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Transforming One-Stop Service Delivery Strategies: A Dialogue with Goodwill One-Stops April 28, 2008 11:00am ET.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming One-Stop Service Delivery Strategies: A Dialogue with Goodwill One-Stops April 28, 2008 11:00am ET."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming One-Stop Service Delivery Strategies: A Dialogue with Goodwill One-Stops April 28, :00am ET

2 Virtual Classroom Layout
Attendee List Presentation Slide Area Chat Room Goodwill Webinar April

3 Submitting Questions Chat Room Enter questions into the Chat Room (located in lower left corner of the virtual classroom). To submit a question or comment, type the question in the text box and click the arrow button. Your name, the text “(Submitted Question)” and your question will appear in red on your screen, indicating successful submission. Questions are directly transmitted to presenters – other participants will not see your questions. Text Box Arrow Button Goodwill Webinar April

4 Practice In the chat room, please type the name of your organization, your location, and how many people are attending with you today. Goodwill Webinar April

5 Access to Webinar Materials
The PowerPoint (PPT) Slides used in today’s webinar and a recording of the webinar will be made available to you. Within 2 business days of the session’s conclusion, you will receive an containing links to both the PPT and the recording. Goodwill Webinar April

6 Presenters Gay Gilbert, Administrator, Office of Workforce Investment, Employment and Training Administration Marianne Racca, Resource Development Director, Goodwill International Eric Olsen, National Director of Mission Services, Goodwill International Moderator: Janet Sten, Manager, Division of Workforce System Support, Office of Workforce Investment Goodwill Webinar April

7 Introductions (Marianne Racca)
Welcome! Introductions (Marianne Racca) Background of the partnership between Goodwill International and the Employment and Training Administration (Marianne Racca) Vision and Goals (Gay Gilbert) What we hope to accomplish during today’s Webinar (Gay Gilbert) Goodwill Webinar April

8 Agenda/Objectives Getting Acquainted with Goodwill One-Stop Career Centers (11:15 – 11:25am) Who are your customers? What are your service strategies? What is your relationship with WIBs and the broader Workforce System? ETA’s vision for Driving Transformation How can you align operations and service delivery with plans for transformation? Share promising practices and other ideas from your peers (11:25 – 11:45am) Bringing Transformation Home What it means for your One-Stop – Reactions, Challenges, and Opportunities (11:45am – 12:20pm) Wrap Up and Next Steps (12:20 – 12:30pm) Goodwill Webinar April

9 Getting Acquainted Which of the following best describes your role at the One-Stop? [multiple choice answer] Director or Operator Business services Job Development Research and workforce information Administrative Career Advising Customer greeting Customer assessment On-site training Business or service development Other (use the chat feature to add your role) Polling Question #1 Goodwill Webinar April

10 Getting Acquainted Relationships with local WIBS
Does your Goodwill One-Stop or division serve on the local WIB and/or participate in various WIB committees and activities? Yes No Not applicable Polling Question #2 Goodwill Webinar April

11 ETA’s Talent Development Strategic Evolution


13 Talent Development A comprehensive strategy to develop regional talent development systems that drive regional economic competitiveness, job growth and new opportunities for American workers. Higher Education Workforce System Industry Adult Education Other Lifelong Learning Pre-School, K - 12 Goodwill Webinar April 13

14 Job Training vs. Talent Development
Transactional Individual Jobs that exist NOW Immediate results Workforce System operates more independently Talent Development: Strategic Sector focused Designed to CREATE jobs Longer-term, sustainable results WIS operates with and through partners Transformative in nature Goodwill Webinar April 14

15 Goodwill One-Stop Transformation
Shift from Supply to Demand-Driven Leveraging relationships with employers to consider developmentally disabled job candidates Capitalizing on Goodwill’s reputation with disabled clients Approaching and promoting the work as a sound investment Goodwill Webinar April

16 Transformation Explored
Vertically Transform – From National to State, regional and local policy-makers to service delivery (boardroom to mailroom), we re-think and align our business to strategic initiatives. Horizontally Transform – We align our strategic vision and priorities across “silos” to form dynamic regional alliances – bringing education, employers, economic and workforce development together to plan and execute shared priorities for the benefit of regional growth and security. Goodwill Webinar April 16

