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Breakout Sessions Interactive Peer Consultancies

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1 Breakout Sessions Interactive Peer Consultancies
SWFI Convening October 31-November 1, 2017 Washington, DC EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Office of Workforce Investment, H-1B Funded Program UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

Facilitator Megan Baird, H-1B Program Manager, Division of Strategic Investments, U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration Speakers Daniel Bustillo, Director, Healthcare Career Advancement Program Tim Herbert, Senior Vice President, Research and Market Intelligence, Comps TIA Albert Shih, Ph.D., Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and Professor, University of Michigan EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Office of Workforce Investment, H-1B Funded Program UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

TA Coaches Elizabeth Brown, Technical Assistance Coach & Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research Jessica Harding, Ph.D., Technical Assistance Coach & Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research Lily Roberts, Technical Assistance Coach & Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION Office of Workforce Investment, H-1B Funded Program UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF LABOR

4 A National Network of 14 Institutes
Manufacturing USA – A National Network of 14 Institutes Albert Shih Assistant Director of Education and Workforce Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO) National Institute of Standards and Technology US Department of Commerce Professor Mechanical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Integrative Systems + Design, and Geriatric Center / Institute of Gerontology University of Michigan at Ann Arbor

5 About Me and Disclaimer
1984 BS, 1986 MS: National Cheng Kung University 1991 PhD: Purdue University : Cummins, Inc. : North Carolina State University 2003-date: University of Michigan at Ann Arbor 2017: Associate Director of Education and Workforce, Advanced Manufacturing National Program Office (AMNPO), National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any agency of the U.S. government.

6 Manufacturing USA – 14 Institutes
Digital Manufacturing & Design Chicago, IL Integrated Photonics Albany, NY Rochester, NY Sustainable Manufacturing Rochester, NY Regenerative Manufacturing Manchester, NH Advanced Fibers and Textiles Cambridge MA Modular Chemical Process Intensification New York, NY Flexible Hybrid Electronics San Jose, CA Smart Sensors and Digital Process Control Los Angeles, CA Bio-pharmaceutical Manufacturing Newark, DE Lightweight Metals Detroit, MI Additive Manufacturing Youngstown, OH Advanced Composites Knoxville, TN Advanced Robotics Pittsburgh, PA Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Raleigh, NC

7 Energy and Environment Cross-cutting and Automation
14 Institutes Bio-manufacturing Energy and Environment Cross-cutting and Automation Electronics Materials Integrated Photonics Albany, NY Rochester, NY Lightweight Metals Detroit, MI Modular Chemical Process Intensification New York, NY Digital Manufacturing & Design Chicago, IL Regenerative Manufacturing Manchester, NH Flexible Hybrid Electronics San Jose, CA Advanced Composites Knoxville, TN Bio-pharmaceutical Manufacturing Newark, DE Smart Sensors and Digital Process Control Los Angeles, CA Additive Manufacturing Youngstown, OH Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Raleigh, NC Advanced Fibers and Textiles Cambridge MA Sustainable Manufacturing Rochester, NY Advanced Robotics Pittsburgh, PA

8 A National Need Identified in 2011-2012
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology Support Applied Manufacturing R&D Report to the President on Ensuring America Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing June 2011 Capturing Domestic Competitive Advantage in Advanced Manufacturing June 2012 Manufacturing USA creates the space for industry and academia to work on industry-relevant problems in “pre-competitive” applied R&D and focuses on “de- risking” new technologies to scale-up for U.S. manufacturers. AMP Report Initiated Adv Mfg Partnership (AMP) and others …

9 Impact #1: Education and Workforce Development
Nearly 28,000 participated in institute-led workforce programs: 23,560 students in R&D projects, internships, or training 3,386 workers completed certificate, apprenticeship, or training programs 1,023 teachers and trainers in training for instructors

10 Impact #2: Multi-Skill Competency Model

11 Summary of Findings for
Progress to Date 14 institutes launched - $1 billon federal investment matched by over $2 billion non-federal funding. Of 8 active institutes: 1,300 members, over 240 technology development projects. Members include two-thirds of Fortune 50 U.S. manufacturers Top-ranked universities in manufacturing

12 Manufacturing Jobs in the US
1999- 2001 dot-com Bubble 1939- 1945 WWII 2003- 2011 Iraq War 1973 Energy Crisis 1979 Energy Crisis 1964 Great Society 2001 China Join WTO 1950- 1953 Korean War Vietnam War 1992 NAFTA 2011 Source: US Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics

13 Manufacturing Jobs and Its Value in Each State

14 Top 100 US Employers in 2015 (Manufacturing marked in Red)

15 Top 100 US Employers in 2015 (Manufacturing marked in Red)

16 Company vs. Government Companies focus on “value” – maximize profit and minimize the cost (including the labor cost) Government’s focus is on service ALL people People are talented Great opportunity for government to help them to Discover (their talent) Train (the skills) Match (to jobs)

17 People Have Different Talents sand Skills
Academic Leadership Howard Gardener, Frames of Mind, 1983.

18 Concluding Remarks Manufacturing jobs are good jobs.
Focus on people and their talent. We are in a changing world. Adopt to changes. “In times of change, learners inherit the earth; while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer ( )

19 Thank You

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