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Https:// WEB-BASED LOAD DURATION CURVE Indrajeet Chaubey Purdue University Presented at the EPA Region 5 TMDL Practitioners.

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Presentation on theme: "Https:// WEB-BASED LOAD DURATION CURVE Indrajeet Chaubey Purdue University Presented at the EPA Region 5 TMDL Practitioners."— Presentation transcript:

1 WEB-BASED LOAD DURATION CURVE Indrajeet Chaubey Purdue University Presented at the EPA Region 5 TMDL Practitioners Workshop April 20, 2008

2 Collaborators Christine Urban – EPA Region 5 Bernard Engel, James Hunter, Joseph Quansah, Larry Theller – Purdue University K.J. Lim – Kangwon National University Stacy Goodwin – IDEM Thomas Over - USGS

3 Flow Duration Curve (FDC) Flow Duration Curve (Adapted from USEPA, 2007)

4 Flow Duration Curve (FDC)  Use: Flow patterns variability assessment in historic flow data  Flow Data Source: USGS, modeling, etc.  Analyzing FDC: Hydrologic condition indicator divisions for FDC depends on the local hydrology and the water quality issues: EPA (2007) recommends five hydrologic zones/categories –  High flows (0-10%)  Moist conditions (10-40%)  Mid-range flows (40-60%)  Dry conditions (60-90%)  Low flows (90-100%)

5 Load Duration Curve (LDC)  Use: To understand water quality concentration and load variability for developing TMDLs  Water Quality Data: Federal, State and Educational institutions, watershed practitioners, etc  Water Quality Standard: EPA, Local Stakeholders  LDC Development: LDC = Stream flow *water quality target *conversion factor

6 Load Duration Curve (LDC) Flow Duration Curve (USEPA, 2007) In compliance Out of compliance

7 Web-Based Flow Duration and Load Duration Curve Tool

8 1. Enter/Upload Flow Data for FDC This option lets you enter your own flow data directly on the spreadsheet This option lets you upload your own flow data from an existing file

9 1A. Enter Flow Data for FDC You can type your own Description here Date should be in yyyymmdd format Flow unit can be either cms or cfs Clicking this button will create the FDC

10 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN 1A. Enter Flow Data for FDC FDC – Analysis

11 You can download the dataset by Clicking on this button You can click on the graph/image to save it on your computer 1A. Enter Flow Data for FDC

12 1B. Upload Flow Data for FDC

13 1B. Upload Flow Data for FDC You can click on this button to see Example data format

14 1B. Upload Flow Data for FDC You can browse the file containing Flow data and then click on upload

15 Click this button to Generate FDC 1B. Upload Flow Data for FDC Flow unit can be either cms or cfs You can type your own Description here

16 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN 1B. Upload Flow Data for FDC FDC – Analysis

17 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC 3 This option lets you use Google to select a USGS Gauge and directly upload flow data into the tool This option lets you enter a USGS Gauge number to directly upload flow data into the tool

18 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and /Upload WQ Data for LDC You can click here to retrieve USGS flow data

19 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC 3 Select beginning and Ending dates Click this button to Generate FDC only

20 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC FDC – Analysis

21 3B. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and /Upload WQ Data for LDC You can enter USGS gauge number to retrieve flow data Select beginning and Ending dates Click this button to Generate FDC

22 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN 3B. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC FDC –Analysis

23 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC This option lets you enter your own flow and WQ data directly on the spreadsheet This option lets you upload your own flow and WQ data from an existing file

24 2A. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC You can type your own description here Date should be in yyyymmdd format Flow unit can be either cms or cfs Clicking this button will create the FDC and LDC WQ unit can be ppm, ppb or count/100ml You can type water quality pollutant name here You can enter WQ standard or criteria value

25 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN FDC –Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

26 LDC (2002-2007) for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN FDC – Result Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

27 WQ Target (0.10 ppm) Target Concentration Graph for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, FDC – Result Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

28 You can download the dataset by Clicking on this button FDC – Result Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

29 2B. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

30 2B. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC You can type your own Description here Date should be in yyyymmdd format Flow unit can be either cms or cfs Clicking this button will create the FDC and LDC WQ unit can be ppm, ppb or count/100ml You can type water quality pollutant name here You can enter WQ standard or criteria value

31 LDC (2002-2007) for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN FDC – Result Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

32 WQ Target (0.10 ppm) Target Concentration Graph for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, FDC – Result Analysis 2. Enter / Upload Flow and WQ Data for LDC

33 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC This option lets you use Google to select a USGS Gauge and directly upload flow data into the tool This option lets you enter a USGS Gauge number to directly upload flow data into the tool

34 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and /Upload WQ Data for LDC You can here to retrieve USGS flow data

35 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC Select beginning and Ending dates Click this button to Generate LDC Flow unit can be either cms or cfs You can type your own Description here You can enter WQ standard value WQ unit can be ppm, ppb or count/100ml You can type water quality pollutant name here

36 3A. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC Select beginning and Ending dates Click this button to Generate LDC

37 Flood Conditions 100 cfs Flow Duration Curve (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN FDC –Analysis 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC

38 LDC (2002-2007) for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN FDC – Result Analysis 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC

39 WQ Target (0.10 ppm) Target Concentration Graph for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, FDC – Result Analysis 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC

40 You can download the dataset by Clicking on this button FDC – Result Analysis 3. Retrieve USGS Flow Data and Enter /Upload WQ Data for LDC

41 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC This option lets you use Google to select a USGS Gauge and directly upload flow data into the tool This option lets you enter a USGS Gauge number to directly upload flow data into the tool Enter Watershed Area-Ratio

42 You can click here to retrieve USGS flow data 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC

43 Select beginning and Ending dates Click this button to Generate LDC Flow unit can be either cms or cfs You can type your own Description here You can enter WQ standard value WQ unit can be ppm, ppb or count/100ml You can type water quality pollutant name here 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC

44 FDC (2002-2007) for USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN with Watershed Ratio of 0.75 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC

45 LDC for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN with Watershed Ratio of 0.75 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC

46 4. Using USGS Flow Data * Drainage Area Ratio and Entered /Uploaded WQ Data for LDC WQ Target (0.10 ppm) Target Concentration graph for Ammonia at USGS Gauge 04180000, Cedar Creek, IN with Watershed Ratio of 0.75

47 5. Enter Flow and WQ Data for LDC with Surface-runoff and Estimated Loads Date should be in yyyymmdd format Flow unit can be either cms or cfs WQ unit can be ppm, ppb or count/100ml You can type your own Description here Select Aquifer Type


49 5. Enter Flow and WQ Data for LDC with Surface-runoff and Estimated Loads

50 5. Enter Flow and WQ Data for LDC with Surface-runoff and Estimated Loads

51 Please visit the link below for most up to date information on FDC and LDC

52 Please visit the link below Please visit the link below for most up to date information on FDC and LDC most up to date information on FDC and LDC

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