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Development Policy and Management

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1 Development Policy and Management
PIA 2501 Week Seven Local Administration and Development: Democracy, Decentralization and the Myth of the Grassroots

2 Reminder: Five Development Themes
Development Theory Development Planning and Management Governance, Local Government and Civil Society Human Resource Development Donors and Development

3 Local Government and Civil Society
Theme Three Governance, Local Government and Civil Society

4 Development Policy and Management WEEK SIX
PIA 2501 Development Policy and Management WEEK SIX

5 Carlos Fuentes and Ruth Prawer Jhabvala

6 John Rapley: University of the West Indies Mona

7 Discussion This Week Sue Ellen Charlton, Women in Third World Development, Chapters 1-2 Carlos Fuentes, “The Cost of Living” (November 11, 1928 – May 15, 2012) Ruth Prawer Jhabvala, “The Interview” (7 May 1927 – 3 April 2013)

8 Who are the Primary authors?
Paul A. Haslam, Jessica Schafer and Pierre Beaudet Introduction to International Development: Approaches Actors and Issues (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2009). Paul A. Haslam, University of Ottawa

9 Both from the University of Ottawa
Pierre Beaudet  Jessica Schafer

10 Terry Buss, Director Carnegie Mellon Heinz School in Australia

11 The Socialist, 1967

12 The Middle View: 2013 The Moderate Interpretation of Development Management Failures Goal: Realistic Decision-Making based on sufficient knowledge (strategic planning) “Mixed Scanning” Balance Public-Private Partnerships


14 Neo-Orthodoxy Development management- development programs are “bad”
Can’t make planning better Neo-Orthodoxy and privatization Market Currencies, Free Trade and Small Government

15 Structural Adjustment Policies 1985-2001 plus….
The Structural Adjustment Argument- Need to stabilize currency and markets (getting the prices right) Promote Free Trade Need to refocus role of state from development to law and order and deregulation Address the problem of Debt and Structural Adjustment reforms (IMF and World Bank)

16 New Emphasis After 1983 Failure of the Central State
NGOs, Private Sector and Civil Society Democracy, Governance and Local Government

17 Three Issues I. Governance II. Local Government III. Civil Society

18 I. Governance Democracy Video

19 Governance

20 Governance and the State
Sovereignty Authority to Govern (Ostrom) Presumption of “Independence” A National Government status given by International Community and by use of International Law "States will necessarily remain central actors in development policy and development management." Milton Esman

21 International Criminal Court

22 The Shift in Development Priorities
Three Post-September 11 Issues: Governance NGOs and Civil Society Human Resource Development

23 Where is Governance?


25 Governance: an Overview of Issues
Focus of International Development: Post-2001: “Democracy and Governance” Human Rights (First Generation-Political) But not second (social) or third (economic)

26 Terms Basic Terms: 1. The Environment of Development
2. Governance-Manner in which the state is created, modified or overthrown 3. Rule of Law


28 Governance and Sovereignty
"[T]ransformation (and globalization) has led to a reinvention of government and what it does“ - Anonymous

29 Sovereignty: What Does it Mean?

30 Governance and Sovereignty
Rules of the Game politics: Zero/sum vs. sum/sum politics "Splintering” Break up of states--centrifugal forces Interest Group Liberalism: The goal? Civil Society as organizational Not the individual or the mass

31 The Nature of Conflict

32 Governance and Sovereignty
The need for apathy? Constitutional vs. Social stability Institutional structures: Checks and balances The Institutional State What is the "Institutional State?” Why is it important?

33 Governance and Democracy
Three Views

34 Types of Democracy: Terms
Direct Democracy Actual direct participation of a population in decision-making about laws and regulations Town hall or village model

35 New England Town Hall

36 Types of Democracy, Continued
Indirect Democracy Some form of representative democracy Pluralism Existence of various diverse interest associations, individuals and groups within society (Focus on Tolerance)

37 Nepal Poster

38 Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy
Problem with Populism Mob Justice Minority rights Shifting majorities Problem with Plebiscites Size and the Need for Indirect Representation


40 James Madison and Democracy: The Warning
The problem with majorities Tyranny Factions

41 Democracy: What is it? "It is only when men learn what it means to be free, and struggle to maintain proper limits upon the exercise of authority so that no one is allowed to become master of the others that human beings have the possibility of creating mutual relationships which they may freely enter and leave as they seek mutually productive patterns of human development." - Vincent Ostrom

42 Vincent Ostrom, Tej Kumari Mahat and Elinor Ostrom

43 Types of Democracy, cont.
Polyarchy Diverse interest associations of society compete with each other over policy issues (Structured Pluralism) Cooperative Movements (or Corporatism) Diverse interest associations cooperate with each other and with organs of the state to make policy (Scandinavia)

