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ENP Study Group “Wireless-VOIP”

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1 ENP Study Group “Wireless-VOIP” 1-13-17
Brought to you by: The Florida NENA Education committee

2 Wireless Basic 9-1-1 Wireless 9-1-1 Evolution Similar to Wireline
Basic Call Flow – (Voice Only): Cell Phone to Mobile Switching Center (MSC) MSC is Equivalent to the Landline Network Central Office MSC Translates “9-1-1” and Routes to Preset 7/10 Digit Number at Designated PSAP i.e. Only One Call Routed Over Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) Bypasses Network No ANI/ALI/SR i.e., No Enhanced (E9-1-1) Some Wireless Service Providers (WSPs) Provided Caller ID Some WSPs Routed to 7/10D Numbers at the Selective Router i.e., “Phase 0” Overall Shortcomings -- NOT On Par With Landline E9-1-1

3 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase I
FCC Report and Order (and Others) Required WSPs to Provide Enhanced Service for Wireless Users (ANI/ALI/SR) FCC Wireless E9-1-1 Program Divided Into Two Parts Phase l And Phase II Phase l Mandates: Call Back Number (CBN) i.e., ANI Cell Sector Location Information i.e., ALI Routing to Proper PSAP i.e., Selective Routing Call Flow – Cell Phone to MSC via Service Control Point (SCP) to SR to PSAP Driven by 10-Digit pseudo ANI (pANI) Also Known As Emergency Service Routing Digit (ESRD) One pANI Number per Cell Tower/Sector – Generally Three Per Tower All Calls From Each Sector Have Same pANI/ESRD and Route to Same PSAP pANI/ESRD Records Loaded in ALI Database for Look Up

4 Phase I Wireless Networks
Two Network Design Alternatives to Meet Phase I Mandates Call Path Associated Signaling (CAS) or Hybrid CAS Non-Call Path Associated Signaling (NCAS) CAS 20-Digits Delivered to the PSAP via Voice Call Path Network 10-Digit Wireless Call Back Number (CBN) 10-Digit pANI/ESRD per Cell Face Sector pAni ALI Records (Cell & Sector Location Description) Loaded in PSAP ALI Database for Query CAS Generally Required Upgrading Selective Router and PSAP CPE to Handle 20-Digits NCAS aka Wireline Compatibility Mode Did Not Require SR/PSAP CPE Upgrade Required Upgrade To ALI Database to Send Query To & Accept Call Data “on the fly” From Third Party DB Process Known as “ALI Steering” 10-Digit pANI Delivered to the PSAP via Voice Call Path Network ALI Query/Delivery Via Separate Data Network Between PSAP ALI CPE and Third Party Database Per Reference Manual Most Common Method for Phase I Mandate (But Not in Florida) Is Predominant Method for Phase II Wireless

5 Canadian Wireless E9-1-1 Phase I
Telecom Decision CRTC outlines conditions of service for wireless CLECs Mandated Wireless Carriers to provide Wireless E9-1-1 service in areas where they operate and E9-1-1 service is available Equivalent to the U.S. 20-digit Wireless Phase I where CBN and PANI are delivered over SS7 trunks to the SR tandem Same solution as U.S., but Canada does not use the terms NCAS or CAS

6 Service Control Point (SCP)

7 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase II Requirements
Phase 1 Requirements Provided If Phase II Location Data Not Available (Fall back) Callers Location Must Be Delivered to PSAP To Within Mandate Longitude and Latitude X and Y Coordinates FCC Accuracy Mandate Handset Based - Within 100 Meters 67% of Calls or 300 Meters 95% of Calls Network Based – Within 50 Meters 67% of Calls or 150 Meters 95% of Calls Handset Based Location Global Positioning System (GPS) via Satellites Network Based Location Location Determination Technology Associated With Land Based Wireless Network (Triangulation) AKA Position Determining Entity (PDE) Network Map Interface Greatly Enhances Location Benefits

