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Presentation on theme: "SPRING TRACK 2015 MEET THE COACH NIGHT Allen Johnson LB ’89"— Presentation transcript:

8x World Champion Olympic Gold Medalist MEET THE COACH NIGHT

2 Introduction of Coaches
Bob Digby- Director Men’s & Women’s Track and Field Sprints/Hurdles/High-Long-Triple Jumps & Relays Mike Mangan- Asst. Director Track / Director Cross Country Distance / Pole Vault / Throws Jason Switzer- Asst. Coach Distance / Mid Distance Michaela Sands- Asst. Coach

3 What Spring Track IS A “circus” of events going on at the same time
Jumps/Throws/Vaults/Sprints/Distance/Relays/ Hurdles (with only a handful of coaches) Basketball has 35 kids, 9 coaches and 3 player positions Track has OVER 200 kids, 4 coaches, and 17 events Great kids working hard to help the TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More) A committed group of kids, parents, and coaches working to achieve the same goal

4 What you can expect from Coaches
To work hard to get the best from our athletes To do what is best for the TEAM To care about your kids in school, off the track , after they graduate To demand excellence from their athletes To make sacrifices for the team Early mornings, late nights, weekend meets Taking time from their own families to be with yours To constantly try and better their knowledge of track New training techniques, weight lifting strategies, clinics, etc

5 Coaching expectations
Building a powerhouse Track & XC program Congrats Indoor Track (dual conference / regional champs) Prioritization of training groups. (varsity vs. jv. vs. training) Parental support Contacts about absences- or phone call Problems/Items of discussion?: Phone call only Volunteering Athletes priority Learn communication skills Be a part of our TEAM (individual success comes as a part of TEAM success, not separate from) Winning State Champions every year

6 What We Expect From Parents
Support your child: Cheer, Hug, pat on the back, push to improve You aren’t the coach (trust me, you don’t want the paycheck) Track is NOTHING like it was when you were in school/competing Support your coaches Let us coach (we have over 70+ years experience between us) If you have a problem, CALL me first (not my boss) Volunteer To time, score, help at meets To drive to away meets To chaperone For the booster activities

7 Needs for the athlete Clothing Water Bottle- Training shoes
Daily workout gear Black Running pants for meets Team Uniform (indoor track kids use the same)- For meets Team Jacket (issued week of first meet) Water Bottle- Should be drinking water all day before practice Training shoes Spikes / Throwing shoes (not required, but..) Proper Diet / Sleep

8 TEAM WEBSITES: All information about our team / meets/ schedules/etc can be found on: AND Blackboard 24-7 under Track and Field. (will use this the majority of the time to contact the athletes) My / phone number on both sites.

9 Boosters / Team Parents
Marion Speranzo – Booster Rep / Team Parent

10 PRACTICES Daily- 2:40-5:15 (2 ½ hours) Off days-
Athletes will be lifting / supplementals from 4:15-5:15 Kids need to be with teachers? Let us know. Kids are dressed appropriately Off days- Non Technique Sprinters / Mid Distance / Distance - Thursdays Throwers: Wednesdays Technique Sprinters As offered Schedule appointments on “off” days We do practice over spring break, long weekends, etc Parents responsibility to inform Coach Digby of absence Absences affect participation in meets (excused or not)

11 Practices Cont. Technique practices: Band/Orchestra-
In order for us to be competitive in track, we need to use gym space for jumps / vault until the weather is permanently better. High Jump- -Tuesdays/Thursdays 5:30am-7:00am Pole Vault - Mondays/Thursdays 7-9pm Jumps/Throws after school Band/Orchestra- Athletes that have rehearsals are required to attend both practices for ½ the time. It is up to the athlete to check in with coaches for workout.

12 Practice- Cont. Unexcused Absences from practice
No call / / communication Missing because of music lessons / another sport practice Athlete simply not showing up (skipping) Not showing up because of “too much” homework Athletes unexcused may be left off next competition. 2 unexcused absences and athlete will be removed from competition and may result in dismissal from team.

Meets THERE IS NO BENCH IN TRACK 4 regular season meets: Schedule in packet Coaches discretion on who competes in what events. Athletes must have been at practice, working hard, etc. to compete in meet.

14 VARSITY vs. JV Qualifying marks to make the Varsity
Earned at any time during the season or at try-outs Varsity one year doesn’t necessarily mean varsity the next Varsity athletes will have different uniforms/jackets Only Varsity athletes travel to invitationals / overnights Unlike other sports, it doesn’t matter your grade level Post season banquet JV awards the same night as Varsity banquet, but are handed out BEFORE the dessert portion of the varsity banquet JV athletes are welcome to stay for dessert portion / VARSITY awards, slide show etc

15 Meets: Cont We only get 2 busses, so we will need parents to drive to/from meets Athletes may leave when MEET IS OVER, not when they are done You wouldn’t leave in the 3rd inning or 2nd quarter of another sport would you? Don’t put the coaches in a bad position by telling us you have to leave the meet early. Parents may only take other kids with permission from their parents PLEASE VOLUNTEER TO HELP

16 Invitationals & Overnight trips
March 28 Legard Woodson April 3rd Leslie West Spring April PR Robinson April Hall of LB April Penn Relays in Philadelphia May 2 NIKE South Lakes SAT day!! (Meet starts at 4:30) May 9 TBA Are for Varsity athletes only / Based on qualifying standards MY decision on who goes NO BUSSES

17 Injuries?? Kids can/do get injured in this sport
We will send them to the trainer (not on their own) Trainer will suggest visit to the doctor Don’t take to the doctor unless trainer tells you to Most early season “injuries” are not really injuries Aches / Pain from not doing this before Shin problems from improper footwear Not warming up / cooling down with a purpose Injury Book- We will have injured athlete sign/date an injury log. NEVER PUT HEAT ON AN INJURY UNLESS INFORMED TO DO SO. BEN-GAY, ICY HOT, ETC DOESN’’T WORK!!!

This is only for our regular meets AND the Hall of Fame Invitational

19 Hall of Fame Invitational
One of the largest meets in the state Honors past LB Track / XC Greats Middle School and youth club races Our biggest fundraiser Need tons of volunteers to help coordinate. Please help!

20 Potomac River Running Spike Night
Thursday March Burke Center Store Purchase shoes, spikes, apparel for the season. NIKE rep there giving stuff away Portion of the proceeds are given directly back to our team They will fit you for the correct shoes/spikes for your event

21 I have read & understand the policies/power point for Meet The Coach Night for Lake Braddock Indoor Track & Field Athletes Name___________________________________ Parent Name____________________________________ Parent __________________________________________ Parent Signature________________________________ PLEASE FILL OUT AND RETURN BEFORE ATHLETE IS ALLOWED TO COMPETE.

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