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Design and Delivery of Gigabit Residential Services

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1 Design and Delivery of Gigabit Residential Services
BICSI Sydney Design and Delivery of Gigabit Residential Services Dr Walter Green

2 Summary The need for Gigabit/s services
The need for a new design methodology for Gigabit/s services Cost Implications and the National Backhaul network Note For this presentation 100 Mbit/s is defined as a low or slow data rate

3 Packet Throughput Up to 100 Mbit/s the bandwidth is the most important factor controlling throughput Above 100 Mbit/s latency becomes more significant Above 1 Gigabit/s latency is the most dominant factor controlling throughput for the existing Australian backhaul network

4 Packet Throughput Assume packet length of 1400 bytes or 11,200 bits
At 1 Gigabit/s this equates to 90 packets per millisecond hence a 1 millisecond delay can act as a significant throttle on throughput The above figures show that many countries need a new approach to the design and implementation of the backhaul network

5 Node Backhaul Design Goals
Design goals should include Minimum number of electro-optical converters Minimum number of switches As many point to point links as possible Separate data links for 100Mbit/s services

6 Current Network Limitations
Current network limitations show that There is a lack of affordable 1 Gigabit/s links End users can peak at 800 Mbit/s and their average data rates are approximately 600 Mbit/s The size of most file transfers are between 100 Megabytes and 10 Gigabytes The traffic patterns for Gigabit users are significantly different to slow speed users

7 Designing for Gigabit Residential Networks
Designing for Gigabit residential networks requires a different approach to standard network fibre design, and in particular cannot be implemented cheaply using underground splitters Key Design Criteria are :- Provision for separate 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gigabit/s last kilometre links [House to Hub] Separate 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gigabit/s links to node [Hub to Node] and Point of Interconnect [POI]

8 Current Practices At present the best approach is to use Fibre Hubs with fibre ports and 12 core fibres to underground breakout boxes i.e. each house has it's own Fibre to the Fibre Hub Each Fibre Hub has separate 100 Megabit/s and Gigabit/s links to the Node or Point of Interconnect [POI] This enables Gigabit customers to be patched into circuits dedicated for Gigabit Traffic

9 Network Configuration
End user ONT Node and/or POI Fibre Distribution Hub

10 Cost Comparison The difference in cost between installing a 100 Mbit/sec service and a 1 Gigabit/sec service is less than $200 for suburban lots with a road frontage between 20 ‑ 40 m The price increase is due to the more expensive ONT The main operating increase in cost is the backhaul link between the Node and the Retail Service Provider (RSP) or Point of Interconnect Note Business Users pay ≈ $1,000 per 10 Megabit/s pm

11 Reliability of Services
There are 4 Single Points of Failure in PON connection Reliability of Services is also an issue and the Star configuration of current fibre networks is not sufficiently reliable for Gigabit end-users What is required is a means for creating a ring network with two feeds into each 8  way splitter. A solution is available and discussions are in progress to produce a prototype that can also support 64 or 128 [100 Mbit/s] end users per splitter

12 End User Alarms and Remote Monitoring
A second problem is the remote monitoring of user equipment such as power, fire, burglar and lift alarms A logical solution is to use the Internet of Things technology, however suitable protocols have not been developed [and may not be developed] A solution and a new protocol have been proposed and negotiations are in progress to see if the solution is viable

13 Multiple Backhaul Links
Where multiple backhaul links are required between the POI and Service Provider, [especially between carriers] special attention is required at each interface The main criteria is to reduce delays between the two switches Relying on Packet Priority settings does NOT work

14 National Backhaul Design Goals
Use IPv6 to improve packet throughput Provide capacity for separate streaming, low data rate and Gigabit/s services Use 40 Gigabit/s Fibre links where ever possible Use 40 Gigabit/s Fibre ports for connections between switches


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