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Practical, fast and transparent design workflows for 1D & 2D elements

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Presentation on theme: "Practical, fast and transparent design workflows for 1D & 2D elements"— Presentation transcript:

1 Practical, fast and transparent design workflows for 1D & 2D elements
Marwan AL-Taie Product manager Presented by Rossi Stockbridge CADS Technical Support

2 Content Overview about concrete design Technical overview
1D design (Live demo) 2D design (Live demo) Why we sholud use SCIA Engineer Q & A

3 Reinforced Concrete Building Elements

4 What do the concrete designers want?

5 Concrete designers kinds
2D environment design 3D environment design Design of 1D members Design of 2D members Design of 1D members Design of 2D members Advantages Advantages Easy to model Easy to Understand Faster Integrated with BIM Easy to Control More accurate

6 Designing tool


8 Concrete Tree in SCIA Engineer V 17.0
Concrete settings Setting per member Reinforcement design – for ULS Input of real reinforcement Reinforcement check – ULS and SLS DESIGN Order of design and checks „Top-Down“

9 Design of reinforcement (N+My+Mz)-(Vy+Vz+T) Uni + Biaxial
Internal forces recalculation Reduction Shifting Eccentricity Design of longitudinal reinforcement on bending moments Uniaxial y, z or biaxial Interaction diagram method Design of shear reinforcement on shear forces resultant & torsion moments Asw,req, Aswt,req Angle of compression strut θ is determined Resistance of member without shear reinf Design of shear reinforcement on detailing provision §6.2.3(3) §8.3(2) §9.2.2(5) §9.2.2(6) §9.2.2(8) §9.2.3(3) §6.2.3(3) §8.3(2) §9.5.3(3) §9.5.3(1) Design additional longitudinal reinforcement on torsion moment Only if additional tensile force from torsion generate normal stress > 0,1 MPa in cross-section Design longitudional reinforcement on detailing provision §8.2(2) §9.2.3(4) § (1) § (1) § (3) Recalculation req. reinforcement to Provided (basic/additional) As, basic As, add. As, prov. As, add. req Summary, tables, drawings, EWN

10 Designing with practical reinforcement

11 Using SCIA Section Check

12 Using Basic and Additional reinforcement
Definition Calculation Check workflow

13 Definition + Calculation
As additional As basic As basic As additional

14 Checks Easy to control

15 Easy to understand

16 Speed Reinforcement design Version 17 Pervious versions Ratio
Type Numbers 2D members 576 1D members 648 Surface load 216 Loads ULS+SLS Reinforcement design Version 17 Pervious versions Ratio 2D design 4 mins 6 min 1,5 Faster 1D design 15 min 3,75 Faster

17 Design of 2D members

18 Design of 2D members Design of longitudinal reinforcement
Design of shear reinforcement Calculation of cracks Long term deflection Punching shear design and check

19 Calculation of required reinforcement

20 Using Basic and Additional reinforcement

21 Calculation of cracks width for 2D members with one click


23 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Multi-core processing Before Beams & columns design NOW Beams & columns design

24 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Usability of table results

25 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Usability of table results

26 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?

27 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Application of shift Rule

28 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Possibility to reduce shear force and bending moment over support Shear force Bending moment

29 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?
Possibility to design arbitrary cross section

30 Why should we use SCIA Engineer?

31 Nice and clear result’s presentation
More comprehensive Nice and clear result’s presentation Unlimited solution More economical More trusted solution Daily used workflow

32 Thank you for your attention,
. Thank you for your attention, Marwan Al-taie More information on

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