17 Vertical Alignment How are you contributing to vertical alignment with other workforce system partners? [Use the chat feature to list strategies] Polling Question #3 Goodwill Webinar April

18 Five Targeted Transformation Areas
1. Workforce System Structure and Governance 2. Your Regional Economy & Talent Pool 3. Workforce Funding Diversification 4. New Service Delivery Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers 5. Change Management & 6. Leadership Goodwill Webinar April 18

19 Understanding Your Regional Economy
Does your One-Stop staff consider the broader regional workforce and economic development context in their day to day operations? Yes No Don’t know or not applicable Polling Question #4 Goodwill Webinar April 19

20 Understanding Your Economy & Talent Pool
How well do you know your local economy? What are the high growth industries in our community? [Indicate by clicking one or more of the following] Hospitality Automotive Services Energy Geospatial Technologies Information Technology Retail Trade Services Financial Services Health Care Advanced Manufacturing Aerospace Construction Biotechnology Transportation Polling Question #5 Goodwill Webinar April

21 Understanding Your Talent Pool
How well do you know your demographics? Would you be able to quantify these pools of labor for potential employers? [Indicate yes by clicking one or more of the following:] Youth years old Seasonal migrant workers Adults with a high school diploma or GED College graduates Adults studying toward an Associates Degree Older workers Individuals with limited English proficiency Adults receiving public assistance Returning Veterans People with disabilities Ex-Offenders (use the chat feature to add other pools of labor) Polling Question #6 Goodwill Webinar April

22 Strategic Partnerships
Does your One-Stop or WIB bring together partners from education, business and industry, and the workforce system to create talent development strategies? Yes No Not Applicable Polling Question #7 Goodwill Webinar April

23 New Service Delivery Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers
Would you say that the staff of your One-Stop is organized by function or by program and funding stream? Function Program/Funding Stream Neither Polling Question #8 Goodwill Webinar April

24 New Service Delivery Strategies for One-Stop Career Centers
How satisfied are you that your career assessment process is aligned with your referral strategies? Very Satisfied Satisfied Not satisfied Not applicable Polling Question #9 Goodwill Webinar April

25 Training Staff about Community Resources
Does your One-Stop train front-line staff about the comprehensive services available in your community? Yes No Not applicable Polling Question #10 Goodwill Webinar April

26 Understanding Your Economy & Talent Pool
Are you using any of these workforce information resources? [Click on any or all of the following] Workforce3One CareerVoyages Competency Model All these resources are available here: (Use the chat feature if you want more information about a particular information tool) Polling Question #11 Goodwill Webinar April

27 Wrap Up ETA will participate in a Goodwill Learning Event in Albuquerque, New Mexico on May 5 to share the White Paper and the ideas, and feedback we received during today’s webinar to carry on the dialogue. ETA will work with the Goodwill International leadership team to continue supporting Goodwill’s service delivery efforts. If you have additional questions or inquiries after the Webinar, please feel free to share them with Marianne Racca. Marianne will connect with ETA to obtain the answers. Goodwill Webinar April

28 Question and Answer Period
Please enter your questions into the Chat Room! Goodwill Webinar April

29 Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded
Spread the Word! Workforce Innovations 2008: Success Decoded July 15 – 17, 2008 New Orleans, Louisiana Contact Elaine Kolodny at or to share ideas and obtain marketing materials Goodwill Webinar April

30 Access to Webinar Materials
The PowerPoint (PPT) Slides used in today’s webinar and a recording of the webinar will be made available to you. Within 2 business days of the session’s conclusion, you will receive an containing links to both the PPT and the recording. Goodwill Webinar April

31 Share Your Ideas with Your Peers!
Simply log on to Workforce3 One and look for the “Share Content” located on the Homepage Share your demand-driven strategic plans, models, innovations, resources, and ideas! Submit your content to Workforce3 One at: Goodwill Webinar April

32 Stay Informed, Get Connected!
Workforce3 One: Communities of practice Live web-based events Register for updates! For more information about the workforce investment system: Visit Call US2-JOBS Goodwill Webinar April

33 THANKS! Goodwill Webinar April

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