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Neutrino Masses in Cosmology

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1 Neutrino Masses in Cosmology
Carlos Peña Garay IFIC, Valencia Jimenez et al, Villaescusa et al, , Nov 18th, 2011 GDR meeting, Annecy

2 Neutrino and impact on observables
~ 1s ~ 0.3 Myr ~ 1-10 Gyr Neutrino Photon LSS Decoupling Influence in background and growth of structure

3 Neutrinos in the early universe:
Radiation density after neutrino decoupling and BBN (T< me): At present per flavour

4 Extra light states Blue: CMB+HST+SDSS Red: CMB+HST+SDSS +SN-Ia
Giusarma et al.,

5 Evolution of background density
photons neutrinos cdm baryons Λ Ωi= ρi/ρcrit m=1 eV m=0.05 eV m=0.009 eV m≈ 0 eV Lesgourgues-Pastor

6 Neutrino mass influence in linear P(k)
- Change in matter-radiation equality - Suppression of power on scales smaller than the free-streaming scale 0.05 eV 0.5 eV

7 Linear and non Linear P(k)

8 Cosmological probes of neutrino mass

9 Cosmological probes of neutrino mass
95% arXiv: 1103:5083

10 n mass and the Weakest force
Impact of single neutrino masses ? Can we see the neutrino hierarchy in the sky ?

11 Parameterization: S, D, sgn(D)
Solar splitting can be safely neglected ( < 1%)

12 P(k) dependence on D Numerical with CAMB

13 NH-IH quasi-degeneracy
No distinguishable NH-IH Delta could be measured ! Handle to identify neutrinos

14 Can we see n-hierarchy in the sky?
Full sky, variance-dominated Gal survey, 600 Gpc3 (z<2) WL survey (<z> < 3) 21cm HI, 2000 Gpc3 (z<5) gal / sq-arcmin

15 n mass and the Weakest force
Beyond linear order: Nonlinear effects of neutrinos in the dark matter power spectrum Observable effects in the deepest and shallowest DM potential wells

16 Facing the tiniest and the biggest (mass)
mn ~ kg MCOMA ~ kg

17 Dark matter profile: NFW + EL
Zhao et al, AJ’09 Mvir (Msun) Rvir (Mpc) rhoc Rs (Mpc) z= e e z= e e z= e e

18 n overdensity M=1015 Msun Large neutrino overdensity (~linear with cluster mass) Interesting region around Mpc scale Best observable: Convergence measured by Weak Lensing

19 Convergence Observable proportional to column density

20 Relative convergence due to n
z=1 z=0.4 0.3 eV - 10^4 clusters to obtain a 5-s result Expected in a full-sky weak lensing survey N-body simulation (in progress): needed to confirm signal and study systematics

21 Facing the tiniest and the emptiest
Voids : Underdense regions (z=0: from ~ 0 to ~ 0.3 times the mean density at 10 Mpc) Neutrinos make them smaller and denser : delay the rate at which DM is evacuated Density contrast decreases by 10% for S = 1eV Statistics of voids depends on S and s8 Observable: Lyman-a signature (quasar at z=2.2, z=4) of low density regions

22 High Transmission regions if the Ly-a forest
N-body simulations 4500 random line of sight Compute transmitted flux Count weak absorption region

23 Sensitivity to neutrino mass
PDF for the number of regions (100/h Mpc) above threshold Degeneracy could be broken by using several redshift quasar Study of systematics: calibrating the flux at weak absorption

24 Conclusions Cosmological neutrinos expected to be indirectly seen in cosmological data: Relativistic energy seeen in CMB, and total mass by CMB & LSS. Linear growth will be sensitive to the atmospheric splitting: handle to verify neutrino nature of the total mass effect. Difficult to distinguish NH from IH unless total mass < 0.1 eV. Study nonlinear effects: N-body simulations Neutrinos in clusters: Clean (mostly DM) but high precision needed ( < 1 %) Impact of neutrinos in voids: Not clean (baryons) but larger signal (~ 10%)

25 Extra light states Blue: WMAP-7
Red: w7+SN+Bao+H0 Green: w7+CMBsuborb+SN+LRG+H0 [eV]

26 Neutrino mass by the Weak Force
Normal Hierarchy Inverted Hierarchy Degenerate

27 Neutrino mass by the Weak Force
If q13=0 NH~IH Gonzalez-Garcia et al 2010 Different pattern for leptons and quarks

28 Neutrinoless double beta decay
Are neutrinos Dirac or Majorana? 0nbb: nn  ppe–e– without neutrinos me |<mnee>| = (T1/2 FN )1/2 FN = G0n |M0nf – (gA/ gV)2 M0nGT |2

29 Mass scale onbb: predictions
Present experiments aim at IH scale NH may lead to negligible signal j |<mnee>| = |S mj Uej2 | = |S mj | Uej | 2 eif |

30 Mass scale searches: beta decay 0nbb decay cosmology
If Majorana neutrinos Reid et al 2010, …

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