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Cisco Device Hardening

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1 Cisco Device Hardening
Securing Cisco Router Installations and Administrative Access

2 Configuring Router Passwords

3 Configuring Router Passwords
A console is a terminal connected to a router console port. The terminal can be a dumb terminal or a PC with terminal emulation software.

4 Password Creation Rules
Passwords can be 1 to 25 characters in length. Passwords can include: Alphanumeric characters Uppercase and lowercase characters Symbols and spaces Passwords cannot have a number as the first character. Password-leading spaces are ignored, but any spaces after the first character are not ignored. Change passwords.

5 Initial Configuration Dialog
Would you like to enter the initial configuration dialog? [yes/no] y Configuring global parameters: Enter host name [Router]: Boston The enable secret is a password used to protect access to privileged EXEC and configuration modes. This password, after entered, becomes encrypted in the configuration. Enter enable secret: CantGuessMe The enable password is used when you do not specify an enable secret password, with some older software versions, and some boot images. Enter enable password: WontGuessMe The virtual terminal password is used to protect access to the router over a network interface. Enter virtual terminal password: CantGuessMeVTY

6 Configure the Line-Level Password
router(config)# line console 0 line aux 0 line vty 0 4 Enters line configuration mode (console, auxiliary, or vty) router(config-line)# login Enables password checking at login router(config-line)# password password Sets the line-level password Boston(config)#line con 0 Boston(config-line)#login Boston(config-line)#password ConUser1

7 Password Minimum Length Enforcement
router(config)# security passwords min-length length Sets the minimum length of all Cisco IOS passwords Boston(config)#security passwords min-length 10

8 Encrypting Passwords Using the service password-encryption Command
router(config)# service password-encryption Encrypts all passwords in the router configuration file Boston(config)#service password-encryption Boston(config)#exit Boston#show running-config enable password A061E ! line con 0 password F57A109A ! line vty 0 4 password 7 034A18F366A0 ! line aux 0 password 7 7A4F A

9 Enhanced Username Password Security
router(config)# username name password {[0] password | 7 hidden-password} Traditional user configuration with plaintext password router(config)# username name secret {[0] password | 5 encrypted-secret} Uses MD5 hashing for strong password protection Better than the type 7 encryption found in service password-encryption command Boston(config)#username rtradmin secret 0 Curium96 Boston(config)#username rtradmin secret 5 $1$feb0$a104Qd9UZ./Ak007

10 Securing ROMMON with the no password-recovery Command
router(config)# no service password-recovery By default, Cisco routers are factory configured with the service password-recovery set. The no service password-recovery command prevents console from accessing ROMMON. Boston(config)#no service password-recovery WARNING: Executing this command will disable password recovery mechanism. Do not execute this command without another plan for password recovery. Are you sure you want to continue? [yes/no]: yes Boston(config)#

11 Setting a Login Failure Rate

12 Authentication Failure Rate with Login
router(config)# security authentication failure rate threshold-rate log Configures the number of allowable unsuccessful login attempts By default, router allows 10 login failures before initiating a 15-second delay Generates a syslog message when rate is exceeded Boston(config)#security authentication failure rate 10 log

13 Setting a Login Failure Blocking Period
router(config)# login block-for seconds attempts tries within seconds Blocks access for a quiet period after a configurable number of failed login attempts within a specified period Must be entered before any other login command Mitigates DoS and break-in attacks Boston(config)#login block-for 100 attempts 2 within 100

14 Excluding Addresses from Login Blocking
router(config)# login quiet-mode access-class {acl-name | acl-number} Specifies an ACL that is applied to the router when it switches to the quiet mode. If not configured, all login requests will be denied during the quiet mode. Excludes IP addresses from failure counting for login block-for command. Boston(config)#login quiet-mode access-class myacl

15 Setting a Login Delay router(config)# login delay seconds Configures a delay between successive login attempts. Helps mitigate dictionary attacks. If not set, a default delay of one second is enforced after the login block-for command is configured. Boston(config)#login delay 30

16 Verifying Login Displays login parameters and failures
router# show login [failures] Displays login parameters and failures Boston(config)#show login A default login delay of 1 seconds is applied. No Quiet-Mode access list has been configured. All successful login is logged and generate SNMP traps. All failed login is logged and generate SNMP traps. Router enabled to watch for login Attacks. If more than 15 login failures occur in 100 seconds or less, logins will be disabled for 100 seconds. Router presently in Watch-Mode, will remain in Watch-Mode for 95 seconds. Present login failure count 5.

17 Setting Timeouts

18 Setting Timeouts for Router Lines
router(config-line)# exec-timeout minutes [seconds] Default is 10 minutes Terminates an unattended connection Provides an extra safety factor when an administrator walks away from an active console session Boston(config)#line console 0 Boston(config-line)#exec-timeout 3 30 Boston(config)#line aux 0 Terminates an unattended console and auxiliary connection after 3 minutes and 30 seconds

19 Setting Multiple Privilege Levels

20 Setting Multiple Privilege Levels
router(config)# privilege mode {level level command | reset command} Level 0 is predefined for user-level access privileges. Levels 1 to 14 may be customized for user-level privileges. Level 15 is predefined for enable mode (enable command). Boston(config)#privilege exec level 2 ping Boston(config)#enable secret level 2 Patriot

21 Configuring Banner Messages

22 Configuring Banner Messages
router(config)# banner {exec | incoming | login | motd | slip-ppp} d message d Specifies what is “proper use” of the system Specifies that the system is being monitored Specifies that privacy should not be expected when using this system Boston(config)#banner motd % WARNING: You are connected to $(hostname) on the Cisco Systems, Incorporated network. Unauthorized access and use of this network will be vigorously prosecuted. %

23 Configuring Role-Based CLI

24 Role-Based CLI Overview
Traditional approach of limiting CLI access based on privilege levels and enable passwords provided too little control: No access control to specific interfaces Commands placed on a higher privilege level could not be reused for lower-privileged users CLI views provide more granular control. CLI views include accessible commands and interfaces. Access to a view is protected with a secret. Views can be grouped to superviews to create large sets of accessible commands and interfaces.