8 Phase II Delivery pANI and Voice
Call Flow – Cell Phone to MSC via Mobile Positioning Center (MPC)/Gateway Mobile Location Center (GMLC) to SR to PSAP Via Call Path Network Utilizes Non Call Path Associated Signaling (NCAS) aka Wireline Compatibility Mode (WCM) NCAS – Most Predominant Method Currently Deployed For Phase II, also known as Wireline Compatibility Mode (WCM) Upgrade is made to the ALI database to accept call related data from an outside source, dynamically for delivery to the PSAP Call Driven Through Network Via Emergency Services Routing Key (ESRK) i.e., pANI ESRK Range of Numbers Per PSAP Vs A Number per Cell Site Sector 10-Digit Number pANI to PSAP for ALI Query

9 Phase II Delivery Location (ALI)
Data Flow – MSC to MPC/PDE to 3rd Party Database Separate Network From Call Flow Position Determining Entity (PDE) Network Based Handset Based Combination Per WSP Mobile Positioning Center (MPC)/Third Party (non WSP) Database Dynamically (“on the fly”) Creates Wireless ALI Record Call Back Number (CBN) and X/Y Coordinates Location ALI Record “Parked” at 3RD Party Data Base/MPC Awaits ALI Query Via Ali Steering From PSAP ALI CPE For Delivery of CBN & X/Y

10 Phase II ALI Look Up ALI Data Flow ALI Update
Voice and ESRK Arrive At PSAP ANI/ALI CPE PSAP ALI Recognizes As Wireless Based on ESRK PSAP ALI Request Steers ESRK (ALI Steering) To Appropriate 3RD Party DB/MPC Via Data Network 3RD Party DB/MPC ESRK With “Parked ALI Record” Delivers CBN and X/Y Location to PSAP CPE Via Data Network in PSAP ALI Record Format If Phase II Data Information Not Available, Phase I Data Information Delivered ALI Update Aka Repeat ALI/ALI Refresh/Rebid Generates Update Request To 3RD Party DB/MPC Via Repeat ALI Button At PSAP CPE Request Phase II Data If Only Phase I Data Initially Received Update Location And Limited Tracking of Moving Caller Generally Available At 20 – 30 Second Intervals

11 Canadian Wireless E9-1-1 Phase II
Telecom Decision CRTC mandates requirements for Phase II Twelve months after Feb Decision, service implemented nationally Differs from the U. S. because it was not purely based on J-STD-36 Canada selected the Open Mobile Alliance (OMA) Mobile Location Protocol (MLP) between the Mobile Positioning Center (MPC)/Gateway Mobile Location Center (GMLC) The ALI stream must contain Latitude, Longitude, and the radius of uncertainty calculated at a set Confidence of 90% for all technologies (network or handset based), or an error Routing based upon Phase I information (ESRD – cell sector based) is maintained with Phase II In 2013 the CRTC mandated the implementation of the In-Call Location Update feature by all WSPs and SPs allowing PSAP telecommunicators to manually request an updated Phase II geolocation


13 Interim Text to 9-1-1 Uses the most commonly available texting technology, carrier native Short Message Service (SMS) Uses the code “911” as the destination address to send emergency SMS messages to a PSAP Biggest benefit is to the speech and hearing impaired communities, but can be used by the general public Initial plan involved two fundamental ideas: SMS system interface would not be modified Would include at least one service choice that would not require additional PSAP equipment or software costs PSAPs may opt in Public advocacy includes the concept “call when you can, text when you can’t” Bounce back message implemented when SMS text to service is unavailable SMS service also not available when roaming – bounce back message asking subscriber to contact PSAP by voice or relay service Text Control Center supports the interim solution to interface between wireless text users and the PSAP

14 Interim Text to 9-1-1 (cont.)
Three interface delivery options outlined in J-STD-110: IP i3 – PSAP must have IP capable equipment and IP connectivity to a TCC Text message delivered into the PSAP CPE interface Compatible with standard NG9-1-1 (i3 compliant) solutions ALI display will contain similar information to wireless calls, including x,y coordinates of the cell site or sector centroid IP Web Services Requires IP-based access either through a private IP network or over the public Internet Web portal is opened and monitored for incoming messages Some require a web browser window or separate monitor for the Web Portal, some CPE vendors incorporate the portal in the user display AlI displays the telephone number associated with the device and x,y coordinates of cell site or sector centroid TTY Baudot Incoming SMS messages received in current TTY/TDD system, with CBN, x and y coordinates or cell site or sector centroid Delivered over existing trunks

