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Welcome to 2nd Semester! January 30, 2018 Student polls

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 2nd Semester! January 30, 2018 Student polls"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 2nd Semester! January 30, 2018 Student polls
Semester reflections SRI testing

2 January 31, 2018 Argumentative brief write in the computer labs.

3 Poetry Unit February 2018

4 Objective: Students will be able to: understand basic concepts around poetry, including aural and visual techniques, and the importance of poetry. demonstrate an understanding of figurative language in poems. demonstrate an understanding of sound devices used in poems.

5 Timeline: Jan 31-Feb 2, Week 1 - Introduction to Poetry
Feb 5-9 , Week 2 - Line breaks, TP-CASTT, Paragraph Assessment Feb 12-16, Week 3 - Final TP-CASTT, Poem Writing Midwinter Break - Fun Times Feb 26-Mar 2, Week 4 - Spoken Words & Presentations

6 February 1, 2018 Reminders: ABSOLUTELY NO CELL PHONES are allowed in my class. These need to be on silent and in your backpacks or they will be taken. No food is allowed in my class. All bags and backpacks go in cubbies in the hallways. Always follow the PowerPoints in my teacher website for lessons. Don’t forget to complete 5 new IR vocabulary words each week and turn in every Friday! You should have a new IR book for Quarter 3!

7 Do Now 5 mins What do you consider a poem? What makes a poem different from any other type of text? Think novels, short stories, etc.?

8 What’s a poem? A group of thoughts characterized by their concentrated visual and rhythmic qualities. They can take almost any form.

9 Types of Poems (1) They can: Be structured Be free Have rhyme or not rhyme Have rhythm Have deep meaning or be superficial

10 Types of Poems (2) Short Epic

11 Types of Poetry (3) Page Stage
Poetry meant for a paper. Poetry meant for performance. Usually visual with figurative language. Incorporates rhythms and beats. Exist in books and paper.

12 Types of Poetry (4) Page Stage Limericks Slam Poems Haiku Songs
Epic Spoken Word

13 Watch the following videos:
Why people need poetry: (15 minutes) Complete a video reflection sheet for this. Imagery in Poetry (6 minutes) TedTalks: Metaphor (6 minutes) Every day moments drawings: (15 minutes)

14 February 2, 2018 Watch “Air Jordans”
Complete a storyboard drawing of the 8 most impactful images. Create a main drawing of your own that reflects the main message/feeling of the poem. Drawings are due on Monday!

15 February 5, 2018 Complete peer edits over the argumentative brief writes from last week. Once peer edits are complete, complete a writing analysis worksheet over your own writing sample. Turn in at the end of the period.

16 February 6, 2018 Watch video for “I Do” Go through TP-CASTT outline
“I Do” Andrea Gibson Complete analysis questions on the back and turn in. Go through TP-CASTT outline Read biography/questions and answer by Rupi Kaur Read the poem “I am Water” by Rupi Kaur Complete TP-CASTT over poem

17 February 7, 2018 Go through two basketball poems:
“Slam, Dunk, and Hook” “Fast Break” Go through the sample student analysis paper over the two poems. In groups, go through the 3 poems by Rupi Kaur: “Addiction” “I will find my way out of you just fine” “Circumstances” As table groups, choose 1 of the 3 poems to do a TP-CASTT over. This poem will serve as the poem for your benchmark assessment.

18 February 8, 2018 Complete the benchmark outlines for the Rupi Kaur poem of your choice in preparation for tomorrow’s timed write.

19 February 9, 2018 Timed write in the computer labs: benchmark assessment 3

20 February 12, 2018 Go through TP-CASTT for “My Papa’s Waltz”
Model and share Watch YouTube “For Women Who Are Difficult To Love” Complete TP-CASTT in table groups and turn in.

21 February 13, 2018 Mystery poems and presentations
You will be assigned a “secret” person in the class to write a poem about. Describe the person without using a name. During the last half of class, the poems will be presented and peers will try to guess who the poems are about.

22 February 14, 2018 Review through the graded benchmark assessments.
Complete a writing analysis reflection over them. Discuss the use of literary/poetic devices for poem creations

23 February 15, 2018 “If I Should Have a Daughter” Watch poem and discuss the presentation manner. Go through poetry assignment and rubric for unique poems that will be presented the week after mid-winter break. (Rubric and assignment sheet)

24 February 16, 2018 Work on poetry creations.
Poetry presentations happen on Monday, February 26, 2018.

25 February 19-23: Mid Winter Break
No school

26 February 26, 2018 Poetry presentations

27 February 27-March 1, 2018 Dead Poet’s Society Video handouts

28 March 2, 2018 IR reading IR vocab and movie packets due

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