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Aftermath of the French Revolution

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1 Aftermath of the French Revolution
Napoleon Bonaparte

2 Early Life -Born 1769 -Corsica
Father was Corsica's representative to the court of Louis XVI. Origins from minor Italian nobility. The room where Napoleon Bonaparte was born.


4 End of Revolution? -1794, National Convention arrests then beheads Robespierre -Reign of Terror Ends -Public opinion moves to the right (conservative aka reactionary) -1795, new government is a 2 house directory and a group of 5 men known as the Directory (moderates) -Bring back order to France

5 Revolution to Napoleon
-Royalist rebels march on National Convention -Napoleon and his troops seized a few batteries of large cannons -Nobles fled Earned sudden fame and wealth. Became a favorite of the Directory

6 Revolution to Napoleon
-1796, Napoleon named general of the army -1799, Directory has lost control and confidence of the French people -Napoleon brings in final phase of revolution when he seizes power in 1799

7 First victories Led a campaign into Egypt
Undermine Britain's access to trade interests in India Establish a French presence in the Middle East Trade route to India. Led a campaign into Egypt Troops found Rosetta Stone

8 Coup d'état Established a group of 3 Consuls
Napoleon was appointed as one of the Consuls. Was made First Consul. In 1800, a plebiscite (yes/no public vote) was held to approve a new constitution He assumed dictatorial powers as a result.

9 Rise to power -Restored peace in France
-French people tired of instability and revolution -Napoleon viewed as a hero -Appealed to sense of nationalism

10 Accomplishments -Created Bank of France
Required all citizens to pay taxes -Overthrew corrupt officials and replaced them -Set up public school system -Encouraged nationalism -Set up Napoleonic Code Uniform set of laws Included ideas from the Enlightenment

11 The Louisiana Purchase
Maintaining American possessions proved to be too hard & costly France was facing bankruptcy Another war with Britain Needed money Decided to sell N. American possessions. Sold territory to the United States (The Louisiana Purchase) Faced with another war with Britain and the bankruptcy of France, he realized that French possessions in North America would be indefensible. Sold them to the United States in The Louisiana Purchase. 11

12 1804- Declared himself “Emperor for Life”

13 -Made his brother, Joseph, King of Spain -Expanded French Empire
-Divorced his wife Josephine and married an Austrian princess to create his own “Bonapartist nobility” Wanted a royal heir -Made his brother, Joseph, King of Spain -Expanded French Empire

14 Napoleon’s Downfall Three costly mistakes Continental System
Peninsular War Invasion of Russia

15 Continental System -Blockade against Great Britain
Closed all ports between GB and Europe -Weakened the British Forced neutral countries to choose sides b/w GB and France -Weakened France’s economy more                                            

16 Peninsular War -Napoleon crowned his brother King of Spain
-Spanish were angry and began guerilla warfare -Napoleon lost 300,000 men -Caused nationalism

17 Invasion of Russia Russia withdrew from the Continental System
Russia’s scorched earth policy Burn grain fields, slaughter livestock Winter hit during his retreat Troops freezing, no food

18 Exile -Britain, Russia, Prussia, Sweden, and Austria made a coalition against Napoleon -Napoleon was defeated, gave up his throne and was exiled to Elba Island -Louis XVI’s brother became King (Louis XVIII)

19 OPEN SEATING I am trying open seating this last part of the 6-weeks. You can choose your own seat but here are the guidelines: Every seat closest to the front must be filled- if we end up with gaps everyone has to move forward to leave back seats empty. If you cannot handle your seat and your seatmates, I will move you around and we won’t do open seating again. Once you pick your seat, please neatly write your name in on the seating chart.

20 Hundred Days -Napoleon’s return to France
-Soldiers still loyal to Napoleon -Last defeat was at Waterloo,

21 He was then exiled to St. Helena where he died in 1821 of “stomach cancer”

22 Napoleon’s Burial Site
L’Hotel National des Invalides

23 Legacy -Rise of nationalism in Europe and Latin America
-Brought order to France -New law code -Education system -Stabilized the economy -Did NOT promote freedom of speech

24 Influence in Latin America (Spain)
Napoleonic invasion of Spain Napoleon appointed his brother king of Spain Disputes within Spain and Spanish colonies over who had true authority Amidst the confusion, the colonists revolted (ex. Mexico in 1821)

25 Influence in Latin America (Portugal)
Napoleonic invasion of Portugal (who controlled Brazil) Portuguese royal family fled to Brazil Brazil became on an equal level with Portugal King declared independence for Brazil Bloodless

26 Influence in Latin America
Creole elite distrust radical revolution Haitian Revolution was very violent Remain mostly Catholic but more tolerant

27 Aftermath in Europe 1815- Congress of Vienna
Goal- restore European balance of power Austrian Prince Metternich presides Establish strong powers around France to prevent another empire being formed (Prussia) Re-establishes power of conservative elite Wanted to restore monarchy in France and unite conservative governments in Europe to defend monarchies and the church

28 Results of Congress of Vienna
Kept Europe stable for ~50 years Unifies nations Political rebellions challenging conservatism emerged 1820- Greek Revolution against Ottomans Ottomans weakened 1830- Belgian, Italian, German Revolutions Only Belgian is successful

29 Political Changes Continue
Bourbon dynasty overthrown for good in 1830 (les Miserables) Middle class liberals still fear a republic-want a constitutional monarchy Invite nobleman Louis Philippe to be “bourgeois king” Hated and abdicates in 1848

30 France in 1848 France becomes republic after Louis Philippe abdicates
Popular presidential candidate=Louis Napoleon (nephew of Napoleon Bonaparte) Once elected, he declares himself Emperor Napoleon III Kicked out of power by Prussia in 1871 (Franco-Prussian War) and France becomes a republic-will remain a republic this time

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