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Bucharest-Magurele, Romania M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

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1 Bucharest-Magurele, Romania M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
Inelastic scattering cross sections of protons and neutrons on 16O and 28Si Marian BOROMIZA Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH) Bucharest-Magurele, Romania M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

2 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
PRESENTATION OUTLINE In both experiments we used a QUARTZ (SiO2) TARGET neutron and proton data: 16O Si scientific motivation experimental setup – only protons (n, n’γ) (p, p’γ) results both for 16O and 28Si future work 1/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

3 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION for neutrons: - 16O and 28Si are nuclei of interest for nuclear applications: HPRL for protons: - 16O: there are no inelastic angle integrated gamma production cross sections under 8 MeV + some discrepancies in the already available data - 28Si: very scarce inelastic data at energies higher than 6.5 MeV physical reasons: for a better nuclear reaction modelling 28Si(n, n’g) 28Si versus 25Mg(a, ng) 28Si Phys. Rev. C 88, (2013) coupled with Bohr hypothesis for CN 2/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

4 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION Not the same CN but making use of the isospin symmetry PRESENT EXPERIMENTS 16O(p, p’g) 16O versus 16O(n, n’g) 16O 28Si(p, p’g) 28Si versus 28Si(n, n’g) 28Si measured at EC-JRC Geel published measured at EC-JRC Geel 16O: N=Z nucleus 28Si: N=Z nucleus 3/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

5 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION Not the same CN but making use of the isospin symmetry PRESENT EXPERIMENTS 16O(p, p’g) 16O versus 16O(n, n’g) 16O 28Si(p, p’g) 28Si versus 28Si(n, n’g) 28Si measured at EC-JRC Geel published measured at EC-JRC Geel 16O: N=Z nucleus 28Si: N=Z nucleus 4/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

6 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
SCIENTIFIC MOTIVATION Not the same CN but making use of the isospin symmetry PRESENT EXPERIMENTS 16O(p, p’g) 16O versus 16O(n, n’g) 16O measured at EC-JRC Geel Partial level schemes 16O: N=Z nucleus 5/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

7 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
goals of the two experiments: mainly to provide both precise and reliable proton and neutron data mostly for the inelastic channel but also: to investigate if and to which extent the neutron inelastic cross-sections can be inferred from the ones induced by charged particles (i.e. protons in our case) to extract information about the manifestation of the isospin symmetry in the reaction mechanisms themselves (i.e mainly CN) but also on the values of the extracted cross sections 6/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

8 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
EXPERIMENTAL SETUPS Nuclear reactions: Neutron inelastic scattering cross section measurements (EC-JRC Geel) Charged particles inelastic scattering cross section measurements (IFIN-HH, Bucharest) 7/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

9 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
EXPERIMENTAL SETUP TANDEM facility, IFIN-HH, Bucharest at IFIN-HH, Tandem facility in November 2015 two HPGe detectors 100% relative efficiency placed at 110o and 150o distance: cm and cm target: SiO2 (quartz) with an areal density of mg/cm2 Ep MeV, with 1 MeV steps efficiency measurements using a 152Eu calibration source + extrapolation via MCNP simulations acquisition: digital ( TNT MHz and 14 bits) 8/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

10 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
DATA ANALYSIS protons: absolute cross sections (Faraday cup) gamma spectroscopy techniques with HPGe detectors neutrons: data normalization to 235U(n, fission) standard cross section via a FC main extracted quantity: angle integrated γ-production cross section Data corrections: dead time (protons case), MSC and gamma sample attenuation (neutrons case) + Detector efficiency extrapolations via MCNP codes + experimental points 9/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

11 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS 10/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

12 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION E0 11/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

13 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OXYGEN data: 12/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

14 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION OXYGEN data: 13/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

15 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SILICON data: 14/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

16 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SILICON data: 15/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

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RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SILICON data: 16/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

18 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION SILICON data: 17/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
FUTURE WORK Detailed comparisons and data discussion of the neutron and proton corresponding cross sections from the two experiments: 28Si(p, p’g) 28Si vs. 28Si(n, n’g) 28Si and 16O(p, p’g)16O vs. 16O(n, n’g)16O Maybe, gaining extra insight into the reaction mechanisms by tuning some of the TALYS 1.8 input parameters to better describe our particular data Concluding & Publishing the 16O and 28Si results Future experiment proposals with other nuclei along the N=Z line but also out of it (for example 58Ni or 57Fe) 18/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017

20 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017
THANK YOU! 19/19 M. BOROMIZA - Trieste, October, 2017


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