15 Canadian ‘Text with 9-1-1’ Service
Canada took a different approach to solve accessibility issues with Telecom Public Notice CRTC SMS chosen as the preferred method for enabling texting with PSAPs but underlying infrastructure and service definition different than U.S. Called ‘Text with 9-1-1’ (or T9-1-1) and approved by the CRTC in Telecom Decision Subscription based with WSP and requires a wireless voice call be established first Guarantees the appropriate PSAP is engaged and E9-1-1 location is always provided Telecommunicator is informed of the caller requiring text messaging by the Class of Service (CoS) delivered with the ANI, along with an indication of the subscribers preferred language TXE for English TXF for French or texto en fracais T9-1-1 Gateway connects the WSPs and PSAPs Exposes a browser based application to the PSAP which is implemented in the PSAP CPE as a User Interface (UI) or an Application Programming Interface (API) Direct Texting to the PSAP is not possible; bounce back message sent from WSPs Will be used as a stop gap method until NG9-1-1 is deployed and new IP-based texting methods are introduced by the TSPs

16 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements (Reference Material)
FCC Requirements (pre 2015) Handset Based – 100Meters/67% Calls 300 Meters/95% Calls Network Based – 50Meters/67% Calls 150 Meters/95% Calls Confidence Factors on Per Call Basis (PSAP Must Request) Accuracy Confidence/Uncertainty Score. Example: 90% and 35 Meters 90% Confident Caller Within 35M of Est. Location

17 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont
Enhanced Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont. (Reference Material) Accuracy Reported on County or PSAP Coverage Area 8 Year Implementation Timeframe Until Early 2019 Eventual Uniform Accuracy Standard Technology Advancement Diminishes Difference Handset Standard To Prevail Network Standard “Sunsets” 2019 (No New) Specific Date TBD by FCC WSPs Must Periodically Test & Report Outdoor Accuracy Data to PSAP/County and State 911 Office

18 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont
Enhanced Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont. (Reference Material) FCC PS Docket Jan 2015 “Roadmap” Agreement Used For FCC Ruling NENA/APCO/Big Four WSPs AT&T/Sprint/T-Mobile/Verizon NENA/APCO/Competitive Carriers Association Regional/Small/Rural WSPs Features of Final Ruling Include: Create Permanent Location Testbed Objective/Open/Neutral Shift to “Dispatchable Location” or x/y 50 Meter Accuracy Dispatch Loc = Street Address w/911 DB Validation

19 Enhanced 9-1-1 Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont
Enhanced Wireless Phase II Accuracy Requirements Cont. (Reference Material) Performance Metrics – Horizontal Location Dispatchable Location or X/Y Location Within 50 Meters Graded Performance Percentage 40%-80% Of All Wireless Calls Within 6 Years Performance Metrics – Vertical Location Establish 8-Year Transition Program To Phase-In/Deploy Z-Axis or Dispatchable Vertical Location Information i.e., Multi-Story Buildings Deployment of Barometry Solutions Testing of Altimetry Solutions Full Deployment Nationwide In 8 Years Regular Reporting On Live 911 Call Performance Per PSAP

20 Wireless 9-1-1 Non Initialized Phones (Reference Material)
FCC Basic Wireless 911 Rules (94-102) All Wireless Handsets Access 911 With or W/O Mobile Identification # (MIN) No User Validation Process Includes Those Not Subscribed for Service & Prepaid Wireless Assistance Programs – Elderly, Domestic Abuse, Low Income Equivalent to Wireline “Soft Dial tone” Wireless ALI Screen Shows Phase I/II Location Info No Callback Number – “Area Code 911-Serial #” Wide Open for 911 Call Abuse Move Afoot to Have FCC End Requirement Due to Pranksters and Abuse

21 Wireless Service Providers (WSPs) (Additional Info)
Cellular 911 Telephone Service (Initially Seven) AT&T Sprint/Nextel T-Mobile Verizon Wireless Metro PCS Federal Communication Commission Regulated – Not FL Public Svc Commission Wireless Phase I and II Mandates Wireless 911 Service Provided Via Service Providers For ANI/ALI/SR ALI Database Via Third Party Providers West (Intrado) Comtech (TCS) P.01 Grade Of Service Not Required of WSPs

