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Environmental Impact Assessment for Waste Treatment Options

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1 Environmental Impact Assessment for Waste Treatment Options
Seung Hoon LEE

2 Objectives and Structures
To overview the waste management system To introduce Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluation of waste management options To compare the potential impact assessment by IWM-2 Model To predict the assessing impacts which may be significant in relation to waste management options

3 Waste Management System
Waste is an inevitable part of our daily life NIMBY, PIMFY, BANANA Syndrome Waste Management Hierarchy • No scientific/ technical basis • No economic assessment • No environmental/ economic comparisons between each other

4 Life Cycle Assessment for Waste Management
Four stages in LCA Impact Assessment Improvement Assessment Goal and scoping Inventory Analysis Source: SETAC 1999

5 Waste Management Facility Life-Cycle
Design and Planning Permission and Licensing Construction Commission and Operation Closure or Decommissioning Post-Closure Monitoring

6 Waste Management Options Definition in EIA
Is there a need for the facility? What management or disposal processes are in demand relative to the waste arising? What is the current management and disposal capacity? What size would the facility need to be, and does this represent an acceptable economic scale of activity? Where would the facility best be located, in market terms?

7 Waste Management Facility Site Selection
To maximize conformance of the site characteristics with the project specification To minimize environmental impacts To maximize acceptability of the project by the local community To minimize the cost of the development

8 Factors Influencing Waste Management Options

9 Sustainability Indicators for Waste Management
Short term Long term Economic Aspects Investment cost, net operation, total net cost per collected ton, net annual total cost Long term viability of collection and sorting operations and final disposal Environmental Aspects Quantity, quality of material recovered, local and regional health effects, residues, pollution, noise, landfill usage, natural resources used Global impact: bio-diversity, global warning, acid rain: landscape, electricity consumption, waste produced, water usage Social Aspects Public acceptance, participation, employment Welfare, natural resources availability Technical Aspects Scale, flexibility, market potential Potential for future development

10 Environmental Impact Assessment Stages
Screening: regulatory authority to identify the need of EIA Scooping: identified key issues from a board range of potential concerns Assessing: direct, indirect, secondary, cumulative, short and long term, permanent, temporary, positive, and negative Mitigation: reduce the undesirable impacts of a proposed action Monitoring: environmental compliance with local regulations/effectiveness of the mitigation measures Reporting: preparation of reporting Reviewing: reviewing before approval

11 Significance of Impacts for Different Options
Landfill Incineration Biological Treatment Odour ooo oo Health Risk (Inhalation) oooo o Landfill Gases - Leachate Traffic Noise Visual Effect Dust Accidents O Increasing significance, - Negligible significance

12 Scoping of the Environmental Impact on Waste Management facilities
Potential issues Impacts on the environment Population Perceived and actual public health risks nuisance Transport Traffic generated during construction, operation and restoration Noise and vibration Increased noise levels during construction, traffic noise including reversing alarms Ecology Loss of habitat and protected species from restoration of minerals workings Land and soils Land contamination, temporary loss of agricultural land Water Leachate from landfill – pollution of surface or groundwaters Air and climate Landfill gas, odour, dust and particulates, pollutants from incomplete combustion Cultural heritage Loss of heritage features Landscape Change or loss of valued landscape

13 Public Health No human activity is risk-free
Potential risks to the public: Accidental emissions and discharges to air, water and land Emissions and discharges during routine operation by poor design or operational practices High level of noise, high dust level during constructing of waste management facilities Appropriate management systems: prevention plans, emergency plans, regular inspection Open management of waste management facilities disclose emissions data, discuss operations, encourage site visits, respond promptly to complaints

14 Transport Significantly increase road traffic: nuisance to residents and road users (noise, fear) Risks of an accident involving hazardous wastes Air pollution: vehicle exhausts, dust/dirty from vehicle carrying dusty waste/residues such as ash Mitigation of Transport: - No transport routes through residential areas - Appropriate road condition for a significant increase in heavy vehicle traffic - Speed restrictions on vehicles entering and leaving the site

15 Monitoring and Auditing
Monitoring for noise, dust and odour issues Water quality of leachate, surface water and groundwater Traffic management plan Air monitoring at source Visual impact, ecology, land restoration Any relevant public health indicators Any kind of social impacts

16 Public Consultation Environmental awareness
Understanding of environmental issues associated with waste management options Critical to open decision-making and should begin as early as possible in the EIA process Faithful public consultation process (conference format rather than domenstration format) NIMBYY syndrome (concern over property value, visual impact) Emissions: long term health effects

17 Conclusions EIA needs to be fully understood and taken into account in order to prevent or minimize potential impacts on the environment. EIA is quite comprehensive assessment because it requires possibly all kind of future impacts in the environment to be reviewed, mitigated, and monitored by professional expert. Without proper implementing of EIA for waste management project, the future is unlikely to stray far from the common social syndrome known as “ NOT IN MY BACKYARD”.

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