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Quarter 3, Week 1: Introduction to Your SLC

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1 Quarter 3, Week 1: Introduction to Your SLC
“Student Led Conference Outline & Due Dates”

2 2/7 – SLcs FAQ Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles? What are Student Led Conferences? Just like in 9th grade, SLCs allow you to share your academic and personal progress with your parents/guardians. Why do we have to do Student Led Conferences? This is an opportunity to reflect and plan for your future and share your progress with the people who matter to you. When are Student Led Conferences? Thursday, March 22nd What happens if my parent/guardian can’t come then? You will need to schedule an appointment with an administrator or interventionist to make it up later.

3 2/7 – Intro to SLCs Click here to watch SLC video:
First, watch the video to see a model of what the SLC might look like! You will complete a 7-part outline in advisory between now and March 21st The only out of advisory commitment will be the collection of “best work” from each period

4 Due Dates for SLC Components
Your Student Led Conference outline should be kept in your green folder in your advisory classroom. Academic Development………………… ……..Due March 14th – Week 6 Study Skills…………………………………………………….Due February 14th – Week 2 Academic Assessments…………………………….…Due February 14th – Week 2 Academic Goals and Plans……………………..…..Due February 28th – Week 4 Personal and Social Development…………...Due March 14th – Week 5 Practice/Rehearsal……………………………………….March 21st – Week 7 By next week, February 14th, you need to have your parent/guardian fill out the time preference sheet that you are getting today!

5 That’s it for this week! If you have time left over, you could look ahead to future sections, such as parts three or four. Study hall wouldn’t be a terrible idea either…

6 Quarter 3, Week 2: Study Skills & Academic Assessment
Today, You need to complete parts 3 & 4 of your Outline

7 Week 2 Agenda – 2/14 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles? Part 3 – Study Skills: Fill in part 3 in your outline. You should write a minimum of four sentences. Prompt: How well are you: keeping yourself organized, managing your time, studying for tests, etc.? Are you turning in all your work? On time? Are you going to tutoring? Part 4 – Academic Progress Now, fill in part 4 in your outline. Use your testing data sheets for your scores You should write a minimum of five sentences. Prompt: Describe your scores and levels on the this year’s standardized test. Please include: PSAT results, AP result & plans Remember: You should be working on Part 2 (Academic Development) by choosing best works and writing out your reasoning.

8 That’s it for this week! We won’t see each other next week because of Mid-Winter Break!! If you are done early today, you could get a jumpstart on Part 5 (Academic Goals and Plans). Or, you could work on completing Part 2 (Academic Development).

9 Quarter 3, Week 4: Academic Goals & Plans
Today, you will complete part 5 of your outline

10 Week 4 Agenda – 2/28 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles? Part 5 – Academic Goals and Plans (4 questions): What is your cumulative G.P.A.? How many credits do you have at this point? Write as a complete sentence, please What are your academic goals for this year? Copy your SMART goal from your green folder What is your plan for achieving your academic goals? Come up with at least 3 steps you can take What are your future plans? What kinds of careers have you considered? What are the steps you need to take to reach your career goals? Write you answer thoughtfully and in complete sentences. Remember: You should be working on Part 2 (Academic Development) by choosing best works and writing out your reasoning.

11 That’s it for this week! Remember, tomorrow is the Power, Justice Freedom Summit. All 11th graders will be taking the SATs next week If you are done early today, you could get a jumpstart on Part 6 (Personal & Social Development). Or, you could work on completing Part 2 (Academic Development). Study Hall is also a totally viable and entertaining option.

12 Quarter 3, Week 5: SAT Testing for all 11th graders

13 Quarter 3, Week 6: Personal & Social Development
Today, You will complete part 6 of your outline

14 Week 5 Agenda – 3/14 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles? Part 6 – Personal & Social Development (4 questions): Share your interests and passions. How do these interests tie into your future plans? How have these changed since last year if at all? Write at least 4 sentences How many service learning hours have you completed so far? Which extra-curricular activities are you participating in or planning to join? How have these impacted your experiences and progress in high school? When responding to the second question, write at least 3 sentences Share your positive experiences so far in high school and how things have changed for you since 9th grade. Remember: You should be working on Part 2 (Academic Development) by choosing best works and writing out your reasoning.  Due Next Week

15 That’s it for this week! If you are done early today, you could work on completing Part 2 (Academic Development) which needs to be done by next week!! Study Hall is also a totally viable and entertaining option.

16 Quarter 3, Week 7: PRACTICE & Peer Review
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?

17 Week 7 Agenda – 3/21 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles? TOMORROW IS THE DAY OF DAYS!!! Take a beat, and read through your outline, your assembled best works, your “script” and make sure you are ready to be impressive. Grab a partner, grab a copy of the SLC rubric, and take turns presenting to each other. Start by introducing your imaginary parent/guardian to your partner Move through your script from top to bottom, explaining each part and moving through your assembled evidence Please give each other serious feed back and don’t just say “its alright” Swap partners and repeat!

18 Week 7 Agenda – 3/21 Part 2 – Academic Development
Finalize your elaboration and reasoning around your evidence (example of best work from each period). Evidence should be: Collected and kept in the green folder (Ideally, if possible/reasonable) Photographed and stored in your phone/computer (Also a good idea) Identified/chosen (at the bare minimum) Use any extra time to do the following: Finish your “script” for 3/22 (get your shtick down) Complete any missing/incomplete sections from previous weeks Rehearse your SLC script and make sure everything is ready to go!

19 That’s it for this week! With any time you have left, you need to make sure that your outline is GOOD. TO. GO. By now, it should be complete, make you sound brilliant, and be ready to practice and present.

20 Quarter 3, Week 8: … “…”

21 Week 8 Agenda 3/28 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles?

22 That’s it for this week! If you have time left over, or if you are curious about learning more, check out the following:

23 Quarter 3, Week 9: … “…”

24 Week 9 Agenda 4/4 Check in – What have been some of your successes this week? Some of your struggles?

25 That’s it for this week! If you have time left over, or if you are curious about learning more, check out the following:

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