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RABI CONFERENCE Dialogue with states SEPTEMBER 19TH & 20TH ,2017 SHC

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Presentation on theme: "RABI CONFERENCE Dialogue with states SEPTEMBER 19TH & 20TH ,2017 SHC"— Presentation transcript:

1 RABI CONFERENCE Dialogue with states SEPTEMBER 19TH & 20TH ,2017 SHC
PKVY MOVCD PMKSY Dialogue with states

2 Soil Health Card Scheme
Target: 12 crore cards Nearly 80% completed States Lagging behind- UP , Punjab, Bihar, Assam , Manipur, J&K To be completed by October 1st Cycle to Target: 1.3 crore samples and 6 crore cards Achievement: 50% collection & 5% testing Soil testing labs in PPP Installation of equipment like ICP Cycle 2 1st year

proposals from state governments End of September 2017 Release of Govt of India Share October, 2017 Entrepreneurs to procure equipment by November Employment generation &improvement in soil testing facilities Village level entrepreneur Max cost Rs 5 lakhs Preference to Sansad Adarsh Gram Yojana (SAGY) 75% subsidy, 60:40 25% cost by entrepreneur

4 SHC- Phase ll Responsibility of States work in progress at GoI
SHC is beyond numbers Inculcating the habit of soil testing among farmers- wide publicity needed Aadhar number of farmers mandatory Entry on web portals Soil testing pre-requisite for getting subsidy Distribution of fertilisers based on SHC recommendation Fertiliser demand based on Soil testing results Information on dialects and area units District Soil nutrient maps Publicity campaign Development of handheld devices for soil testing Customised fertilisers for 100 districts

5 Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana
Flexibility in guidelines Future Action Required Cluster size: upto hac Planning: proposal in project mode with entire value chain Freedom to choose from Bouquet of activities Promotion of indigenous practices on case to case basis Need based inter componential changes Dovetailing with PMEGS of MSME for value addition Target ( by 2020) : 10 lakh hac Proposals by mid Oct, 2017 All the clusters in same year Value chain dev. For old clusters

6 Mission Organic value Chain Development
New guidelines for post harvest management Expectations from states Completion of FPO registration Focus on 4-5 commodities/ crops Assessment of produce for marketing Value addition &marketing Training Technical support Fund release facilitation Marketing Facilitation of food processing units Subsidy distribution Handholding to FPOs NEDFI NERAMAC IIFTP GoI &States

7 Organic farming Regulations
Certification& Regulations PKVY: Marketing- PGS- India Green (after 1st year )/ PGS –India Organic MOVCD: Third party certification Food Safety and Standards (Organic Foods) Regulations, 2017-

8 Prime Minister Krishi Sinchai Yojana-Micro Irrigation
year Allocation (Rs in Crores) Release Area covered under micro irrigation( in lakh hac) target Achievement 1550 100% 5 5.72 1990 8 8.4 3400 1459 12 2.5 Stagnation in last 2 months States to resolve GST issues : Andhra Pradesh GoI in dialogue with GST council

9 Micro Irrigation Fund States to be ready with the proposals by October
EFC under consideration Approvals by Octobers Loans in RIDF pattern from NABARD Interest subvention 3%; state to pay 5% interest MoU between states, GoI, NABARD States to be ready with the proposals by October

10 PMKSY- Ned of the hour Geotagging on Bhuvan platform
10 million hac to be covered by Target of 1.2 million hac 2.4 lakh ha coverage in last 5 months Geotagging on Bhuvan platform MIS entry/ integration of state MIS with National portal Promotion of fertigation along with Micro irrigation

11 Micro irrigation-other interventions
Unspent balances –released to rural developmrnt Dept- MP, Mah, Jhar, Punjab,UP,Har, GuJ To facilitate DBT, states to adopt LG codes and get transferred to central portal Timely MIS reports and geotagging Crop planning in command areas of irrigation projects as per directions of PMO Linking activities with DIP Synchronising water sources with micro irrigation systems

12 General Observations Need for more communication
Participation of senior officers in the review meetings Mechanism for release of state share in time Major schemes review at state level UCs- physical , financial progress and state share


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