25 Role-Based CLI Details
Root view is the highest administrative view. Creating and modifying a view or superview is possible only from root view. The difference between root view and privilege 15 is that only a rootview user can create or modify views and superviews. CLI views require AAA new-model: Necessary even with local view authentication View authentication can be offloaded to an AAA server using the new attribute "cli-view-name" A maximum of 15 CLI views can exist in addition to the root view.

26 Getting Started with Role-Based CLI
router# enable [privilege-level] [view [view-name]] Enter a privilege level or a CLI view. Use enable command with the view parameter to enter the root view. Root view requires privilege 15 authentication. The aaa-new model must be enabled. Boston(config)#aaa new-model Boston(config)#exit Boston#enable view Password: Boston# %PARSER-6-VIEW_SWITCH: successfully set to view 'root'

27 Configuring CLI Views parser view view-name
router(config)# parser view view-name Creates a view and enters view configuration mode router(config-view)# password 5 encrypted-password commands parser-mode {include | include-exclusive | exclude} [all] [interface interface-name | command] Sets a password to protect access to the view Adds commands or interfaces to a view Boston(config)#parser view monitor_view Boston(config-view)#password 5 hErMeNe%GiLdE! Boston(config-view)#commands exec include show version

28 Configuring Superviews
router(config)# parser view view-name Creates a (super)view and enters its configuration router(config-view)# password 5 encrypted-password view view-name Sets a password to protect access to the superview Adds a CLI view to a superview Boston(config)#parser view monitor_audit Boston(config-view)#password 5 AnA6TaSiA$ Boston(config-view)#view monitor_view Boston(config-view)#view audit_view

29 Role-Based CLI Monitoring
router# show parser view [all] Displays the current view name The option all: Displays all CLI views configured on the router Is by default available only to root users Can be added to other CLI views router# debug parser view Displays debug messages for all views

30 Role-Based CLI Configuration Example
Boston(config)#aaa new-model Boston(config)#exit Boston#enable view %PARSER-6-VIEW_SWITCH: successfully set to view ‘root’. Boston#configure terminal Boston(config)#parser view first %PARSER-6-VIEW_CREATED:view ‘first’ successfully created. Boston(config-view)#secret 5 firstpass Boston(config-view)#command exec include show version Boston(config-view)#command exec include configure terminal Boston(config-view)#command exec include all show ip Boston(config-view)#exit

31 Role-Based CLI Verification
Boston>enable view first Password: %PARSER-6-VIEW_SWITCH:successfully set to view 'first'. Boston#? Exec commands: configure Enter configuration mode enable Turn on privileged commands exit Exit from the EXEC show Show running system information Boston#show ? ip IP information parser Display parser information version System hardware and software status

32 Role-Based CLI Verification (Cont.)
Boston#show ip ? access-lists List IP access lists accounting The active IP accounting database aliases IP alias table arp IP ARP table as-path-access-list List AS path access lists bgp BGP information cache IP fast-switching route cache casa Display casa information cef Cisco Express Forwarding community-list List community-list dfp DFP information dhcp Show items in the DHCP database drp --More--

33 Secure Configuration Files

34 Secure Configuration Files Introduction
Traditional risk that the configuration and the image are erased after a router compromise: Availability threat (downtime) Need to secure the primary bootset (configuration file and the running image) Also known as the Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration feature Speeds up the recovery process Files must be stored locally Feature can be disabled through a console session

35 Securing Configuration Files
router(config)# secure boot-image Enables Cisco IOS image resilience router(config)# secure boot-config Stores a secure copy of the primary bootset in persistent storage router# show secure bootset Displays the status of configuration resilience and the primary bootset filename Boston(config)#secure boot-image Boston(config)#secure boot-config

36 Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration Feature Verification
Boston#show secure bootset IOS resilience router id JMX0704L5GH IOS image resilience version 12.3 activated at 08:16:51 UTC Sun Jun Secure archive slot0:c3745-js2-mz type is image (elf) []    file size is bytes, run size is bytes    Runnable image, entry point 0x , run from ram IOS configuration resilience version 12.3 activated at 08:17:02 UTC Sun Jun Secure archive slot0:.runcfg ar type is config configuration archive size 1059 bytes

37 Secure Configuration Files Recovery
rommon 1 > dir [filesystem:] boot [partition-number:][filename] Lists the contents of the device with secure bootset Boots up the router using the secure bootset image router(config)# secure boot-config [restore filename] Restores the secure configuration to a filename rommon 1 >dir slot0: rommon 2 >boot slot0:c3745-js2-mz .... Router(config)#secure boot-config restore slot0:rescue Router#copy slot0:rescue running-config

38 Summary Strong passwords and protection of all access methods are essential for router security. Enable secrets should be used in addition or instead of enable passwords for increased password protection. Password-encryption service encrypts all system passwords with Vigenere cipher to protect against shoulder surfing. Enhanced username password security provides a strong MD5 password encryption. Login failure rate and blocking period after login failures mitigate password attacks.

39 Summary (Cont.) Banner messages should warn against unauthorized access. Privilege levels facilitate management by multiple administrators. Role-based CLI provides more manageability than privilege levels. The Cisco IOS Resilient Configuration feature enables a router to secure and maintain a working copy of the running image and configuration so that those files can withstand malicious attempts to erase the contents of persistent storage (NVRAM and flash).


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