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Learning Domain Teaching Domain Leading Domain.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Domain Teaching Domain Leading Domain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Domain Teaching Domain Leading Domain

2 Our purpose: Determine where the school is currently at in the Leading Domain after the 3 year plan Determine evidence to show where we are placed within the SEF

3 School Resources-Week 2
Leading Domain 4 Elements:- Educational Leadership School Planning Implementing & Reporting School Resources-Week 2 Management Practices & Processes- Week 3

4 School Resources In school, resources are strategically used to achieved student outcomes and high quality services delivery. Budget Allocation Funding Financial Funding- Family Occupation Education Index (FOEI) Equity Loading Socio Economic Aboriginal background English language Proficiency Low level adjustment for disability School based allocation Funding (Staff allocation & Student Enrolments) Operational Funding (General – site maintenance and utility) School and Community Funded Initiatives

5 Community use of facilities
School Resources In school, resources are strategically used to achieved student outcomes and high quality service delivery. Themes 4. Community use of facilities 1. Staff Deployment 3. Technology 2. Facilities 5. Financial manangement


7 Learning Domain Teaching Domain Leading Domain

8 Leading Domain Purpose: - Develop an understanding of the Management Practices and Processes element in the Leading Domain - Make connection between SMP & SEF - Review evidence in relation to the Domain - Evaluate where the school is placed on the SEF in the areas of School Resources & Management Practices & Processes

9 4 Elements:- Educational Leadership
Leading Domain 4 Elements:- Educational Leadership School Planning Implementing & Reporting School Resources-Week 2 Management Practices & Processes- Week 3

10 Management Practices & Processes
In school, administrative systems, structures and processes underpin ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all school members. Schools need to ensure that all Management Practices & Process are in place to support the delivery of the School Management Plan. They need to be in consultation with staff, reviewed and up-dated to meet the school needs and context.

11 Management Practices & Processes
In school, administrative systems, structures and processes underpin ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all school members. Themes 1. Administrative systems and processes 2. Service delivery 3. Community Satisfaction

12 School Strategic Plan- Initiatives
Students 21st Century learners Differentiation Integrated Units Teachers QTR PDPs TPL Beginning/Temp teachers QTSS Leaders/Community Student Voice Effective Communication Build culture of TRUST The school has ongoing/maintaining program which makes up OPS culture. Under the resources banner the school runs effective programs to support students learning. In 2014 data informed OPS the direction of the school strategic direction- focus areas.


14 Management of the School Processes
Executive Meeting-School Leadership Executive Meeting- School Management Stage Meeting- School Leadership/Management Monday Mumbles- Staff Communication Daily Whiteboard/ Week Ahead/ School Term Calendar SASS communication- School events Timetabling-Effective use of Teaching & Learning time Website/School Stream- Wider Community Communication Mandatory DoE TPL/SDD/Stage meeting Policies WHS Accreditation PDPs- 2 observations Education Week Reports Teacher Interviews Scripture Ethics Child Protection QTSS funded programs Student Wellbeing/LaST/White Ribbon Day/School Counsellor/Student Leadership/SRC/Yr 6 Leadership/teachers aides LMBR School Programs Kindy Orientation Athletics Carnival Cross Country Swimming Carnival Safety Programs NAIDOC Week/Harmony Day Meet the teacher PSSA/District/Regional Curriculum-KLAs (Maths Olympiad/Spellathon/Public Speaking/Debating Technology P&C events/fundraising SPAF Swim Scheme Extra Programs Performing Arts -Band/K-2 program/Choir/Musical Theatre/Police Band/In school tuition Green Sparks CREST-Science Week Incursions/Excursion Dance Life Education ICAS School Spec Book Week/Author Visit/Premiers Reading Challenge/Premiers Spelling Sport in Schools Got Game External Sports Programs Chess Buddies Programs them guide our roles& responsibilities Extra program can be run effectively via Staff deployment 1. Administrative systems and processes-Evidence

15 2. Service delivery

16 2. Service delivery

17 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 1. Administrative systems and processes-Evidence Ongoing scheduled whole school staff meeting throughout the year to enable staff to have collaborate evaluation on the SMP. Weekly Stage meeting to provide opportunity for teams to work collaboratively and assess on different strategic directions. Allocation of Staff Deployment through roles & responsibilities. Strategic Management Plan collaboratively evaluated, updated and revised to ensure consultation with the community and future direction supported by evidence presented.

18 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence Website and school stream APP provides updated communication to parents inclusive of new policy implementation and school initiatives inclusive of student learning and teacher professional learning initiatives. Website is getting over 2000 visits a month. Home page, News page and calendar page most visited. 80% come to the website after Googling "Oatley Public School" 17% type the address in directly 50% use desktop, 40% mobile/ 10% tablet Newsletter subscriber no. is 441. Approx 50% open their newsletters, 68% of opens are on mobiles, 32% on desktops.

19 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence LST data base provides percentage of students that have parent consultation that supports individual accommodations in curriculum and wellbeing programs. Increase the number of students that participate in three way interview process at the end of Term One from 20% to 90% to connect partnership of how students learn and what their child learns. Data showing trend in three way interviews K-2 93% of population attended meeting 52% attended meeting with students Learning support will provide specific data concerning parental consultation. 3-6 95% of population attended meeting 71% attended meeting with students K-6 94% of population attended meeting 64% attended meeting with students

20 Evidence of Leading Domain School Supports Learning
Strategic Direction 3 Collation of data from parent Tell Them From Me survey to show 8.0. Increase respondents in the parent survey. 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence TTFM Data Source 2017 OPS NSW Govt Norm Parents feel Welcome 6.6 7.4 Parents are Informed 6.1 School Supports Learning 7.3

21 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 Collation of data from parent Tell Them From Me survey to show 8.0. Increase respondents in the parent survey. 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence

22 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence Increase respondents in the parent survey. Respondents 2015 2016 2017 102 85 32 Teacher Survey 2015 2016 2017 7.6 7.2 7.8

23 Evidence of Leading Domain
Strategic Direction 3 Collation of data from parent Tell Them From Me survey to show 8.0. Increase respondents in the parent survey. 3. Community Satisfaction-Evidence Kindergarten Orientation Data- 74% of families attended first Kindy Orientation session

24 Management Practices & Processes
In school, administrative systems, structures and processes underpin ongoing school improvement and the professional effectiveness of all school members. Themes 1. Administrative systems and processes 2. Service delivery 3. Community Satisfaction


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