22 Voice Over Internet Protocol VOIP 9-1-1
VOIP Internet – Multitudes of Digital Networks Connecting Multitudes Of Computers Data Split Into Packets & Sent Over Networks Protocol –Rules For Communications(Language) Initially Data Only Voice Packetized and Sent Over Internet VOIP Becoming Predominant Technology In Telecommunications VOIP Service Providers (VSPs)

23 VOIP (cont’d) Early Issues Reduced Quality of Service 911 “Optional” By Some Routing to 10D # (Often Non PSAP) No ANI/ALI FCC Order For Full E911 NENA and VSP Coalition Agreement Provided a Path and Standards i1, i2,& i3

24 FCC VOIP Rules VSPs That Interconnect With PSTN Must Automatically Provide 911 Service to all Customers Mandatory Standard Feature Without Customers Having to Ask Customers May Not “Opt Out” of 911 Service VSPs Must Obtain Customer’s Initial Physical Location Used and Provide Means to Update VSPs Must Transmit All Calls With Customer Call Back Number (CBN) and Registered Physical Location To Appropriate PSAP i.e., All calls must have E911 (ANI/ALI/SR) VSPs Must Ensure Customers Have Clear Understanding of any Service Limitations Circumstances Under Which 911 May Not Be Available Limitations in Comparison With Traditional 911 Service Provide Labels to be Affixed to Customer’s Equipment Warning of Limitations Customers Must Affirm Understanding of Limitations

25 VOIP I1 9-1-1 Call Immediate Method
VOIP Service Providers Outside Current E9-1-1 Network Basic 9-1-1 10-Digit Emergency/Administration Number At PSAP CNID possible No ALI


27 VOIP I2 9-1-1 Call Migratory (Interim Method)
VOIP Calls Into Current E9-1-1 Network Similar To Wireless Phase II NCAS Call Flow – Voice and Data Call Paths Calls Driven Through Voice and Data Networks Via Emergency Services Query Key (ESQK) VSPs Interface Network Via Gateways/CLECS Voice Positioning Centers (VPCs) Provide Civic or MSAG Valid Addresses and Call Back Number Well Established and In Service Now NENA Standards Developed


29 VOIP I2 Migratory Solution
Migration Path to I3 & NG911– Transition: From Legacy Network Infrastructure (Circuit Switched TDM) CAMA SS7 ISDN PRI To IP Network (Packet Based Voice & Data) MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)

30 Canadian VoIP 9-1-1 CRTC – Emergency service obligations for local VoIP service providers Canadian carriers offering fixed (static) or native (within the same regional NPA/NXX) VoIP services must provide E9-11- service where it is available Canadian carriers offering VoIP services that are either nomadic (movable) or non-native must provide a level of service functionally comparable to Basic 9-1-1 Essentially treats fixed/native VoIP services the same as wireline E9-1-1 with full ANI/ALI and selective transfer capabilities For the others, calls must first be sent to a 3rd party call center for verbal confirmation of location of the caller; transferred to appropriate PSAP Calls are received at the PSAP without E9-1-1 capabilities and require the agent to verbally convey the location of the caller User inputted location is not allowed in Canada

31 VOIP NENA I3 Call Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG9-1-1)
Why NG 9-1-1? Rapid Technology Explosion Of Calling Devices Used To Call For Help Audio>Text>Pictures>Video>Telematics>?? – Multimedia Increased Volume and Diversity of Emergency Call Information for PSAPs/Responders Need For Interoperability of Systems Need For Open Standards Architecture i.e., Mainstream Technology Legacy E9-1-1 System (30 Years of Service) Cannot Handle Requires “Big Time” Change – Next Generation and NENA I3 All Existing E911 Capabilities Are Maintained in NG 911

NG 911 Includes System Elements, Protocol, Process and Procedures Large Scope, Evolving, Ongoing i.e. “Evergreen” NENA I3 Standard Version /07 Technical Specification First Version NG 911 System Recommended Standard for Functions and Interface Between System Elements

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