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Accounting for ecosystem costs and benefits at different scales…

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1 Accounting for ecosystem costs and benefits at different scales…
Amvrakikos, Greece: Wetland management, Water & Fish Global scale Migratory Birds Flyways, Wetlands & Bird Flu Prevention Doñana, Spain: Water, Wetland & Strawberries National & regional government, European market Action level, local scale

2 Simplified ecosystem accounts
Markets need accounts, regulations [= control] Land ecosystems are spatially distributed => grid data [e.g. 1 km2] Globally, change matters [degradation or improvement of ecosystem functioning and attached cost], not the value of the stock Global multicriteria rating based on a small number of ecological potential [derived from ecosystem accounts]: Landscape ecological potential [LEP] HANPP Biodiversity rarefaction Exergy loss [river basins] Dependance from external inputs [material/energy, footprint]  losses/gains of “points of ecological potential”  computation of restoration costs [needed for compensating losses // or accumulated by gains of points] Rating can be detailed as necessary for the policy [national, regional] and action scales [local, business]

3 Example of a first candidate: LEP
Corine land cover map (derived from satellite images)‏ Green Background Landscape Index (derived from CLC)‏ Naturilis (derived from Natura2000 & CDDA)‏ Effective Mesh Size (MEFF, derived from TeleAtlas and CLC)‏ net Landscape Ecological Potential (nLEP) 2000, by 1km² grid cell nLEP 2000 by NUTS 2/3

4 LEP, state and change by 1 km2 grid
LEAC/ Landscape Ecological Potential , 1km² grid (Source: Ecosystem Accounting for Mediterranean Wetlands, an EEA feasibility study for TEEB)‏ Natural Park of Camargue (France)‏ Change 1990

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