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Higher Level Structures

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1 Higher Level Structures
Why bother? Higher level structures make your work more complex and, if used correctly, will help you achieve more marks and therefore a higher grade in both your speaking and writing exams. It is best to learn a few higher level structures so you can vary your language. Even if you only learn one higher level structure, it will make your work more complex. The GCSE mark scheme clearly awards more marks for work which is complex and which has a variety of structures.

2 Higher Level Structures
On peut…. One can….

3 Higher Level Structures
‘On peut’ is used to say what one can do / see / visit, etc. ‘On peut’ can be used in any context. Let’s take a look at some English sentences to see how it is used: One can visit the Beatles Museum One can go shopping in Liverpool One One can learn French at school One can go fishing One can recycle bottles One can go on holiday One can go to University

4 Higher Level Structures
So how do you use ‘on peut’? On peut + INFINITIVE On peut is always followed by an INFINITIVE

5 Higher Level Structures
So what is an INFINITIVE? An infinitive is a particular form of the verb (meaning To……… e.g. Jouer = To play) An infinitive is the verb you will find in the dictionary An infinitive must end in –ER, -RE or -IR

6 Higher Level Structures
Some examples of INFINITIVES Visiter To visit Voir To see Faire To do Jouer To play Aller To go le musée des Beatles l’Albert Dock le Parc Sefton the Beatles Museum the Albert Dock Sefton Park les monuments historiques le stade Anfield un film au cinéma multisalle historic monuments Anfield stadium a film at the multiscreen cinema du shopping à Liverpool One du vélo / de la natation des promenades shopping at Liverpool One cycling / swimming walking au foot / volley / hockey aux cartes / aux échecs à l’ordinateur football / volleyball / hockey cards / chess on the computer en ville au cinéma / parc / centre commercial à la plage / à la gare to town to the cinema/park/shopping centre to the beach / station

7 Higher Level Structures
‘On peut’ can be used in any context Can you translate the following sentences into English?

8 Higher Level Structures
LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices On peut manger plus sainement One can eat more healthily On peut aller au gymnase One can go to the gym On peut essayer de s’entendre bien avec sa famille One can ty to get on well with one’s family On peut se marier à l’âge de dix-huit ans One can get married at age eighteen

9 Higher Level Structures
2. LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays On peut acheter des CD là One can buy CDs there On peut écouter son baladeur mp3 One can listen to one’s mp3 player On peut aller à Paris One can go to Paris On peut visiter la Tour Eiffel One can visit the Eiffel Tower

10 Higher Level Structures
3. HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment On peut fêter son anniversaire One can celebrate one’s birthday On peut acheter des cadeaux One can buy presents On peut prendre l’autobus One can take the bus On peut recycler le papier One can recycle paper

11 Higher Level Structures
4. WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs On peut réussir à son examen One can pass one’s exam On ne peut pas porter de bijoux One cannot wear jewellery On peut être coiffeuse One can be a hairdresser On peut aller à l’université One can go to university

12 Higher Level Structures
Do you think you will be able to use ‘on peut’ confidently? The easiest way to use ‘on peut’ is with INFINITIVES which are COGNATES (words which look like English ones).

13 Higher Level Structures
‘On peut’ + ………….. Let’s recap Préparer le dîner Visiter le musée Téléphoner à des copains Danser à la discothèque Étudier beaucoup Changer d’avis Arriver en train One can prepare dinner One can visit the museum One can phone one’s friends One can dance at the disco One can study hard One can change one’s mind One can arrive by train

14 Higher Level Structures
On pourrait ‘On pourrait’ means ‘one could’ and is used in exactly the same way as ‘on peut’.

15 Higher Level Structures
‘On pourrait’ + ………….. Préparer le dîner Visiter le musée Téléphoner à des copains Danser à la discothèque Étudier beaucoup Changer d’avis Arriver en train One could prepare dinner One could visit the museum One could phone one’s friends One could dance at the disco One could study hard One could change one’s mind One could arrive by train

16 Higher Level Structures
On peut…….. On pourrait…. One can……. One could….. On peut + on pourrait are always followed by an INFINITIVE


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