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Join the Haddon Heights School District and Community as we build awareness!  In Honor of Autism Awareness Month, we will be selling T-Shirts and light.

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Presentation on theme: "Join the Haddon Heights School District and Community as we build awareness!  In Honor of Autism Awareness Month, we will be selling T-Shirts and light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Join the Haddon Heights School District and Community as we build awareness! 
In Honor of Autism Awareness Month, we will be selling T-Shirts and light bulbs filled with blue candy to shine a light on Autism. To order the candy bulbs and/or a T-shirt, complete the form and send it in to your child’s school or the Haddon Heights Child Study Team Office at 316-B 7th Avenue by March 23, 2018 for a delivery by April 12th. We’ll be wearing our shirts district and community wide on April 13th! Name: ___________________________  School: ___________________________  Number of candy-filled Bulbs to shine a light on $4.00 a bulb____________ Number of Youth T-Shirts and $10:______________________ Number of Adult T-Shirts and $10:_______________  Total Enclosed $_____________(Grade Level/Teacher______)  _____ Send order home with my child _____ I will pick up the order at school or CST.

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