44 Robert Dahl (Yale University Born 1915) and Polyarchy

45 Democracy: What is it? “The policy makers have rational interests--to develop their countries, to improve the condition of their people, to acquire or stay in power, or to steal as much as possible.” Peter Berger, Pyramids of Sacrifice

46 Peter L. Berger (Born March 17, 1929, Boston University)
Central to Peter Berger's work is the relationship between society and the individual

47 Review: Governance and the Rule of Law
Albie Sachs VIDEO

48 Ten Minute Break

49 II. Local Government- Focus on Local Administration and Development
Myths of the Grass Roots

50 Governance Issues- Continued
Local Government Defined: Primary unit of government that has both political leadership and bureaucratic structures

51 What Local Government Does

52 CLGF Pacific Local Government Capacity Building Project

53 What Local Government Does?
Services: local roads, sanitation, water, basic health, primary education Depend Upon: Skilled Personnel Fiscal/budget allocation Taxes and transfers Planning Strategic priorities Managing Implementing

54 Local Government and Development: The Goal
Bottom Up Participation Planning vs. politics: myths of participation

55 Decentralized Governance
Subsidiarity- higher units of Government should not do what can be done by lower units Not always about democracy

56 Reinventing Government?

57 Decentralization and Local Government: Models
Devolution- Political Deconcentration- administrative Delegation- autonomous control Privatization- private or non-profit sector


59 Local Government and the Local State
Local State (Local level national authority) vs. Local Government Functional vs. Territorial Control Devolution Urban vs. Rural Urban linked with Rural


61 The Primary Unit of Government
Municipality: Lowest level with Bureaucrats English/American Town vs. county (Rural vs. Urban) Continental European Commune (no distinction between rural and urban)

62 Swedish Local Government Organizations

63 Deconcentration Functional vs. Prefectoral Prefectoral integrated
Prefectoral unintegrated

64 French Prefect

65 Control Systems Prefectoral - Integrated Interior Local Govt.
Public Works Agriculture Education Labor District Office Council/Chief Public Works Office District Ag. Office District Ed. Office District Labor Office

66 Control Systems Prefectoral - Unintegrated Interior Local Govt.
Public Works Agriculture Education Labor Police District Office Police Council/ Chief Public Works Office District Ag. Office District Ed. Office District Labor Office

67 Control Systems Functional Home Affairs Local Govt. Public Works
Agriculture Education Labor Council Public Works Office District Ag. Office District Ed. Office District Labor Office

68 III. Civil Society and Governance
Civil Society: Definition Associations and organizations that are beyond the clan and the family and short of the state (does not include state organs)



71 State Societal Linkages
Central State - Macro Weak Strong SOFT STATE…………………………….PREDATORY STATE State-mezzo Weak Strong Mono-State…...INTERGOVERNMENTAL Systems in place.…..Local State Civil Society - Micro Weak Strong Local - SOFT STATE….………………LOCAL GOVERNMENT


73 The Principle

74 The Goal Learning Process Model--“incrementalism“- theoretical alternatie Bottom up and interactive Village development committees vs. local planning officers Paternalism of the district officer vs. patronage of local level minor networks Street level bureaucrats vs. agents from center


76 Potential Development Themes
Potential areas of development include infrastructure improvement, agricultural productivity, pasture improvement, value adding (product processing), postharvest technology and irrigation system improvement. At the Grassroots

77 Civil Society Definition: "Beyond the family but short of the state”
Networks of organizations, groups and individuals pursuing socio-economic interests "Beyond the family but short of the state” - Hegal "Human Rights, Basic Needs and the Stuff of Citizenship” - First vs. Second and Third generation

78 Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

79 Governance Themes Cultural Issues: Clash of Civilizations and Chaos Theories Samuel Huntington Monte Palmer Jorge Luis Borges V.S. Naipaul Michela Wrong

80 Planning Themes-Authors
Planning vs. Implementation- The Limits of Governance Jeffery Pressman (and Wildavsky)- Local Government Naomi Caiden (and Wildavsky)- Planning vs. Budgeting

81 Development Themes II. Gender and Development- A Democracy and Governance issue Isabel Allende Sue Ellen Charlton Kathleen Staudt

82 And Satire is Important
Capital Steps- They put the Mock in Democracy

83 The Odd Couple: V.S. Naipaul and Paul Theroux
Naipaul, Born, August 17, 1932 in Trinidad. Theroux, Born April 10, 1941 in Medford Mass.

84 Samuel P. Huntington, (April 18, 1927 – December 24, 2008) Harvard University

85 This Weeks Books V.S. Naipaul, A Bend in the River
Paul Theroux, The Mosquito Coast Samuel P. Huntington, Clash of Civilization

86 Next Week’s Readings Picard, Socialism and the Field Administrator”
Susan George, “A Fate Worse than Debt” Chapters 1 and 2

87 Next Week’s Books Deborah Scroggins, Emma’s War
Janine Wedel, Collision and Collusion

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