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American Mathematical Society

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1 American Mathematical Society
Workshop for Department Chairs and Department Leaders January 9, 2018 View from the top: what responsibilities, duties and expectations do Deans, Provosts and other chief academic officers have for their chairs? Krista Maxson, Vice President for Academic Affairs The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma

Recognize people as the institutions #1 asset. Want Chairs to be successful. They are your advocate. Have information about the bigger picture they may not be able to share. Need to make fiscally responsible decisions. See you as an administrator.

3 Some things I appreciate from chairs
Have a suggested solution when you bring me an issue Relay information accurately and give me a heads up if there is an issue that needs addressed. Ability to manage a budget and determine cost benefit of department. Ability to write proposals that communicate effectively and efficiently. Paper work is completed ahead of schedule Comprehension of external relations and climate of higher education Approach things with the best interest of the student in mind

4 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT “The best executive is the one who has sense enough to pick good men to do what he wants done, and self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it” -Theodore Roosevelt Faculty recruitment Identify needs at full-time and adjunct levels Ensure hires are a good fit Orientation for new hires Faculty mentoring Provide clear expectations Faculty evaluation – be honest Promotion and Tenure Process

5 We will report out in approx. 10 minutes.
FACULTY DEVELOPMENT “True leadership lies in guiding others to success. In ensuring that everyone is performing at their best, doing the work they are pledged to do and doing it well” -Bill Owens “Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others” -Jack Welch Discuss at your table what forms of faculty development you have/would like to have or how you have handled the evaluation of a faculty member that is not meeting expectations. We will report out in approx. 10 minutes.

6 MANAGEMENT  “The leader has to be practical and a realist yet must talk the language of the visionary and the idealist” -Eric Hoffer Supervision – (Having superior vision) Ensure department faculty and staff meet their responsibilities Ensure timely processing of paper work General management Coordinate and respond to requests Review grant and report submissions Manage special programs and development projects

7 MANAGEMENT “You manage things; you lead people”
-Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper Budget Efficient administration of expenditures If you did not receive some training you should request it Allocation of resources Travel support Know credit hour production Should go through the exercise of how to address 5% and 10% budget cuts

8 We will report out in approx. 10 minutes.
MANAGEMENT  “Leaders think and talk about the solutions. Followers think and talk about the problems.” -Brian Tracy Discuss at your table how you would address a faculty member habitually missing office hours, or being late to class, or turning in annual reports or other paperwork late. We will report out in approx. 10 minutes.

9 “Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality”
-Warren Bennis Vision Set short and long term goals Keep department well informed and involved Build relationships with other campus units Identify areas of opportunity and advocate for appropriate resources

10 LEADERSHIP Curriculum development and assessment
Coordinate curriculum revisions and program review Lead assessment efforts Monitor evaluation of student learning outcomes Efficient and effective scheduling Serve the needs of students and be fair to faculty Monitor course enrollments Communication Advocate for the department to administration and effectively communicate the administrations view to the department.

11 LEADERSHIP  “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” -Peter Ducker Maintain a respectful and productive working environment Be the better person, take the high road Listen more than you speak Preside over department meetings Ability to summarize a long winded colleague is a valuable tool…ask if you are correct and if there is another point they would like to make. Always ask if this is in the best interest of our students? Represent the department in a visible, responsible and effective way

12 LEADERSHIP “What you do has far greater impact than what you say”
-Stephen Covey At your table talk about the vision you have for your department. We will report out in approx. 10 minutes. What would you do with a magic wand?

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