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Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protolihts Bjørn Eske Sørensen,

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Presentation on theme: "Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protolihts Bjørn Eske Sørensen,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coupled trace element mobilisation and strain softening in quartz during retrograde fluid infiltration in dry granulite protolihts Bjørn Eske Sørensen, PhD 27. June 2007 Department of Geology and Mineral Resources Engineering Supervisors Rune B. Larsen (IGB) Håkon Austrheim (UIO) Presented at the 33IGC, August in Oslo, Norway

2 Introduction Parameters controlling the retrograde behaviour of Qz
Influence of Fluids Deformation PT-conditions Ti-Al-B drop correlates with progressive recrystallisation seen in SEM-CL images Relates to fluid infiltration and deformation Fluids relate to regional alteration processes in other rock types and ore fm. Arendal

3 Lecture outline Textural and chemical evolution of quartz
PTXfluid evolution from phase diagram modelling Main conclusions

4 Lecture outline Textural and chemical evolution of quartz
PTXfluid evolution from phase diagram modelling Main conclusions

5 SEM-CL summary Qz Qz2 Qz1 Qz3 1mm

6 Coarse domains Microfaults

7 SEM-CL quartzite Qz2 Qz1 Qz3 5 mm Owerview near micro-fault zones
3 qtz types 5 mm

8 SEM-CL quartzite Qz1 Qz2 Qz3 Zoom on SEM-Cl picture 1 mm

9 Optical texture of quartzite
Optical picture of the same area as the previous slide Note the partial alteration of Bt grains Partial poltgonisation Fine grained mica in aparrently homogeneous qtz grains SGR Sb Sa 1 mm


11 d quartzite Vein + leocosome


13 Conclusion Qz1 & Qz2

14 Conclusion Qz3 cracking

15 Conclusion SGR Qz3 only

16 Lecture outline PTXfluid evolution from phase diagram modelling
Textural and chemical evolution of quartz PTXfluid evolution from phase diagram modelling Main conclusions

17 Fluid inclusions, FIA3 qz+bt+ru+(ttn) qz+chl+mu +ttn+(ru) 3 cm

18 Typical FIA3 LVS-inclusion
Qz2 Qz3 Qz1 10 mm Typical FIA3 LVS-inclusion Halite H2O Vapour 250 mm Qz3 Qz2 Qz1 FIA3 inclusions

19 Modified after Kornerup-Madsen (1979)
Sørensen (2007) Modified after Kornerup-Madsen (1979)

20 PT-Xfluid path(Sørensen 2007)
PERPLEX, HP98 dataset

21 Lecture outline Main conclusions
Textural and chemical evolution of quartz PTXfluid evolution from phase diagram modelling Main conclusions

22 Conclusions Quartz recrystallisation controlled by discrete fluid influxes during retrogression of dry high temperature quartz Quartz recrystallisation events can be related to a revised retrograde PT-Xfluid path and discrete pulses of fluid influx Qz1 – dry high metamorphic grade quartz – 750ºC, 7 kb Qz2 – rehydration of dry brittle quartz causing brecciation and dissolution-reprecipitation Qz3 – influx of aqueous brines along fracture causes recrystallisation, with resulting trace element depletion and strain softening changing rheological behaviour from brittle to plastic with SGR Important process during exhumation and uplift, where quartz only deforms in H2O rich environments Exhumation 100ºC lower than earlier estimates: from 7-6 kb down to 3-4 kb at ºC

23 Conclusions High purity quartz purifications occurs on a localised scale in relation to scapolitisation and metasomatic alteration of biotite to muscovite Devolatisation during HT metamorphism Fluid saturated rocks dominated by greenshist facies are better sources of high quantities It is important to understand quartz purification in the geological framework New resources Field investigation methods New types of quartz resources for solar grade silicon require research on aggregation methods, processing etc.

24 Thanks for the attention 
That’s all for today More info in my thesis and in forthcoming papers….. Link to thesis:

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