 4.80 Median 4.89 Mode 5.00
Table 1 : Central Tendency Measurement Central Tendency Measurement Value Mean 4.80 Median 4.89 Mode 5.00 Standard Deviation 0.25

14 Level of understanding
Q2 Pearson r Correlation Coefficient of correlation, r Level of understanding Sig. (2 tailed), p Introduction .476* .001 Focus of study .637** .430 Research Question .169 Implementation of Study .635** Findings .615** .008 Reflection .529** .000 Follow-up suggestion .872** .032 References .439* .458 Ethics .163 OVERALL .668** Notes : *. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed). **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

15 Action Research Findings
Finding shows that overall study shows strong positive relationship between students level of understanding and their readiness to conduct AR in school.

16 Action Research Conclusion
95.8% of our final year mathematics student have good understanding in AR and they are able to conduct AR in school due to hih correlation on the relationship between their level of understanding and their readiness to conduct AR in school.

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